Starfield Shattered Space

List of All Ship Manufacturers

List of All Ship Manufacturers

This guide is a list of all the different ship manufacturers in Starfield. Read on to learn more about each Ship Manufacturer, what Ship Manufacturers are, and if there are any differences between each Ship Manufacturer.

List of All Ship Manufacturers

Manufacturer Specialties Location
Deimos Cockpits
Ballistic Weapons
Deimos Staryard
Nova Galactic Cockpits
・Ship Technician in New Homestead
Stroud-Eklund Habs
Stroud-Eklund Showroom, Stroud-Eklund Staryard
HopeTech ・Structural
・Ship Technician in Hopetown, HopeTech Showroom
Taiyo Astroneering Cockpits
Taiyo Astroneering Showroom
Amun Dunn Reactors ・Found in most ship part vendors.
Ballistic Solutions Inc. Fuel Tanks
Ballistic Weapons
・Found in most ship part vendors.
Deep Core Grav Drives
Cargo Holds
・Found in most ship part vendors.
Dogstar Reactors ・Found in most ship part vendors.
Horizon Defense ・Ballistic and Energy Ship Weapons ・Found in most ship part vendors.
Light Scythe ・Energy Ship Weapons ・Found in most ship part vendors.
Nautilus Fuel Tanks
・Found in most ship part vendors.
Panoptes Engines ・Found in most ship part vendors.
Protectorate Systems Cargo Holds ・Found in most ship part vendors.
Reladyne Engines
Grav Drives
・Found in most ship part vendors.
Sextant Shield Systems Shielded Cargo The Den
Red Mile
The Key
Shinigami ・Energy Ship Weapons ・Found in most ship part vendors.
Slayton Aerospace Engines
Grav Drives
・Ship Technician in Hopetown
Stroud-Eklund Staryard
Xiang Reactors ・Found in most ship part vendors.

What are Ship Manufacturers?

Ship Parts Producers

Starfield - Ship Manufacturer Sample

Ship manufacturers are companies that produce different ship parts. Some manufacturers offer their parts to bigger companies, and some only sell their specialized parts from their showrooms, staryards, or select space ports.

When modifying your ship, the manufacturer logo of a highlighted part will be visible on the left side of the screen.

List of All Ship Parts

Ship Manufacturer Differences

While the differences between companies are not clear, each company will have its unique design language and priority in ship stats. It's also possible that your ship will gain exclusive bonuses when equipped with multiple parts from the same company.

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