Starfield Shattered Space

Outpost Engineering Skill Rank Up Guide and How to Fix Bug

Outpost Engineering is an Expert Science skill in Starfield that allows you to construct better outpost modules. Read on to learn the effects of the Outpost Engineering skill, how to unlock and rank up the Outpost Engineering skill, and the backgrounds that know it.

How to Fix the Outpost Engineering Bug

Build Outpost Structures to Finish The Rank 2 Challenge

Starfield - Build a Hab or Display

The challenge to unlock the 2nd Rank of Outpost Engineering Skill seems to be bugged or, at least, misworded. Building certain types of modules would not count towards the "Build 5 different outpost modules" challenge.

We are able to confirm that only building modules from the Structures tab will count towards this rank challenge. After leveling the skill to Rank 2 all other modules will begin to count towards your Outpost Engineering skill challenge as expected.

Outpost Engineering How to Unlock and Overview

Outpost Engineering Skill Overview

Outpost Engineering Skill
Starfield - Outpost Engineering Skill Skill Tree:
Proper construction of habitation modules is essential to one's survival on any alien world.

How to Unlock Outpost Engineering

Spend 8 Skill Points in the Science Tree

As Outpost Engineering is a higher-tier Expert skill, it is unlocked by spending a total of 8 skill points in the Science skill tree before it can be learned.

How to Farm Skill Points Fast

Backgrounds with the Outpost Engineering Skill

There are no backgrounds that start with the Outpost Engineering skill.

List of All Backgrounds

How to Rank Up Outpost Engineering Skill

All Rank Challenges and Effects

Rank Challenge Effects
1 Spend a total of 8 Skill Points in the Science tree. You can construct improved outpost modules, and research additional modules at a Research Lab.
2 Build 5 different outpost modules. You can research and construct superior outpost modules
3 Build 25 different outpost modules. You can research and construct cutting-edge outpost modules.
4 Build 50 different outpost modules. Outpost modules now cost 50% fewer resources to build.

Build Unique Outposts Modules from the Structure Tab To Unlock Rank 2

Starfield - Build Unique Structure Outpost Modules
The in-game challenge description for Rank 2 of Outpost Engineering is misleading. Progressing the challenge for Rank 2 only works for building Outpost Structure Modules located on the Structures tab when in build mode. This would also work for building the variants for each structure module.

Building one outpost structure and four variants of the hallways module would be the best way to finish this challenge while saving on resources and materials.

Build Unique Outpost Modules from any Tab to Unlock Ranks 3 and 4

Starfield - Build Any Other Unique Outpost Module
After Rank 2, completing the challenges will be more straightforward. Building any Outpost Module you have not built yet will count towards the challenge. Since any module would work, it is best to build the cheapest modules like the ones in the Furniture or Decorations tab to complete the challenge.

Remove Outpost Modules to Build New Ones

One strategy to finish this challenge without spending materials is to build one of the available Poster Outpost Decoration, which costs one Structural and one Ornamental. After building the poster to the wall, remove the poster to claim back the materials. Then, after getting back the materials, you can build a variant of the poster to progress the challenge while not spending any materials. You can do this to similar modules, such as the Warning Sign, Rug, or Chair modules, which all have several variants.

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