Starfield Shattered Space

All Shattered Space DLC Armor

Starfield - All Shattered Space DLC Armor

This is a list of all armor in Starfield's Shattered Space DLC. See a list of all new and confirmed Shattered Space DLC armor for Helmets, Packs, Spacesuits, and their stats and resistances.

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All Shattered Space DLC Armor

Starfield DLC Armor List

※ Search for a specific armor in the search field below or select one of the armor types then press Search to filter the data.
※ Filter labels and stat values in ascending or descending order by using arrows at the top-most header row of the table below.

Note: On mobile, swipe sideways to scroll horizontally. On desktop, hover your cursor over the table, hold Shift, and use the mouse wheel to scroll.
Item Type Mass Starfield - Phys Starfield - Engy Starfield - Em Starfield - Thermal Starfield - Airborne Starfield - Corrosive Starfield - Radiation
Fang's Helmet Helmets 2.50 64 64 0 0 0 0 0
Va'ruun Assault Helmet Helmets 4.40 72 56 64 0 20 5 5
Va'ruun Memorial Helmet Helmets 2.00 8 4 4 0 0 0 0
Va'ruun Mining Space Helmet Helmets 1.90 26 26 0 0 10 0 20
Valrak's Battle Helmet Helmets 2.00 32 32 0 0 0 0 0
Zealot Assault Helmet Helmets 4.40 72 56 64 0 20 5 5
Zealot Helmet Helmets 4.40 72 56 64 0 20 5 5
Fang's Pack Packs 7.80 72 56 64 0 20 10 0
Va'ruun Assault Pack Packs 9.70 66 64 68 10 10 10 10
Va'ruun Mining Pack Packs 6.10 34 18 26 0 20 10 0
Zealot Assault Pack Packs 9.70 66 64 68 10 10 10 10
Zealot Pack Packs 9.70 66 64 68 10 10 10 10
Fang's Spacesuit Spacesuits 7.00 144 112 128 10 30 0 20
Va'ruun Assault Spacesuit Spacesuits 13.30 132 128 136 15 15 15 15
Va'ruun Heavy Assault Spacesuit Spacesuits 14.30 144 112 128 15 15 15 15
Va'ruun Mining Spacesuit Spacesuits 7.00 69 37 53 10 30 0 20
Zealot Assault Spacesuit Spacesuits 13.30 132 128 136 15 15 15 15
Zealot Heavy Assault Spacesuit Spacesuits 14.30 144 112 128 15 15 15 15
Zealot Spacesuit Spacesuits 13.30 132 128 136 15 15 15 15

Shattered Space Best Armor

Armor Damage Types and Resistances

Starfield - PhysPHYS Starfield - EngyENGY Starfield - EmEM
Starfield - ThermalThermal Starfield - AirborneAirborne Starfield - CorrosiveCorrosive Starfield - RadiationRadiation

There are three damage types player should be aware of, specifically Physical, Energy and EM (electromagnetic), and equipping armor will help in damage reduction towards these types.

Along with damage reduction, armor also has environmental resistances help reduce and prevent status afflictions that you can gain from harsh planet environments, alien creatures, and enemy weapon effects.

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