Starfield Shattered Space

Best Companions and Followers

Starfield - Best Companions and Crew Members

This page lists the best companions and crew members to use in Starfield. Read on for a list of the best companions and crew members ranked for combat, space battles, ship assignment, outpost assignment, stealth, and looting.

Best Companions and Followers

Best Overall
Starfield - Sarah MorganSarah Morgan Starfield - Sam CoeSam Coe
Best for Combat Best for Ship Assignment & Space Combat
Starfield - Marika BorosMarika Boros Starfield - BarrettBarrett
Best for Stealth & Looting Best for Outpost Assignment
Starfield - AndrejaAndreja Starfield - LinLin

Best Overall: Sam Coe & Sarah Morgan

Starfield - Sarah MorganSarah Morgan Skills:
Astrodynamics ★★★★
Lasers ★★★
Leadership ★★
Starfield - Sam CoeSam Coe Skills:
Piloting ★★★★
Rifle Certification ★★★
Payloads ★★

Both Sam Coe and Sarah Morgan are the best companions to pick overall due to their wide breadth of skills that cover combat, ship efficiency, and resource gathering.

Sarah's Astrodynamics and Sam's Piloting skills will give your ship an edge in space, whilst Sarah's Lasers and Sam's Rifle Certification give them an edge in ground combat. Botany and Geology are also good to have for extra resources while exploring.

How to Recruit Sam Coe & Sarah Morgan

Sarah Morgan will join you during The Old Neighborhood quest. She'll be available for recruitment after the quest.

Sam Coe joins your party during The Empty Nest quest, and you're able to recruit him to join your crew after the quest.

Best for Combat: Marika Boros

Starfield - Marika BorosMarika Boros Skills:
Ballistics ★★
Shotgun Certification
Particle Beam Weapon Systems

Marika Boros is the best companion to choose for ground combat. Her Ballistics and Shotgun Certification skills give her an edge in gunfights, making her an excellent companion to go on missions with you.

How to Recruit Marika Boros

You can find Marika Boros in the Viewport Bar at New Atlantis. Her recruitment requires a fee, but you can lower the price through successful persuasion.

Best for Ship Assignment and Space Combat: Barrett

Starfield - BarrettBarrett Skills:
Starship Engineering ★★★★
Particle Beam Weapon Systems ★★★
Robotics ★★

Barrett, with his engineering skills, will be perfect for space battles, and for assigning to your ship. His Starship Engineering and Particle Beam Weapon Systems skills are tailored to maximize the efficiency of your starship and keep it in good shape.

How to Recruit Barrett

Barrett will return in The Lodge and is recruitable after finishing the Back to Vectera quest when you rescue him from his captors.

Best for Stealth and Looting: Andreja

Starfield - AndrejaAndreja Skills:
Stealth ★★★★
Particle Beams ★★★
Energy Weapon Systems ★★

If you prefer to operate in the shadows and stealth kill all enemies but want to bring along someone who won't draw attention, Andreja is the perfect companion. She's able to turn invisible while sneaking and even packs damage boosts on the ground and for the ship.

How to Stealth Kill Enemies

How to Recruit Andreja

You'll be able to recruit Andreja after finishing the quest Into the Unknown as you retrieve the Artifact there.

Best for Outpost Assignment: Lin & Heller

Starfield - HellerHeller Skills:
Outpost Engineering ★★★
Starfield - LinLin Skills:
Outpost Management ★★★

Lin and Heller are both experienced Argos miners, making them the best companions to assign to your outposts. Heller's Outpost Engineering allows for better modules, while Lin is knowledgeable in Outpost Management to make operations more efficient.

How to Recruit Lin & Heller

You can recruit both Lin and Heller during the Back to Vectera quest on different parts of the quest.

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - List of Companions and Crew Members

List of All Companions and Crew Members

Companions Guides

All Companions Guides
Best Companions and Crew Members

All Companions and Crew

List of Companions and Crew Members
Starfield - Sarah MorganSarah Morgan Starfield - Sam CoeSam Coe
Starfield - BarrettBarrett Starfield - VascoVasco
Starfield - Marika BorosMarika Boros Starfield - HellerHeller
Starfield - Adoring FanAdoring Fan Starfield - AndrejaAndreja
Starfield - Rafael Aguerro IconRafael Aguerro Starfield - Rosie Tannehill IconRosie Tannehill
Starfield - Mickey Caviar IconMickey Caviar Starfield - Jessamine Griffin IconJessamine Griffin
Starfield - Sophia Grace IconSophia Grace Starfield - Dani Garcia IconDani Garcia
Starfield - Lin IconLin Starfield - Simeon Bankowski IconSimeon Bankowski
Starfield - Gideon Aker IconGideon Aker Starfield - Moara Otero IconMoara Otero
Starfield - Andromeda Kepler IconAndromeda Kepler Starfield - Omari Hassan IconOmari Hassan
Starfield - Amelia Earhart IconAmelia Earhart Starfield - EzekielEzekiel
Starfield - Lyle BrewerLyle Brewer Starfield - Betty HowserBetty Howser
Starfield - Erick Von PriceErick Von Price Starfield - Mathis CastilloMathis Castillo-
Starfield - Major Hadrian SanonMajor Hadrian Sanon Starfield - Autumn MacMillanAutumn MacMillan
Starfield - Alternate SelfAlternate Self -

All Non-Companion Characters

List of Non-Companion Characters
Starfield - NoelNoel Starfield - Walter StroudWalter Stroud
Starfield - Matteo KhatriMatteo Khatri Starfield - Vladimir SallVladimir Sall


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