Starfield Shattered Space

Kid Stuff Trait - Is It Worth It?

Kid Stuff 1

Kid Stuff is a Trait in Starfield which allows you to visit your parents and their home, but at a monetary cost. Read on to learn if it's worth it to get Kid Stuff, all the gifts you can get from your parents, how to use and remove the trait, its incompatible traits, and if your in-game parents will look like your created character.

Is Kid Stuff Worth It?

Worth Trying

Tier Explanation
A Great ・Free gear and other rewards.
・You need to send 2% of your credits to your parents every week.

Kid Stuff is a great trait to have for a variety of reasons. First is that you get to have fun little interactions with your parents every time you visit them! They're very loving and feel grateful with the financial help you provide.

In exchange, they give you little trinkets to show their appreciation!

Best Traits

List of All Parents Gifts

  1. Grandpa's Meatloaf Recipe - a dish that provides 25 Health, +125 Damage Resistance for 10 minutes, +2% XP Gain for 2 hours when it's consumed.
  2. Sir Livingstone's Pistol - a pistol owned by the chair of Constellation 50 years ago.
  3. Gran-Gran Armor Set - the Gran-Gran's Space Helmet and Gran-Gran's Spacesuit are given to you by your mom because of your similarity with your grandmother.
  4. A Free Ship (Wanderwell) - a ship won by your dad at the casino which he will give to you as a token of gratitude for all the help you've given them.

Kid Stuff Trait Effects

Gives You Parents, at a Cost

Starfield -  Kid Stuff
Kid Stuff
Your parents are alive and well, and you can visit them at their home. But you will automatically send 2% of your credits home to them every week.

Character Creation Guide

Good for Exclusive Gear and Other Rewards

You'll occassionally receive some useful gifts from your parents, but in exchange, you have to provide financial support. Every week, 2% of your Credits will be sent to them, and it seems that the amount is capped at 500 Credits.

Money Making Guide: How to Farm Credits

How to Remove Kid Stuff Trait

Tell Your Dad You Can't Keep Sending Money Anymore

You can remove the Kid Stuff Trait by talking to your Dad and telling him you can't afford sending money back home anymore. After removing the trait, you can't return to their home anymore and will never see them again.

How to Remove Traits

Do Your Parents Look Like Your Character?

Your Parents' Appearance Will Be Generated to Match Your Character

Kid Stuff 2

Our programmers on our new face tech were excited to make a function that could try to match your custom face and then create the two parents. So they are based on what your character looks like, although the specific math involved is a bit beyond me. We had similar tech in our previous games.
Source: Will Shen, Dev Q&A

In a Dev Q&A on the official Bethesda Discord, Lead Quest Designer Will Shen confirmed that the parents' appearance will be match that of your character! This means that everyone playing the game will have a unique set of parents depending on the character they created.

Voice Actors' Lines are Pre-Recorded

No spoilers, but I think fans will really appreciate the actors we got to play those roles. And they just get SO into it, it’s awesome.
Source: Emil Pagliarulo, Dev Q&A

In response to the same question, Lead Designer Emil Pagliarulo mentioned that the voice actors are set, so the voice of your parents will not change to match the selected voice of your character.

Kid Stuff Incompatible Traits

No Incompatible Traits

Kid Stuff has no incompatible traits, so it can be used in combination with any other trait.

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