Starfield Shattered Space

How to Get Rid of Adoring Fan NPC

Starfield - How to Get Rid of Adoring Fan
The Adoring Fan is an NPC that follows you wherever you go in Starfield. Read on for more details on how to remove the Adoring Fan, how to get them, and who the Adoring Fan really is.

How to Get the Adoring Fan

Choose Hero Worshipped as Starting Trait

The Hero Worshipped trait can be chosen at the character creation screen, when you're picking your 3 optional traits.

Character Creation Options

How to Get Rid of the Adoring Fan

Ways to Get Rid of the Adoring Fan

Talk to the Adoring Fan About His Fandom

Walk up to the Adoring Fan and talk to him. Start getting rid of him by choosing the option "Do you mind if I ask you some personal questions?".

Then, choose "We need to talk about your fandom". After this, you'll be presented with multiple options, two of which are ways to get rid of him.

Attack the Adoring Fan

Select the option "[Attack] It's time for you to go. Permanently" to attack the Adoring Fan.

Two options will be presented after this dialogue, but regardless of your choice, this will effectively remove the Adoring Fan from your space adventures.

"Kindly Get Lost"

Another dialogue option you can choose is "Kindly Get Lost". You can choose to remove the Adoring Fan's crew status or Persuade him to go.

Remove Crew Status Permanently

Choosing the "[Remove Crew Status Permanently]" dialogue will let the Adoring Fan off easy. He will respect your wishes and will support you in spirit. A peaceful resolution for everyone!


Choosing the [Persuade] option will let you enter into a persuasion speech challenge with him. In the end, if you're successful, he'll leave you alone and vows to never meet his heroes again. You got him off your back but he hates you now. So...hooray?

For this option, we recommend a high-enough level on the Persuasion skill.

How to Build Persuasion Meter

Adoring Fan Skills

All Companion Skills

Skill Rank
Weight LiftingWeight Lifting ★★

Best Assignments for Adoring Fan

Good as a Companion

The Adoring Fan's skill set primarily focuses on field missions. Weight Lifting, Scavenging, and Concealment offer utility, so it's great to consider if you don't need additional combat support. The only downside to this is that you would have to listen to the Adoring Fan's unending flattery.

Who is the Adoring Fan?

NPC Who Follows You Everywhere

Starfield - The Adoring Fan

The Adoring Fan is an NPC who becomes enamored by your feats and decides to follow you wherever you go. He has gained a reputation among Elder Scrolls fans for being annoying, as he always comes back, even after you kill him.

Adoring Fan Can Join Your Crew

Starfield - Adoring Fan Skills

The Adoring Fan is one of the companions you can recruit in Starfield. He can join your crew and accompany you on missions.

Voiced by Craig Sechler

Craig Sechler voiced the original Adoring Fan in Oblivion and reprises his role as the Adoring Fan once again in Starfield. Craig is also responsible for voicing several other NPCs in Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Skyrim.
Cast and List of Voice Actors

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