Starfield Shattered Space

Simeon Bankowski How to Recruit and Romance Guide

Starfield - Simeon Bankowski How to Recruit and Romance Guide
Simeon Bankowski is a companion and crew member of your ship in Starfield. Read on for a full character overview of Simeon Bankowski, a list of all their skills and whether Simeon Bankowski is a romance option.

Simeon Bankowski Overview

Companion Profile

Simeon Bankowski Overview
Starfield - Simeon Bankowski Profile: A weapon tester working for MAST. A keen sharpshooter who is proficient with rifles.
Faction: None
Romance Option: No
How to Get: Head to the Viewport in New Atlantis

How to Recruit Simeon Bankowski

Head to the Viewport in New Atlantis

Starfield - Recruiting Simeon Bankowski
You can recruit Simeon by finding him at the Viewport, which is located in New Atlantis. You need to pay him quite a hefty fee before he joins you as a companion.

Note that you can lower a companion's recruitment fee by successfully persuading them to do so.

Simeon Bankowski Skills

All Companion Skills

Skill Rank
Sniper CertificationSniper Certification ★★

Is Simeon Bankowski a Romance Option?

Simeon Bankowski is Not Romanceable

Simeon Bankowski is not a romance option in Starfield and you won't be able to start a relationship with them.

All Romance Options

Best Assignments for Simeon Bankowski

Best as a Companion

Simeon has one of the most offensive kits as a companion, perfect for providing combat aid in missions. He can deal high damage from a distance with the synergy of Sniper Certification, Sharpshooting, and Marksmanship.

Simeon is definitely worth the buck if you're looking to make combat missions easier.

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