Starfield Shattered Space

Research Methods Skill Rank Up Guide

Research Methods is a Novice Science skill that reduces the required crafting resources and speeds up the completion of research projects in Starfield. Read on to learn the effects of the Research Methods skill, how to unlock and rank up the Research Methods skill, and the backgrounds that know it.

Research Methods How to Unlock and Overview

Research Methods Skill Overview

Research Methods Skill
Starfield - Research Methods Skill Skill Tree:
By skilfully employing both new and time tested methods, a researcher may complete projects faster, and even gain unexpected insights.

How to Unlock Research Methods

Spend a Skill Point to Unlock Skill

As Research Methods is a Novice skill, it can be learned without having to spend skill points on other skills in the Science skill tree. You just need to spend a skill point on Research Methods to learn it.

Backgrounds with the Research Methods Skill

The Research Methods skill is automatically learned by the following backgrounds:

Industrialist Professor

List of All Backgrounds

How to Rank Up Research Methods Skill

All Rank Challenges and Effects

Rank Challenge Effects
1 - Resources required to craft items and complete research projects is reduced by 10%.
2 Craft 5 unique food, drinks, drugs, weapon mods, or equipment mods. Resources required to craft items and complete research projects is reduced by 20%.
3 Craft 10 unique food, drinks, drugs, weapon mods, or equipment mods. Resources required to craft items and complete research projects is reduced by 40%.
4 Craft 15 unique food, drinks, drugs, weapon mods, or equipment mods. Sudden developments during research are twice as common. Resources required to craft items and complete research projects is reduced by 60%.

Craft Different Items to Complete the Challenge

Starfield - Bandage Craft for Research Methods
In the challenge's description, the term "unique items" refers to different items and mods that you have never crafted before.

This does not refer to any rarity of items such as Unique Weapons or Unique Armors, or the unique components you can craft in the Industrial Workbench.

Where to Craft Different Items

Craftable Item Workbench
Food and Drinks Cooking Station
Drugs Pharmaceutical Lab
Weapon Mods Weapon Workbench
Equipment Mods Spacesuit Workbench

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