Starfield Shattered Space

Andreja Romance Guide: All Likes and Dislikes

Starfield - Andreja Companion Guide.png

Andreja is crew member and possible romance option in Starfield. Read on to learn how to romance Andreja, her likes and dislikes, how to recruit and where to find Andreja, and her skills.

Andreja Romance Guide

How to Romance Andreja
How to Unlock Romance Dialogue Options
Likes and Dislikes

Romanceable After Divided Loyalties Quest

Starfield - Divided Loyalties
Andreja becomes a romanceable companion once you finish her companion quest Divided Loyalties.

After completing her quest, speak with Andreja in the Lodge and choose the Romance dialogue to start romancing her.

All Romance Options

Romance Dialogue Options

Andreja Dialogue Response
"I lack his... charm. He puts others at ease. I fear my presence does the opposite." (Flirt) "Trust me. You have a lot going for you."
"My parents, and their parents before them, did not believe in anyone outside our family could be trusted or relied upon." "Getting by on your own is admirable."
"What I am trying to say is that I now wonder whether it has been the right decision to distance myself from others." "I'm here for you if you need me."
"Telling you this violates so many of the orders I was given, but... It was the right thing to do. I can feel that." "You're still just Andreja, far as I'm concerned."
"What I have left out, until now, is that all of that was done on behalf of House Va'ruun, my people. My family." (Serpent's Embrace Trait only) "I am very familiar with House Va'ruun, my sister. I serve the Great Serpent as well."
"I need to finally pursue this. I would like you with me when I do. I do not know what we will find, but I know it will be easier with you at my side. " (Flirt) "I would do anything for you, Andreja."
"I have never been able to count on any single person the way I have with you. If I am repeating myself, you will have to forgive me. I just cannot overstate what it means to me. " (Romance) "I'll always be here for you. I love you."
"Thank you for talking me through this. It only serves to remind me how much you mean to me, how deeply I care about you." (Commitment) "I think it's time we make this official."

Fitting In with Constellation

Andreja's Dialogue
"I lack his... charm. He puts others at ease. I fear my presence does the opposite."
Flirt "Trust me. You have a lot going for you."

After getting Andreja's approval to a significant level, an Activity called Talk to Andreja will appear on your quest log. Speak with her and she will commend you at how easy you have acclimated to Constellation and the other members.

Progress her dialogue and when she mentions how Vladimir's charm can win over the other organization members despite his past as a Crimson Fleet member, choose the Flirt option to express your romantic interest in her.

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Finding Purpose

Andreja's Dialogue
"My parents, and their parents before them, did not believe in anyone outside our family could be trusted or relied upon."
"Getting by on your own is admirable."

Continue increasing Andreja's approval and Talk to Andreja will appear on your quest log again. Speak with her and she'll open up a bit about her past as someone who grew up outside the Settled Systems and about finding her purpose.

Nudge the dialogue towards her experience growing up and her family, and she'll mention that her family is distrustful of anyone outside their circle.

Reply with Getting by on your own is admirable and Andreja will like your response and how you and her now have a common cause and purpose with Constellation.

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Trusting Others

Andreja's Dialogue
"What I am trying to say is that I now wonder whether it has been the right decision to distance myself from others."
"I'm here for you if you need me."

Speak with Andrea once you get the Talk to Andreja activity on your quest log and she'll confide that she now regrets not placing her trust on other people in the past and how it has unintentionally distanced herself.

When she says that she wonders if it was right of her to distance herself from others, reply with I'm here for you if you need me to get a like from Andreja.

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Revealing Her Past

Andreja's Dialogue
"Telling you this violates so many of the orders I was given, but... It was the right thing to do. I can feel that."
"You're still just Andreja, far as I'm concerned."

Speak with Andrea once you get the Talk to Andreja activity and she will reveal that she is a member of House Va'ruun and that she was initially a double agent sent to infiltrate Constellation, but she has not sent back information regarding the Artifacts.

Progress her dialogue and reply with You're still Andreja, far as I'm concerned to get a like from Andreja.

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Serpent's Embrace Background

Andreja's Dialogue
"What I have left out, until now, is that all of that was done on behalf of House Va'ruun, my people. My family."
Great Serpent "I am very familiar with House Va'ruun, my sister. I serve the Great Serpent as well."

You will have unique dialogue responses if you have the Serpent's Embrace trait, with Andreja expressing surprise at meeting a fellow member outside of House Va'ruun.

When Andreja first reveals herself as a member of House Va'ruun, respond with the Serpent's Embrace dialogue option to get a like from her. This amounts to 2 likes from this conversation if you have the Serpent's Embrace trait.

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Divided Loyalties

Andreja's Dialogue
"I need to finally pursue this. I would like you with me when I do. I do not know what we will find, but I know it will be easier with you at my side. "
Flirt "I would do anything for you, Andreja."

Speak with Andreja when the Talk to Andreja activity shows up and she'll confide that she has some unsettling memories of her past, mainly all the friends she abandoned and never checked on due to how House Va'ruun considers outsiders lost and unworthy.

Andreja will mention that one day, she'll want to reestablish contact with her friends and hopes that you'll be with her when she does. Choose the Flirt to affirm your romantic interest and start her Divided Loyalties quest.

Note: After finishing Andreja's dialogue, you cannont dismiss her until you finish Divided Loyalties.

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Romancing Andreja

Andreja's Dialogue
"I have never been able to count on any single person the way I have with you. If I am repeating myself, you will have to forgive me. I just cannot overstate what it means to me. "
Friendship "That's what best friends are for, isn't it?"
Romance "I'll always be here for you. I love you."

At the end of the Divided Loyalties quest, you can speak with Andreja in the Lodge where she will tell you how happy she is that you helped her.

You are given two dialogue options, one for Friendship and Romance. Choose I'll always be there for you. I love you to take Andreja as a romantic partner.

Once romanced, a Flirt dialogue option is always present when conversing with Andreja in the Lodge or as an active companion.

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Andreja's Dialogue
"Thank you for talking me through this. It only serves to remind me how much you mean to me, how deeply I care about you. "
Commitment "I think it's time we make this official."

Continue increasing Andreja's affinity and she'll eventually ask to talk to you again, with her confiding about her uneasiness regarding her beliefs. As a member of House Va'ruun, she explains that she is assured a place by the Great Serpent's side whereas non-believers are lost.

Respond with positive and hopeful comments, and you'll eventually get a Commitment dialogue for marriage. She'll then tell you to wait a bit so she can respond with an appropriate gesture.

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Andreja Likes and Dislikes

Andreja Likes

Andreja is a headstrong companion who is amicable but cautious when talking about her past. She prefers dialogue options that are firm and assertive, and also doesn't judge a person based on their background.

  • Tell Hadrian that you don't judge her past during the first part of the Eyewitness quest.
  • Tell the House Va'ruun Ambassador that the information he gives will not paint House Va'ruun in an evil light during the Friends Like These quest.
  • Choose the Jail option when dealing with Musgrove during the All That Money Can Buy quest.
  • Responding to Jaylen Pryce that justice and law are absolutes when talking to him during the Shadows in Neon quest.
  • Agree to distract the guard during the Defensive Measures sidequest in Akila City.
  • Donate credits to Taye's mom, Anna Imani in the residential area of Cydnonia.
  • Persuading Tomo to calm down during Back to the Grind.
  • Promising Tomo that you will consider mercy if ever Ryujin Industries sends you to go after him during Back to the Grind.
  • Telling Mei Devine that the Red Mile was a cakewalk after completing Run the Red Mile.
  • During Top Secrets, agree to take care of Malai and then convince her to give you her gun without resorting to violence.
  • Rejecting Ron Hope's bribe and agreeing to take him in during The Hammer Falls.
  • Siding with UCSysDef during Legacy's End.
  • Convincing the Ryujin Board Members to shelve the Internal Neuroamp during Executive Level.
  • Rejecting Maldonado's offer and siding with Bonifac during Missed the Mark.

Andreja Dislikes

Andreja is the only companion that doesn't mind the player stealing or using Theft to pickpocket from NPCs, so long as you aren't caught doing so.

Despite this, Andreja disapproves the player accepting bribery during dialogue especially if it will cause harm to an innocent person.

Andreja Location

Abandoned Mine

Starfield - How to Recruit Andreja
You can find Andreja in an Abandoned Mine in a random planet during the quest Into the Unknown.

You'll need to help her retrieve the Artifact Piece before she returns to The Lodge in New Atlantis in the planet Jemison at the Alpha Centauri Star System.

Note: Completing the quest is not required to unlock Andreja as a companion. You can recruit her for your crew or as an active companion before heading back to Vladimir to complete the quest.

Into the Unknown Walkthrough

Andreja Companion Quest

How to Unlock Divided Loyalties

Planet Started Andreja's current in-game location
Location Andreja's current in-game location
Prerequisites High friendship with Andreja

Increase Friendship with Andreja

To unlock Andreja's Companion Quest, Divided Loyalty, you will need to get likes from Andreja by increasing her Companion Affinity. Each time you reach a certain milestone with Andreja's companion affinity, an activity where you have to talk to her will pop up. Do this three times to unlock the quest!

Divided Loyalties Guide

Andreja Skills and Overview

Companion Profile

Andreja Overview
Starfield - Andreja Profile: Constellation’s newest recruit, hailing from the farthest reaches of the Settled Systems.
Faction: Constellation
Romance Option: Yes
How to Get: Partial completion of Into the Unknown quest.

List of All Companions and Followers

Companion Skills

Skill Rank
StealthStealth ★★★★
Particle BeamsParticle Beams ★★★
Energy Weapon SystemsEnergy Weapon Systems ★★

Andrea comes with a maxed out Stealth skill, making her the best companion for missions that rely on sneaking or if you're playing a stealthy build such as a Stealth Sniper!

Andreja Best Assignments

Better as an Active Companion

Andreja's proficiencies in Stealth, Theft, and Particle Beams make her better suited in the midst of combat as an active companion, or during quests that require stealth and espionage.

If you decide to take a different active companion though, Andreja is best assigned as a crew member on your ship thanks to her Energy Weapon Systems skill.

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4 Anonymousabout 1 year

In Deep Cover, she likes: - After you have dealt with Karl Fielding for Alder Kemp, you respond to Adler with "If you think they can handle me."

3 Anonymousabout 1 year

In Unearthed, she likes: - Siding with the Hunter upon first choice between him and the Emissary She dislikes: - Any choice you make when the Hunter asks you to kill Keeper Aquilus (you can avoid this by never asking the Hunter about the "favor" and exiting the conversation instead when that option is available).


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