Starfield Shattered Space

Barrett Romance Guide: All Likes and Dislikes

Starfield - Barrett Companion Guide

Barrett is a companion and crew member of your ship in Starfield. Read on for a full romance guide for Barrett, including likes and dislikes, how to recruit, a list of all skills, and best assignments!

Barrett Romance Guide and Walkthrough

How to Romance Barrett
How to Unlock Romance Dialogue Options
Likes and Dislikes

Romanceable After Breach of Contract Quest

Starfield - Talking with Barrett in Gagarin
You can take your relationship with Barrett to the next level after completing the Breach of Contract quest. You will be able to eventually unlock this quest by raising your affinity with Barrett.

After completing the quest, make sure to choose the Romance dialogue if you wish to pursue him as a romantic partner.

All Romance Options

Barrett Romance Dialogue Options

Barrett's Dialogue Response
"Speaking of which... I'm glad you joined Constellation" (Flirt) "You've certainly made my time in Constellation very enjoyable."
"Ervin's been gone for over twenty years. Strange how memories can pop up when you least expect it." "If you want to talk about it, I'm here for you."
We're still working on listing more dialogue options for this companion. Make sure to check back later!

Barrett Likes and Dislikes

Barrett Likes

Barrett likes lighthearted conversation mixed with some jokes. Whenever there is an opportunity to bring out a joke, corny or not, make sure to give it a shot. He loves a partner who is compassionate and thoughtful. Make sure to choose dialogues that reflect those values.

  • Give him emphatic answer each time he opens up about Ervin.
  • Be supportive on his journey of clearing up Ervin's name
  • Tell Oktai you're not his debt collector during the Delivering Devils quest.
  • Defeat the Terramorphs during the Grunt Work and Eyewitness quests.
  • Mention that house Va'ruun are just people just like us during your talk with MacIntyre during Friends Like These.
  • Helping him get his Parallel Self power after obtaining the power yourself.
  • Choose to use the Microbe method to deal with Terramorphs and recommend dealing with the them together with all the colonies during the A Legacy Forged quest.
  • Rejecting Ron Hope's bribe and agreeing to take him in during The Hammer Falls.
  • Siding with UCSysDef during Legacy's End.
  • Convincing the Ryujin Board Members to shelve the Internal Neuroamp during Executive Level.
  • Rejecting Maldonado's offer and siding with Bonifac during Missed the Mark.

Barrett Dislikes

Barrett is not a fan of taking advantage of others or being pushy when it comes to asking personal questions. He also doesn't like ideas that lack scientific findings and promote misinformation.

  • Asking about Ervin when Barrett first brings him up.
  • Choosing the Aceles as a method to get rid of Terramorphs during the A Legacy Forged quest.
  • Accepting Ron Hope's bribe during The Hammer Falls.
  • Siding with UCSysDef during Legacy's End.
  • Convincing the Ryujin Board Members to shelve the Internal Neuroamp during Executive Level.
  • Rejecting Maldonado's offer and siding with Bonifac during Missed the Mark.

How to Recruit Barrett

Complete Back to Vectera

Starfield How to Recruit Barrett.png

You can can unlock Barrett as a companion after rescuing him from the Crimson Fleet during the Back to Vectera mission.

Back to Vectera Walkthrough and Rewards

Barrett Overview

Companion Profile

Barrett Overview
Starfield - Barrett Profile: Adventurer, scientist, explorer, and a friendly face you'll meet in Constellation.
Faction: Constellation
Romance Option: Yes
How to Get: Complete Back to Vectera

Barrett Skills

All Companion Skills

Skill Rank
Starship EngineeringStarship Engineering ★★★★
Particle Beam Weapon SystemsParticle Beam Weapon Systems ★★★
RoboticsRobotics ★★

Best Assignments for Barrett

Excellent for Ships

Barrett is a great companion to enhance your ship's cabalities due to his Starship Engineering and Particle Beam Weapon Systems skills.

These skills don't have any merits on outposts, so it's best to bring him along as ship crew or as a companion.

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