Starfield Shattered Space

Wanted Trait - Is It Worth It?

Wanted is a Trait that you can have in Starfield. Read on to learn if it's worth it to get the Wanted trait, how to use and remove it, as well as its incompatible traits.

How to Use Wanted Trait

Wanted Effects

Starfield -  Wanted
Someone put a price on your head, and word has spread. Occasionally, armed mercenaries will show up and try to kill you, but being cornered gives you an edge - when your health is low, you do extra damage.

Best Traits

Bandits Ambush You Regularly

The Wanted Trait can be useful as an extra source of gear and other Resources. Early on they start off stronger than you so you may have to evade them until you're on even footing.

Increased Damage on Low Health

The second half of the Wanted Trait increases the damage you deal when on low health. This should help you finish fights faster, but it's better to be on the safe side and use Aid and Food Items instead if you want damage buffs.

All Aid Items All Food and Drinks

Good for Unarmed Build

If you're going for an Unarmed build, it's worth picking up Wanted for the damage boost on low health. The extra loot and resources you can get from bandits will also add up.

Best Unarmed Build

How to Remove Wanted Trait

Pay 3,000 Credits to Any Tracker Alliance Agent

Starfield - Tracker Alliance Agent

You can remove the Wanted Trait by by talking to any Tracker Alliance Agent at a main city and paying them 3,000 credits to pay off your bounty.

How to Remove Traits

Wanted Incompatible Traits

No Incompatible Traits

Wanted has no incompatible traits, so it can be used in combination with any other trait.

Is Wanted Worth It?

Worth Trying But Niche

Tier Explanation
B Good ・High-risk
high-reward and may ruin plans.

Wanted is a high-risk, high-reward trait that will be best for those who can survive firefights easily. The increased damage should help beat enemies faster, but you need to stay at low health. You'll also need to stay alert for bounty hunters that may randomly appear to take advantage of your near-death state.

Best Traits

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Traits

List of All Traits

All Traits Guides

Traits Guides
Best Traits How to Remove Traits

List of Traits

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Alien DNA
Starfield -  Dream Home Trait
Dream Home
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Starfield -  Extrovert Trait
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Freestar Collective Settler
Starfield -  Hero Worshipped Trait
Hero Worshipped
Starfield -  Introvert Trait
Starfield -  Kid Stuff Trait
Kid Stuff
Starfield -  Neon Street Rat Trait
Neon Street Rat
Starfield -  Raised Enlightened Trait
Raised Enlightened
Starfield -  Raised Universal Trait
Raised Universal
Starfield -  Serpent
Serpent's Embrace
Starfield -  Spaced Trait
Starfield -  Taskmaster Trait
Starfield -  Terra Firma Trait
Terra Firma
Starfield -  United Colonies Native Trait
United Colonies Native
Starfield -  Wanted Trait


1 Anonymousover 1 year

damage boost not working. i dont get extra damage on low health


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