Starfield Shattered Space

All Shattered Space New Weapons

Starfield - All Shattered Spaace New Weapons

This is a list of all new weapons in Starfield Shattered Space. Read on for the stats of all 6 new DLC weapons, how to get them, and how to use their item IDs.

All New Weapons in Shattered Space

All New Weapons

There are 6 new weapons you can obtain in the Shattered Space DLC, all of which are Va'ruun weapons. Select a weapon to jump to its section!

New Weapons Weapon Type
Starfield -Va'ruun Starstorm Heavy Weapon
Starfield -Va'ruun Penumbra Heavy Weapon
Starfield -Va'ruun Quickstrike Laser Pistol
Starfield -Va'ruun Schimaz Melee Weapon
Starfield -Va'ruun Starlash Laser Rifle
Starfield -Va'ruun Longfang Laser Rifle

List of All Weapons and Stats Explained

Va'ruun Starstorm

Weapon Damage Ammo
Heavy Weapon Phys & Engy Heavy Particle Fuse
Magazine Fire Rate Range Mods
80 120 40 6
Accuracy Mass Value
53.5% 11.40 13519
How to Get
Obtain by looting Vortex Phantoms or found on crates and weapon racks (Oracle) of the Shattered Space DLC.

The Va'ruun Starstorm is a fully automatic heavy laser weapon that needs to charge up before it can fire nonstop, shredding enemies to bits. It is fantastic at DPS but consumes a lot of Heavy Fuse ammunition.

Va'ruun Starstorm ID and Location

Va'ruun Penumbra

Weapon Damage Ammo
Heavy Weapon Phys & Engy N/A
Magazine Fire Rate Range Mods
8 12 40 6
Accuracy Mass Value
68.60% 10.00 39750
How to Get
Obtain by looting Vortex Phantoms or found on crates and weapon racks (Oracle) of the Shattered Space DLC.

The Va'ruun Penumbra consumes 20mm Particle Rocket ammunition and explodes into spherical AoE damage. It fires very slowly and may not be the best option for long-range fights, or versus melee enemies.

Va'ruun Penumbra ID and Location

Va'ruun Quickstrike

Weapon Damage Ammo
Laser Pistol Engy 1.5KV LZR Cartridges
Magazine Fire Rate Range Mods
20 50 30 6
Accuracy Mass Value
69.30% 1.80 12459
How to Get
Obtain by looting Vortex Phantoms or found on crates and weapon racks (Oracle) of the Shattered Space DLC.

The Va'ruun Quickstrike is a fast-firing laser pistol that delivers quick, semi-automatic Energy damage, and is a great back-up weapon for close to mid range firefights in tigher spaces.

Va'ruun Quickstrike ID and Location

Va'ruun Schimaz

Weapon Damage Ammo
Melee Weapon Phys N/A
Magazine Fire Rate Range Mods
Accuracy Mass Value
2.00 42225
How to Get
Obtain by looting Vortex Phantoms or found on crates and weapon racks (Oracle) of the Shattered Space DLC.

The Va'ruun Schimaz is a new melee weapon that hits rather slowly and deals moderate physical damage. It is best used from stealth and recommended for players who have built up their melee skills.

Va'ruun Schimaz ID and Location

Va'ruun Starlash

Weapon Damage Ammo
Laser Rifle Engy 3KV LZR Cartridge
Magazine Fire Rate Range Mods
12 20 50 6
Accuracy Mass Value
70.70% 4.00 18655
How to Get
Obtain by looting Vortex Phantoms or found on crates and weapon racks (Oracle) of the Shattered Space DLC.

The Va'ruun Starlash is a slow-firing semi-automatic laser rifle that deals tremendous damage per hit and is great against larger targets or sniping enemies from semi-long-distance.

Va'ruun Starlash ID and Location

Va'ruun Longfang

Weapon Damage Ammo
Laser Rifle Engy 3KV LZR Cartridge
Magazine Fire Rate Range Mods
30 75 50 7
Accuracy Mass Value
70.20% 5.20 19680
How to Get
Obtain by looting Vortex Phantoms or found on crates and weapon racks (Oracle) of the Shattered Space DLC.

The Va'ruun Longfang is a burst-fire style weapon that fires 3 rounds per shot, and is far more efficient than the Starstorm at saving ammunition.

Va'ruun Longfang ID and Location

Unique Weapons

Weapon Type Stats
Starfield - The FangThe Fang's Rifle Laser Rifle Dmg Type: Engy
Ammo: 3KV LZR Cartridge
Mag: 30
Fire Rate: 94
Range: 50
Accuracy: 74.10%
Mass: 7.00
Value: 26020
Mod Slots: 7
Starfield - SpeakerSpeaker's Judgment Laser Rifle Dmg Type: Engy
Ammo: 3KV LZR Cartridge
Mag: 8
Fire Rate: 20
Range: 55
Accuracy: 86.10%
Mass: 6.05
Value: 21562
Mod Slots: 6

There are 2 unique new weapons you can obtain the the DLC: The Fang's Rifle, which can be obtained by looting Maaliya Hajtal after the Legacy of the Fang quest, and Speaker's Judgment, which you can loot from a chest at the center of the Citadel crater at the end of the DLC.

All Unique Weapon Locations

Vortex Grenades

Grenade Details
Vortex Grenade - BindingVortex Grenade - Binding Phys: 1
Mass: 0.20
Value: 600
ID: 01000823
Effect: Explodes and freezes enemies in place.
Vortex Grenade - ChargedVortex Grenade - Charged Phys: 56
Engy: 85
Mass: 0.20
Value: 600
ID: 01000824
Effect: Explodes and does damage like a conventional grenade.
Vortex Grenade - LureVortex Grenade - Lure Phys: 2
Mass: 0.20
Value: 800
ID: 01000821
Effect: Summons a Vortex Horror.
Vortex Grenade - PhasingVortex Grenade - Phasing Phys: 1
Mass: 0.20
Value: 800
ID: 01000822
Effect: Phases out targets in the explosion.
Vortex Grenade - UnstableVortex Grenade - Unstable Phys: 1
Mass: 0.20
Value: 600
ID: 01000802
Effect: Has unpredictable effects.

There are five Vortex Grenades you can craft in Starfield: Shattered Space, each with its own unique effect. Choose which one is right for you depending on your situation in combat.

All Vortex Grenade Types

New Weapons IDs

Item IDs and Console Commands

Weapon Item ID
Console Command
Starfield - VaVa'ruun Starstorm 0100EEE4
player.additem 0100EEE4
Starfield - VaVa'ruun Penumbra 0100EF65
player.additem 0100EF65
Starfield - VaVa'ruun Quickstrike 010B577F
player.additem 010B577F
Starfield - VaVa'ruun Schimaz 0100ED92
player.additem 0100ED92
Starfield - VaVa'ruun Starlash 010FFC55
player.additem 010FFC55
Starfield - VaVa'ruun Longfang 010F8F7F
player.additem 010F8F7F

On PC: To spawn any of the above weapons, press the tilde (~) key to open console commands, then type the above code.
Console Commands List and Best Cheats

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Starfield - Shattered Space DLC

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List of All DLC Guides

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All Shattered Space New Weapons All Shattered Space Armor
All Shattered Space Apparel All Shattered Space IDs
Shattered Space Best Weapons Shattered Space Best Armor
Shattered Space Unique Weapons and Armor All Vortex Grenade Types
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DLC Release Time All New Items
Where to Find Redeemed -


2 Anonymous6 months

Just click on the links for the individual weapons for the item IDs

1 Anonymous6 months

Pleas new DLC weapon IDs.


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