Starfield Shattered Space

What is the Vanguard Motto? All Lou Answers Guide

Lou the bartender will ask you the meaning of the UC Vanguard Motto in Starfield during Delivering Devils quest. Read on to learn the meaning the UC Vanguard Motto and find out the correct answer! to the question!

Meaning of Vanguard Motto Choices and Consequences

Starting Dialogue

Choice Consequences
I'm on official Vanguard business. I need him to look at something. Lou will ask a question about the UC Vanguard Motto to confirm your identity.
I'm making a delivery for Hadrian Sanon. Look, I even have proof she sent me. Unconfirmed
Terrormorphs might be threatening the galaxy. I need Percival's help to stop them. Lou won't cooperate and tell you to back off. It will lead to more choices after this

You can start this by talking to Lou during the Delivering Devils quest. If you identify as a UC Vanguard, he will ask you about their motto to prove it. If you choose to say the line about Terrormorph, you will avoid getting the question, but you can still progress the same way.
Delivering Devils Rewards and How to Unlock

Meaning of the UC Vanguard Motto Choices

Choice Consequences
[Sarah Morgan] I can vouch for this one. Sarah will take over and vouch your identity, avoiding the question.
You need Sarah on your team to get this option.
Over and Above. This is a wrong answer.
Far Beyond This is a wrong answer.
Above and Beyond Correct answer. Lou will trust you and give you a chance to help Percival. He will tell you Percival's location after doing it.

The meaning of the UC Vanguard Motto is Above and Beyond. Answer it correctly to gain the cooperation of Lou and find out more about Percival. You can also use Sarah to vouch for you if she's on your party.

Choose the Terrormorph Option to Avoid the Question

Choice Consequences
[Sarah Morgan] You can drop the act. We simply need a moment of his time. Allow Sarah to take over and handle the situation. Lou will eventually give in.
Please. Lives could be at risk here. Just tell me where I can find him. Unconfirmed
Look, I've got credits, you've got information. We can work this out. He will disagree but eventually give you information how to help and see Percival.

You can choose the Terrormorph option from the Starting Dialogue to avoid getting the question and progressing the quest. The result won't be different if you choose to identify as a UC Vanguard unit and answering the question correctly.

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