Starfield Shattered Space

All That Money Can Buy Bug Fixes and Walkthrough

Starfield - All That Money Can Buy

All That Money Can Buy is a main quest in Starfield. See how to unlock All That Money Can Buy, bugs, rewards, and how to complete it.

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All That Money Can Buy Rewards and Unlock Condition

How to Unlock and Rewards

Starting Location Neon, Volii Alpha
Recommended Level 5
Prerequisites None
Previous Quest Into the Unknown
Next Quest Starborn
Rewards EXP: 400
Credits: N/A

All That Money Can Buy Walkthrough and Objectives

All That Money Can Buy Objectives ▼
1 Talk to Walter Stroud
2 Travel to Neon
3 Talk to Walter Stroud
4 Check In at Stroud-Eklund HQ
5 Talk to Issa Eklund
6 Ask About Security
7 Check the Door Controls
8 Investigate the Seller
9 Search the Seller's Sleepcrate
10 Talk to Walter Stroud
11 Go to the Astral Lounge
12 Talk to Walter Stroud
13 Locate the Seller
14 Talk to Walter Stroud
15 Negotiate for the Artifact
16 Head to the Entrance
17 Talk to Issa Eklund
18 Go to Slayton Aerospace HQ
19 Find a Way to the Next Floor
20 Talk to Walter
21 Go to the Next Floor
22 Climb the Trade Tower
23 Confront Nicolaus Slayton
24 Talk to Musgrove
25 Go to the Ship
26 Talk to Walter Stroud
27 Take Off From Neon

1-2. Travel to Neon

Starfield - Tell Walter You

Talk to Walter Stroud and tell him you're ready to go to Neon city. Board your ship and go to the planet Volii Alpha in the Volii System, and then land at the city.

Neon City Map, Shops, and Location Guide

3-4. Check In at Stroud-Eklund HQ

Starfield - Cross the Bridge to Neon

Upon landing in Neon, cross the bridge and run past the security outpost, then take the elevator that leads to the city's main district.

Starfield - Building with Glass Doors

Exit the lift and head right until you reach a building with glass doors on the ground floor. Go inside, enter the elevator to the right, and select Stroud-Eklund Corporate HQ.

5-6. Ask About Security

Starfield - Boone Morgan

After talking to Issa and Walter, go back to the lobby, enter the Astral Lounge, and talk to the bartender, Boone Morgan.

Ask him about the security options and he will recommend the VIP package. You'll then have to pay him 4000 Credits, but this can be discounted to 1000 Credits if you successfully persuaded him.

7. Check the Door Controls

Starfield - VIP Balcony Door Controls

In the Astral Lounge, ride the elevator all the way up to the VIP Balcony. Access the computer and bypass the Novice-security level. Once you've hacked the terminal, open the Remote Door Control file to find out that you can only use the door controls once.

8. Investigate the Seller

Starfield - James Newill

Exit the building and go to the main shopping district. Look for a store called Newill's Goods on the left side of the walkway and talk to James Newill.

Ask him about the meeting between him and Walter and he'll request for 2000 Credits in exchange for information. You can avoid having to pay him by persuading him out of it!

9. Search the Seller's Sleepcrate

Starfield - Ebbside Door

To look for the Seller's Sleepcrate, go across Newill's store, search for a Trade Authority sign, and enter the door beside it with the words ”Ebbside” written on top of it.

Starfield - Sleepcrate Computer Access

Follow the waypoint that leads to a locked door and pick the lock to open it. Access the computer inside and read the Personal Correspondence Files to locate the sleepcrate.

10-12. Go to Astral Lounge

Starfield - Walter by the Entrance of Astral Lounge

Report back to Walter at the Stroud-Eklund HQ then go to the Astral Lounge. Speak to Walter again and he'll brief you on instructions on how to look for the seller.

13-14. Locate the Seller

Starfield - Musgrove Briefcase

Look for an NPC named Musgrove standing near the bar with a large briefcase beside him. Approach him and tell him the code word, ”Ramsay and Travers”, to let him know that you're the buyer. After this, speak to Walter Stroud again by the entrance of the lounge.

14-15. Negotiate for the Artifact

Starfield - Musgrove and Walter Deal

Meet Walter and Musgrove in the VIP Balcony. Musgrove will want double the money before handing out the artifact.

From here, you can trigger the doors to close to prevent him from leaving, or call the security force to threathen him. Once he's settled down, he'll go along with the original offer.

16. Head for the Entrance

Starfield - Slayton Agent

As you leave the meeting room, a Slayton Agent will stop you and demand the artifact back. You can convince him to stand down, send the security force to take him away, or just attack and kill him straight up.

17-18. Go to Slayton Aerospace HQ

Starfield - Slayon Office Receptionist

Issa will stop you by the exit to tell you that Slayton has placed a bounty on you and Walter. Leave the lounge and take elevator to Slayton Aerospace.

19. Find a Way to the Next Floor

Starfield - Executive Level Access Code

Speak to receptionist, Ryleigh, you can convince her to arrange an appointment with Slayton, or you can choose to be violent and kill everyone in the HQ.

If you didn't succeed with the persuasion, you can steal an Executive Level Access Code in the office nearby and use it to ride the elevator to the Executive Level.

20-21. Go to the Next Floor

Starfield - Air Vents at Slayton HQ

While going up, you'll be trapped inside by Slayton. Luckily enough, Issa paid the security consultant and got control of the PA system.

Once the doors open, follow her instructions as you navigate through the air ventilation system and hallways of the building, while avoiding all the robots and security force.

22. Climb the Trade Tower

Starfield - Climb the Trade Tower

Upon reaching the rooftop, make your way up the Trade Tower while fighting Slayton's security force. Once you reach the highest point of the tower, enter the door leading up to the Slayton Aerospace.

23. Confront Nicolaus Slayton

Starfield - Confront Nicolaus Slayton

Climb on top of one of the elevators and it should lead you to the room where Nicolaus Slayton will be waiting for you.

Here, you can kill him, or let him and Walter set an arrangement to be business partners. If you chose the latter, Slayton will ask you to deal with Musgrove.

24. Talk to Musgrove

Starfield - Deal with Musgrove

Go to the security office to decide what to do with Musgrove. You'll be given three choices: Let him go, send him to jail, or kill him.

25-26. Go to the Ship

Starfield - Travel Back to Your Ship

Fast travel back to your ship and you'll have a brief conversation with Walter to access if partnering with Slayton is a good deal or not.

27. Take Off From Neon

Starfield - Helix Demands

When taking off from Neon, a ship called Helix will approach you and demand over the Artifact.

As you receive the choice of surrendering the artifacts or grav jumping to escape the ship, the quest will abruptly end here and will begin the Starborn quest.

All That Money Can Buy Bug Fixes

Patch Update Fixes Quest Blocking Bug

There was a bug that you can encounter during All That Money Can Buy where the quest is blocked or does not progress. Fortunately, Starfield released Update Version 1.7.29 last September 13, 2023 that addressed this issue.

All Bugs, Glitches, and Known Issues

All That Money Can Buy Previous and Next Quest

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Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Main Quests

List of All Main Quests

All Main Quest Walkthroughs

# Main Quest Unlockables
1 One Small Step ・The Lodge
2 The Old Neighborhood ・Unlock Sarah Morgan as companion
3 The Empty Nest ・Unlock Sam Coe as companion
4 Back to Vectera ・Unlock Barrett as companion
5 Into the Unknown ・Unlock Andreja as companion
・Anti-Gravity Field
6 All That Money Can Buy None
7 Starborn ・Artifact
8 Further Into the Unknown None
9 Short Sighted None
10 No Sudden Moves None
11 High Price to Pay ・Armillary
12 Unity None
13 In Their Footsteps None
14 Final Glimpses ・Artifact
15 Entangled None
16 Unearthed None
17 Missed Beyond Measure None
18 Revelation ・Artifact
19 One Giant Leap ・New Game Plus
20 Among the Stars None
21 Foreknowledge None


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