Starfield Shattered Space

Search and Seizure Rewards and How to Unlock

Starfield - Search and Seizure

Search and Seizure is a side quest in Starfield. See how to unlock Search and Seizure, rewards, and how to complete it.

Search and Seizure Rewards and Unlock Condition

How to Unlock and Rewards

Planet Started Jemison, Alpha Centauri
Location UC Security Office
Prerequisites None
Quest Giver Sergeant Yumi
Rewards EXP: 200
Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits

Search and Seizure Walkthrough and Objectives

Main Objectives

  1. Speak to the port workers
  2. Obtain the ship records from Aegis
  3. Read the slate and identify the Smuggler's Ship
  4. Report to Sergeant Yumi
  5. Obtain the Contraband
  6. Report to Sergeant Yumi

1. Speak with Port Workers

Starfield - Speak with Workers

Go to the Spaceport in New Atlantis and speak with the port workers. You will eventually encounter a worker that is monitoring a potential smuggler's ship.

The quest only appears after finishing Eyewitness, and the other UC Vanguard quests that precede it.

Eyewitness Rewards and How to Unlock

2. Obtain the Ship Records from Aegis

Starfield - Obtain Ship Records

After getting information from the worker, head over to Aegis (Agent Plato) and try to obtain the Ship Records. You can find him inside of MAST, on the Defense Research floor.

3. Read the Slate and Identify the Smuggler's Ship

Starfield - Read the Slate

Read the slate you got from Agent Plato to identify the smuggler's ship, which carries "Potatoes". You can find it easily through the New Items tab in your inventory.

4. Report to Sergeant Yumi

Starfield - Talk to Yumi

Yumi Question Answer
Do you know the name, by any chance? Anansi

Report to Sergeant Yumi about your lead on the smuggler's ship. Select "Anansi" from the ship names to get the correct answer.

5. Obtain the Contraband

Starfield - Obtain Contraband

Head over to the smuggler's ship and get the contraband from the ship's inventory. The ship's captain, Malawi, will try to bribe you to get away with it. You can accept it to get additional Credits or do the right thing and report her to Sergeant Yumi.

If you do not accept Malawi's Bribe, you can loot the Anansi after dealing with Malawi. Keep in mind that the Anansi will only appear during the events of this quest, so it is best to take everything you need before reporting to Sergeant Yumi, as the Anansi will disappear by then.

(Optional) Bargain With the Captain for 2500 Credits

Starfield - Bargain with Malawi

Malawi will offer you credits to not report her contraband. This can be an easy way to earn yourself an extra 2500 Credits, and can be further doubled to 5000 Credits with enough points in the Negotiation Skill.

6. Report to Sergeant Yumi

Starfield - Report to Yumi

Report to Sergeant Yumi and tell him what happened on the ship. The dialogue options will change depending on your choice, accepting the bribe or not, when you get back to Sergeant Yumi.

The rewards from this quest won't give you additional items even if you snitch on Malawi and turn over the contraband.

Starfield Related Guides

UC Vanguard Questline

Quest Rewards
1 Supra Et Ultra EXP: 275
2 Grunt Work EXP: 250
UC Vanguard Pilot Pack
UC Space Helmet
UC Spacesuit
3 Delivering Devils EXP: 250
4 Eyewitness EXP: 350
5 Friends Like These EXP: 350
・UC Citizen ID
The Well Apartment
6 The Devils You Know EXP: 150
7 War Relics EXP: 250
8 Hostile Intelligence EXP: 350
9 A Legacy Forged EXP: 350
Mercury Tower Penthouse

UC Vanguard Optional Quests

Quest Rewards
1 Preventive Action EXP: 125
2 Search and Seizure EXP: 200
3 Two Tales Two Cities EXP: 200
4 Vanguard: Bug Hunt EXP: 150
5 Apex Predator EXP: 150
6 Vanguard: Safer Skies EXP: 125


2 Anonymousover 1 year

im never given the option to increase price to 5000, only get option to say thank for 2.5k or fight her.

1 Anonymousover 1 year

With the Wanted trait you can talk her down and avoid violence.


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