Starfield Shattered Space

Best Engine and Engines Explained

Starfield - All Engines

This guide lists the best engines and explains the class and stats of engines in Starfield. Read on to learn the best engines, what is class in engines, where to buy engines, as well as to see a list of all engines.

Best Engines

Best Overall Engine

Engine Value Engine Thrust Maneuvering Thrust Required Skill
Poseidon DT230 Engine 40280 34520 11600 Starship Design (Rank 4)

The best engine we have encountered is the Poseidon DT230 Engine. The engine is unmatched when it comes to ship movement having both the highest engine thrust and the highest maneuvering thrust in the game.

The engine can be purchased in Cydonia and Gagarin Landing once your character reaches level 58.

All Ship Part Level Unlocks

Best Engine for Early Game

Engine Value Engine Thrust Maneuvering Thrust Required Skill
White Dwarf 2010 Engine 6032 11340 2130 None

The White Dwarf 2010 Engine is the best engine to get early in the game. It provides the highest speeds without requiring any skills, so you will be able to purchase it even if you're not investing skill points in Starship Design.

The engine can be purchased from ship technicians in most cities early in the game.

What are Engines?

Engine Stats Overview

Engine Stats Overview
Class Indicates the tier of a ship part. Parts with a class stat can only be added to a ship with a reactor of the same class or higher.
Max Power Indicates the maximum power that can be allocated to the part's function during space flight.
Engine Thrust Determines the maximum speed of the ship at full power when traveling in a straight line.
Maneuviring Thrust Determines the maximum speed of the ship when turning.
Engine Health Indicates the amount of damage the engine can sustain before it starts malfunctioning.
Hull Increases your ship's health by the indicated number.
Crew Capacity Increases the number of crew members your ship can accommodate.

Determine Ship's Traveling Speed

Engine modules are used for the ship's movement and determine the ship's traveling speed whether it be in a straight path or turning.

What is Engine Class?

What is the Class Stat?

Determines Ship Part Tier Level

Ship weapons come with a stat called class. Classes can either be A, B, or C, with the latter being the highest tier being accompanied by the best stats.

Limits Parts That Can Be Added

Starfield - Reactor Class Error

The class of your ship's reactor sets the class limit for the other ship parts. If your ship has a Class B reactor, you can only attach engines that are either from the same class or lower.

Higher Classes Require Skills

Starfield - Piloting SkillPiloting Skill Starfield - Starship Design SkillStarship Design Skill

To be able to purchase and install parts from higher classes on your ship, you'll need to level up the skills listed above. At higher ranks, The Piloting skill will allow you to pilot Class B and C ships, while the Starship Design skill will allow you to install higher class parts to your ship.

How to Upgrade Engines

Visit Ship Technicians and Purchase Parts

Ship Builder or Upgrade Ship

Visit ship technicians in city spaceports to access the game's ship editor. From the ship editor screen, you can choose to either upgrade parts or fully customize your ship in the shipbuilder mode.

Ship Building and Customization Guide

Invest Skill Points in Engine Systems Skill

Skill Description
Starfield -  Engine Systems Skill
Engine Systems
Space is both vast and dangerous, and the ability to push a ship's engine to increase speed can be done safely and effectively, with the right training.

The Engine Systems skill from the Tech Skill Tree improves the stats and functions of your engine.

List of All Tech Skills

Where to Buy Engines

Ship Technicians and Showrooms

City Shops
Akila City ・Ship Technician
Cydonia ・Ship Technician
Deimos Staryard ・Nikau Henderson
Gagarin Landing
・Ship Technician
・Ship Technician
・HopeTech Showroom
Neon ・Ship Technician
・Stroud Eklund Showroom
・Taiyo Astroneering Showroom
New Atlantis ・Ship Technician
(Porrima II)
・Ship Technician
Red Mile ・Lon Anderssen
Stroud-Eklund Staryard ・Havershaw
The Clinic
・Ship Technician
The Den
(Wolf System)
・Ship Technician
The Eleos Retreat
(Ixyll System)
・Ship Technician
The Key ・Ship Services

Better ship parts are locked behind character levels. If a ship part is not appearing in any shops, this means you'll need to level up your character first.

How to Level Up Fast

List of All Engines

Jump to an Engine Class
Class A Class B Class C

List of All Class A Engines

Engine Value Engine Thrust Maneuvering Thrust Required Skill
White Dwarf 2030 Engine 7400 13020 2700 Starship Design (Rank 2)
White Dwarf 2000 Engine 5272 10500 1785 None
White Dwarf 2010 Engine 6032 11340 2130 None
Amun-1 Engine 4370 5660 1550 None
Ares DT10 Engine 4370 5660 1800 None
Ares DT20 Engine 5795 7440 1950 None
White Dwarf 1000 Engine 3325 4650 2445 None
White Dwarf 1010 Engine 4227 7950 2535 None
White Dwarf 3000 Engine 9215 15270 2820 Starship Design (Rank 1)
White Dwarf 1020 Engine 4560 8850 2625 None
Amun-2 Engine 5890 7440 1830 None
Amun-3 Engine 7885 9200 1900 None
Ares DT30 Engine 7695 9200 2050 None
White Dwarf 2020 Engine 6555 12180 2400 Starship Design (Rank 1)
Amun-4 Engine 10260 10000 1960 Starship Design (Rank 1)
Ares DT40 Engine 10070 4650 2445 Starship Design (Rank 1)
White Dwarf 3010 Engine 12700 17670 2940 Starship Design (Rank 2)
White Dwarf 3015 Engine 16100 20460 3150 Starship Design (Rank 4)
Amun-5 Engine 13585 12400 2040 Starship Design (Rank 2)
Amun-6 Engine 18050 14000 2120 Starship Design (Rank 3)
Amun-7 Engine 23180 15400 2200 Starship Design (Rank 3)
Ares DT50 Engine 13395 12400 2430 Starship Design (Rank 2)
Ares DT60 Engine 17765 14000 2600 Starship Design (Rank 3)
White Dwarf 3020 Engine 15770 20460 3150 Starship Design (Rank 2)
White Dwarf 3030 Engine 19950 21930 3210 Starship Design (Rank 3)
SA-4110 Engine 13300 12220 2930 Starship Design (Rank 1)
SA-4220 Engine 17575 13820 3060 Starship Design (Rank 3)
SA-4330 Engine 22705 15240 3220 Starship Design (Rank 4)

List of All Class B Engines

Engine Value Engine Thrust Maneuvering Thrust Required Skill
Nova 1000 Engine 8692 12870 3375 None
SAE-5220 Engine 10735 15270 4590 Starship Design (Rank 2)
Dunn-11 Engine 9690 14220 3150 None
Hercules DT110 Engine 9215 14220 3300 None
SAE-5110 Engine 9500 14070 4440 None
Nova 1010 Engine 10500 14070 3540 Starship Design (Rank 1)
Dunn-21 Engine 11210 15540 3300 Starship Design (Rank 1)
Dunn-31 Engine 13965 17670 3600 Starship Design (Rank 2)
Dunn-41 Engine 17995 19920 4200 Starship Design (Rank 3)
Dunn-51 Engine 23370 22170 4740 Starship Design (Rank 3)
Dunn-61 Engine 29830 24300 4950 Starship Design (Rank 3)
Dunn-71 Engine 39140 26580 5250 Starship Design (Rank 4)
Hercules DT120 Engine 10735 15540 4050 Starship Design (Rank 1)
Hercules DT130 Engine 13300 17670 4050 Starship Design (Rank 2)
Hercules DT140 Engine 19720 19920 3150 Starship Design (Rank 3)
Hercules DT150 Engine 21755 22170 3750 Starship Design (Rank 3)
Hercules DT160 Engine 28405 24300 4650 Starship Design (Rank 4)
Nova 1020 Engine 12160 16080 3720 Starship Design (Rank 1)
Nova 1030 Engine 14915 18060 3915 Starship Design (Rank 2)
Nova 1040 Engine 18905 20190 4200 Starship Design (Rank 3)
Nova 1050 Engine 23655 22170 4500 Starship Design (Rank 4)
SAE-5330 Engine 13680 17670 4830 Starship Design (Rank 2)
SAE-5440 Engine 17385 19920 5040 Starship Design (Rank 3)
SAE-5550 Engine 22230 22050 5340 Starship Design (Rank 3)
SAE-5660 Engine 28880 24300 5550 Starship Design (Rank 4)

List of All Class C Engines

Engine Value Engine Thrust Maneuvering Thrust Required Skill
Supernova 2000 Engine 19100 17670 6450 Starship Design (Rank 1)
Amun Dunn X-100 Engine 22135 19530 6600 Starship Design (Rank 1)
Amun Dunn X-200 Engine 26790 21240 7200 Starship Design (Rank 3)
Amun Dunn X-300 Engine 42845 25890 8400 Starship Design (Rank 4)
Poseidon DT210 Engine 19380 26040 7600 Starship Design (Rank 1)
Poseidon DT220 Engine 24415 28320 9600 Starship Design (Rank 3)
Poseidon DT230 Engine 40280 34520 11600 Starship Design (Rank 4)
Supernova 2100 Engine 25080 21120 7050 Starship Design (Rank 3)
Supernova 2200 Engine 25770 25770 7650 Starship Design (Rank 4)
SAL-6110 Engine 20900 13600 3800 Starship Design (Rank 1)
SAL-6220 Engine 31920 15760 5800 Starship Design (Rank 3)
SAL-6330 Engine 51205 18000 7800 Starship Design (Rank 4)

List of All Ship Parts

Starfield Related Guides

Ship Parts Partial

List of All Ship Parts

Ship Parts Guides

Ship Parts Guides
Best Ship Parts All Ship Part Level Unlocks

All Ship Parts

All Ship Part Types
Cowling Shield Generator
Docker Fuel Tanks
Grav Drive Weapons
Hab Engines
Cockpit Cargo Hold
Reactor Landing Bay
Landing Gears Equipment


7 Anonymousabout 1 year

You are correct. It's available only after completing "All That Money Can Buy" and only if you complete it in diplomatic fashion. Stats-wise, the biggest difference betwen the 6830 and 6330 is that the SAL-6830 has 8,800 maneuvering thrust vs 7,800 for the SAL-6330, which is how all those youtubers get 100 mobility on their massive ships.

6 SUM DUDEover 1 year

The SAL-6830 is better


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