Starfield Shattered Space

Burden of Proof Walkthrough and All Evidence Locations

Starfield - Burden of Proof

Burden of Proof is a side quest in Starfield. See a list of all evidences, how to unlock Burden of Proof, rewards, and how to complete it.

Burden of Proof Rewards and Unlock Condition

How to Unlock and Rewards

Planet Started Jemison, Alpha Centauri
Location MAST District
Prerequisites Speak to Commander Ikande during the Deep Cover mission.
Quest Giver Lieutenant Toft
Rewards EXP: 50
Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits ・Memento Mori

Burden of Proof Walkthrough and Objectives

Main Objectives

  1. Retrieve evidences pertaining to the Crimson Fleet's illegal activities.
  2. Return the Evidences to Lieutenant Toft

List of All Evidence and Locations

Evidence Location
Naeva Meetup
Cydonia, Mars, Sol System
Found on a table behind Adler Kemp
Carter's Gig
During Echoes of the Past
Marked as a main objective item during Echoes of the Past.
Warden's Log
During Echoes of the Past

Found in the Warden's Office during the mission.
Dumbrosky’s Embezzlement Scheme
During Breaking the Bank

Obtained by paying Gabriel Vera for the evidence.
Request Denied
During Breaking the Bank

Found in the Captain's Quarters on the second floor of the Siren of the Stars ship.
Huan’s Talk
During The Best There Is

Found in Kay's House in New Atlantis, The Well. Located Near a fridge in the kitchen area.
Eubanks and Woods
During The Best There Is

Located at the computer and storage room of Gabriel Vogel's lab at the end of the mission.
Request A17
The Key, Kryx System

Found inside Jazz's Ship Service shop.
Mira’s Demise
The Key, Kryx System

Located in one of the bunks on the first floor.
Voss’s Parts
The Key, Kryx System

Found near Delgado's Computer at the upper level.
Gennady Ayton
During Doctor's Orders

Located on top of a cabinet behind the Doctor you're supposed to talk to during the mission.
Message For Bog
During Reclaiming the Past

Marked as a main objective item during Reclaiming the Past.
GBLR013: Mortem Obire
During Eye of the Storm

Located beside Jasper Kryx's corpse.
Chunks Heist
Red Mile, Porrima III, Porrima System

Found on the bar table.
Gagarin Landing, Gagarin, Alpha Centauri System

Located on the bar table at Lizzie's Bar.
HopeTown Raid
Hopetown, Polvo, Valo System

Located at the bar table of Pit Stop outside of HopeTech building.
Kreet Offer
The Den, Chthonia, Wolf System

Found on top of a table as soon as you enter The Den.
The Big Score
During Absolute Power

Located at the bedroom on the first floor of Madam Sauvage's Place in Neon.
Meeting With Bayu
During Absolute Power

Found inside the safe in the offices of the Generdyne Industries.
Ayumi’s Offer
During Absolute Power

Located at the Euphorika, behind the bar on the 2nd floor.

Return 15 Evidences to Lieutenant Toft to Get Memento Mori

You need at least 15 Evidence Slates to give back to Lieutenant Toft to receive the Memento Mori pistol.

Keep in mind that you must finish this quest before Legacy's End, because this quest and its rewards will no longer be available if you side with the Crimson Fleet.

Memento Mori - How to Get and Stats Overview

Starfield Related Guides

Crimson Fleet Questline

Quest Rewards
1 Deep Cover EXP: 250
2 Rook Meets King EXP: 250
Pirate Swashbuckler Gear
3 Echoes of the Past EXP: 350
・UC Prison Shuttle
4 Breaking the Bank EXP: 350
5 The Best There Is EXP: 250
・UC Citizen ID
The Well Apartment
6 Absolute Power EXP: 350
7 Eye of the Storm EXP: 350
8 Legacy’s End EXP: 350

Crimson Fleet Optional Quests

Quest Rewards
1 Burden of Proof EXP: 50
2 Doctor's Orders EXP: 100
3 Reclaiming the Past EXP: 75


3 Anonymousover 1 year

By the way there’s one more evidence, I’m Bog’s quest “burden of truth” when you open the chest to get the ring he wants there’s another piece of evidence related to Bog

2 Anonymousover 1 year

If anyone turns in 15 or more evidence and completes all UC Sysdev missions siding with the UC and still doesn’t complete the quest, try talking through all of Loft’s dialogue options and get her to talk about her past. Once she talks about her past in full (new options appear a few times) then she’ll give you the reward and the mission completes in your log.


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