Starfield Shattered Space

Should You Kill Tomisar?

You will be prompted to choose between killing Tomisar or sparing him during the Divided Loyalties quest in Starfield. Learn about all the available choices, the consequences of each choice, and which choice is best!

All Kill Tomisar Choices and Consequences

Spare or Kill Tomisar

Choice Consequences
Spare Tomisar Andreja will leave Tomisar peacefully, but she may not have a chance to return to House Va'ruun.
Kill Tomisar Andreja will wish she killed Tomisar herself, and she still may not have a chance to return to House Va'ruun.
Let Andreja Kill Tomisar Andreja will feel good about taking revenge, and she has a more positive outlook at facing retribution.

Whether you spare Tomisar, kill him, or have Andreja kill him doesn't change your progress during Divided Loyalties.

Andreja will still have no way return to House Va'ruun though your choice and how you reassure her will change how she sees interprets her choices.

Divided Loyalties Walkthrough

Should You Kill Tomisar?

Spare Tomisar

Andreja spares Tomisar, with the latter claiming that the high council will hear of Andreja's treason. Andreja retorts that the council will also hear of Tomisar's actions.

Later in the Lodge, Andreja confides that she's unsure of her future as she can never go back to House Va'ruun. You can reassure her that she has a family in Constellation or that her connection to the Great Serpent was never through Tomisar.

Note: This choice and the reassurances you give Andreja will have no effect on her affinity. You still have the option to romance her at the end of Divided Loyalties.

Kill Tomisar

You persuade Andreja that you'll kill Tomisar for her. She later says that while justice has been done, she wishes it was her that killed Tomisar. You can also loot Tomisar's corpse for Tomisar's Outfit.

You can tell her that by killing Tomisar yourself, you prevent her from disgracing the Great Serpent. Andreja muses that regardless, she's still effectively cut from House Va'ruun but is confident that she can manage with you by her side.

Note: This choice and the reassurances you give Andreja will have no effect on her affinity. You still have the option to romance her at the end of Divided Loyalties.

Let Andreja Kill Tomisar

You let Andreja kill Tomisar who is pleased that she can finally give her friends justice, but she muses that she is now effectively cut off from House Va'ruun and the Great Serpent for her actions. You can also loot Tomisar's corpse for Tomisar's Outfit.

You can reassure her that the Great Serpent will see that her actions are justified and she agrees, saying that she's confident she can manage without House Va'ruun with you by her side.

Note: This choice and the reassurances you give Andreja will have no effect on her affinity. You still have the option to romance her at the end of Divided Loyalties.

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1 Bedevereover 1 year

I persuaded Andreja to spare Tomisar and then shot him immediately after the dialogue closed. She never noticed and I looted his outfit.


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