Starfield Shattered Space

Sam Coe Romance Guide: All Likes and Dislikes

Starfield - Sam Coe Companion Guide

Sam Coe is crew member and possible romance option in Starfield. Read on to learn how to romance Sam Coe, his likes and dislikes, how to recruit and where to find Sam Coe, and his skills.

Sam Coe Romance Guide and Walkthrough

How to Romance Sam Coe
How to Unlock Romance Dialogue Options
Likes and Dislikes

Romanceable After Matters of the Hart

Starfield - Show Sam the Victor Compound Slate
Sam Coe becomes a romanceable companion once you finish his companion quest Matters of the Hart.

After completing his quest, speak with Sam Coe in the Lodge and choose the Romance dialogue to start romancing him.

Matters of the Hart Walkthrough

Sam Coe Romance Dialogue Options

Sam Coe Dialogue Response
"And now... I'm just getting sappy. You're a bad influence, you know that?" (Flirt) "Oh, I have my wiles, Mr. Coe"
"Had a partner, Lillian Hart... We were like fire and ice, but... Well, that wasn't all bad." (Flirt) "You had a partner before? I'm jealous."
"She shot me down, hard. Hurt my pride. More than a little. But she was probably right." "If you were that unhappy, you did the right thing."
"I want to be a Coe that finds something deep out there. Solomon got us here, in a big way." (Flirt) "I could listen to you talk like that for hours, handsome."
"Oh, hell, this is tougher than I thought it was going to be." "No matter what happened, Sam, I'm in your corner."
"Sometimes the way she looks at me... I'm not worthy of that. But to see that look gone..." (Flirt) "Just know I'm here for you, Sam. With all my heart. Always."

Solomon Coe's Shadow

Sam Coe's Dialogue
"And now... I'm just getting sappy. You're a bad influence, you know that? "
Flirt " Oh, I have my wiles, Mr. Coe. "

After getting Sam Coe's approval to a significant level, you can talk to him where he'll open up more about himself and how he feels like he lives under the shadow of his ancestor, Solomon Coe.

Progress his dialogue and choose the Flirt option to express your romantic interest in him.

Sam Coe's Former Partner

Sam Coe's Dialogue
"Had a partner, Lillian Hart... We were like fire and ice, but... Well, that wasn't all bad. "
Flirt " You had a partner before? I'm jealous. "

Continue increasing Sam Coe's approval and he'll eventually reveal more about his past and his former partner, Lillian Hart and how his daughter Cora wasn't exactly planned.

Progress his dialogue and choose the Flirt option to further express your romantic interest. He'll also mention that he'll eventually share more about his Lillian chapter soon.

Splitting Up With Lilian

Sam Coe's Dialogue
"She shot me down, hard. Hurt my pride. More than a little. But she was probably right. "
"If you were that unhappy, you did the right thing."

After Sam Coe opens up about his former partner, Lilian, he will share more details about his past and how it affected Cora.

To increase Sam Coe's approval, reply with If you were that unhappy, you did the right thing. and he will like your response.

Sam Coe's Purpose

Sam Coe's Dialogue
" I want to be a Coe that finds something deep out there. Solomon got us here, in a big way."
Flirt " I could listen to you talk like that for hours, handsome."

Sam Coe tells you that he wants to discover something that can inspire others to get out of their comfort zones and to explore new experiences.

Progress the dialogue and reply with the Flirt option to get a like from Sam Coe.

Sam Coe's Past

Sam Coe's Dialogue
"Oh, hell, this is tougher than I thought it was going to be. "
"No matter what happened, Sam, I'm in your corner."

Sam Coe will try to open up to you about his past and what he did when he was younger. Side with him and reply with No matter what happened, Sam, I'm in your corner. to receive a like from Sam Coe.

Telling Cora the Truth

Sam Coe's Dialogue
"Sometimes the way she looks at me... I'm not worthy of that. But to see that look gone..."
Flirt "Just know I'm here for you, Sam. With all my heart. Always."

After Sam Coe tells you about his past, he tells you that he is worried about telling the truth to Cora when she gets older. Reply with the Flirt option (Just know I'm here for you, Sam. With all my heart. Always.) and he will like your response.

Sam Coe Likes and Dislikes

Same Coe Likes

Starfield - Sam Coe Likes

Sam Coe's daughter, Cora, means the world to him, and being positive about her is something he loves. He is also a former Freestar Ranger, so having the Freestar Collective Settler opens up more dialogue options as you share a common upbringing. He also prefers bringing criminals to justice rather than pardoning them out of compassion.

  • Donating credits to Cora's book fund when first talking to her.
  • Donate 20000 credits to Taye's mom, Anna Imani in the residential area of Cydnonia.
  • Joining the Freestar Rangers.
  • Agreeing with Jaylen Pryce about justice and law in Neon when talking to him during the Shadows in Neon quest.
  • Choosing the Aceles option when asked how to deal with the Terrormorphs in A Legacy Forged.
  • Telling the Cabinet to open and access the Armstice Archives during Eyewitness.
  • Persuading Shaw to stand down in The Empty Nest.
  • Telling Mei Devine that the Red Mile was a cakewalk after completing Run the Red Mile.
  • Sending Musgrove to jail during All That Money Can Buy.
  • Rejecting Ron Hope's bribe and agreeing to take him in during The Hammer Falls.
  • Siding with UCSysDef during Legacy's End.
  • Convincing the Ryujin Board Members to shelve the Internal Neuroamp during Executive Level.
  • Rejecting Maldonado's offer and siding with Bonifac during Missed the Mark.

Sam Coe Dislikes

Starfield - Sam Coe Justice

Sam Coe is a man of justice, and can't stand letting criminals roam free. Like most other members of Constellation, committing violent crimes will certainly make him angry at you.

How to Recruit Sam Coe

Clear The Empty Nest

Starfield - Recruiting Sam Coe

Sam Coe joins you as a companion throughout The Empty Nest mission. He can be recruited along with his daughter, Cora, to join your crew once you finish the quest.

The Empty Nest Walkthrough and Rewards

Sam Coe Overview

Companion Profile

Sam Coe Overview
Starfield - Sam Coe Profile: Former space cowboy, now explorer and member of Constellation
Faction: Constellation
Romance Option: Yes
How to Get: Clear The Empty Nest

Sam Coe Skills

All Companion Skills

Skill Rank
PilotingPiloting ★★★★
Rifle CertificationRifle Certification ★★★
PayloadsPayloads ★★

Best Assignments for Sam Coe

Great in Ships and Exploration

Sam Coe has Rank 4 in Piloting which should allow you to fly Class C ships. The Payloads skill is also great to have for the increased cargo capacity if you're transporting lots of goods.

However, his skills don't really benefit outposts, so he's best brought along as ship crew or as a companion.

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1 lyndonabout 1 year

Sam also likes if you tell Oktai Enbayar during Delivering Devils, that you're not there to collect debts for the Trade Authority


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