Starfield Shattered Space

Concealment Skill Rank Up Guide

Concealment is a Master Physical skill in Starfield. Read on to learn the effects of the Concealment skill, how to unlock and rank up the Concealment skill, and the backgrounds that know it.

Concealment How to Unlock and Overview

Concealment Skill Overview

Concealment Skill
Starfield - Concealment Skill Skill Tree:
Few skills capture the imagination like the ability to remain undetected, used by assassins, special forces operatives, and simple thieves alike for centuries.

How to Unlock Concealment

Spend 12 Skill Points in the Physical Tree

As Concealment is a higher-tier Master skill, it is unlocked by spending a total of 12 skill points in the Physical skill tree before it can be learned.

How to Farm Skill Points Fast

Backgrounds with the Concealment Skill

There are no backgrounds that start with the Concealment skill.

List of All Backgrounds

How to Rank Up Concealment Skill

All Rank Challenges and Effects

Rank Challenge Effects
1 Spend a total of 12 Skill Points in the Physical tree. You no longer set off enemy mines. Ranged sneak attacks do 2.5x normal damage and your melee sneak attacks do 4x normal damage.
2 Perform 10 melee/unarmed sneak attacks. Running while sneaking doesn't affect stealth. Ranged sneak attacks do 3x normal damage and your melee sneak attacks do 5x normal damage.
3 Perform 30 melee/unarmed sneak attacks. You gain a Chameleon-like ability when completely still and sneaking. Ranged sneak attacks do 3.5x normal damage and your melee sneak attacks do 8x normal damage.
4 Perform 75 melee/unarmed sneak attacks. Engaging stealth causes distant enemies to lose you. Ranged sneak attacks do 4x normal damage and your melee sneak attacks do 10x normal damage.

Sneak Attack Enemies Unarmed or with a Melee Weapon

Starfield - Sneak Attack Enemies Unarmed or with a Melee Weapon
To complete the Concealment Rank Up Challenge, you must perform a certain number of sneak attacks to enemies with a melee weapon or with an unarmed attack. Melee sneak attacks with ranged weapons will not count towards the challenge.

Sneak Attack Important NPCs that Do Not Die

Starfield - Sneak Attack Important NPCs that Do Not Die
The fastest method to complete the Concealment rank challenge is to do an exploit that involves sneak attacking important NPCs that do not die for unlimited times.

To do this exploit, first find an NPC that does not get hostile, does not die, and is in a place where no one can witness you. Such NPCs can be sneak attacked countless times until they fall to their knees. After a while, they will stand, having regained their health. At this point, you can sneak attack them again until you complete the challenge.

It is important only to attack the NPC if you appear Hidden in the Stealth Bar. Attacking the NPC while you are Detected will not only not trigger a sneak attack but will also put a bounty on you. Also, do not attack the NPC while you are too close, as they will sometimes detect you for attacking them and will also put a bounty on you.

Here are some NPCs whom you can do the sneak attack exploit and their locations:

NPC Name Location
Anya Griffon Centurion Arsenal, New Atlantis
Cornelius Townnard Outland, New Atlantis
Dr. Alexei Lebedev Reliant Medical, New Atlantis

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3 Anonymousover 1 year

Try this method using the Alien Reanimation Power:

2 Anonymousover 1 year

use a novablast disruptor to stun human targets. Then use your melee weapon. Counts as a sneak attack


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