Starfield Shattered Space

Mission Board Quests and Rewards

Starfield - Mission Board Guide

You can accept Missions from Starfield's Mission Boards for quick credits! Learn more about Mission Boards, their locations, mission rewards, and how to use them in this guide!

What is the Mission Board?

Gives Quick Missions for Credits

Starfield - Missions

You can check the Missions Boards located within cities and accept Missions if you're taking a break from the main contents or looking for some quick Credits, which varies depending on the Mission type and difficulty.

Repeatable Radiant Quests

The missions posted on the Mission Board are radiant quests, meaning they are repeatable since they are randomly generated quests. So feel free to do as many as you like to earn a lot of credits!

List of All Missions and Mission Types

All Mission Types

The objectives of these missions can range from simple Cargo Delivery tasks to deadly Bounty Missions.

Here are the different types of missions that you can accept:

  • Bounty - Track and kill a target
  • Supply - Deliver resources to a settlement
  • Cargo - Deliver cargo to a specified location
  • Smuggle - Smuggle contraband to a specified location
  • Survey - Survey and scan a specified planet
  • Steal/Raid - Steal from a settlement on a specified planet
  • Piracy - Steal cargo from a ship
  • Passenger - Transport passengers to a settlement on a specified planet

All Missions and Rewards

Mission Type Reward
Transport Workers to Tirna IV Passengers 1520 Credits
Transport Workers to Codos Passengers 1520 Credits
Transport Scientists to Porrima II-C Passengers 1560 Credits
Transport Tourists to Porrima II Passengers 1600 Credits
Supply Argon (AR) to Jemison, Alpha Centauri Supply 1620 Credits
Deliver Parcels and Mail to Polvo Cargo 1685 Credits
Deliver Reactive Paints to Akila Cargo 1705 Credits
Deliver Reactive Paints to Polvo Cargo 1937 Credits
Rescue Hostage at Altair IV-D Ranger: Rescue Captain 2000 Credits
Supply Helium-3 (HE-3) to Jemison, Alpha Centauri Supply 2070 Credits
Deliver Hygiene Products to Gagarin Cargo 2264 Credits
Destroy the Crimson Fleet Captain at Kryx Ranger: Eliminate Pirate 2650 Credits
Destroy the Crimson Fleet Ghost at Cheyenne Bounty 2650 Credits
Destroy the Crimson Fleet Ghost at Procyon A Bounty 2650 Credits
Destroy the Crimson Fleet Haunt at Sol Bounty 2650 Credits
Destroy the Crimson Fleet Ghost at Sirius Bounty 2650 Credits
Destroy the Crimson Fleet Haunt at Maheo Bounty 2650 Credits
Destroy the Crimson Fleet Ghost at Piazzi Bounty 2650 Credits
Destroy the Crimson Fleet Ghost at Maheo Bounty 2650 Credits
Destroy the Crimson Fleet Phantom at Piazzi Bounty 2650 Credits
Destroy the Crimson Fleet Specter II at Kumasi Bounty 2650 Credits
Kill the Pirate Plunderer on Lantana V-A Bounty 3200 Credits
Kill the Outlaw Captain on Cassiopeia IV-B Ranger: Eliminate Outlaw 3200 Credits
Kill the Outlaw Gang Leader on Altair IV-A Ranger: Eliminate Outlaw 3200 Credits
Kill the Ecliptic Merc on Toliman II-C Bounty 3200 Credits
Kill the Pirate Freebooter on Muphrid VIII-B Bounty 3200 Credits
Kill the Spacer Punk on Kapteyn I Bounty 3200 Credits
Kill the Pirate Rover on Altair V-A Bounty 3200 Credits
Kill the Pirate Rover on Belwah Bounty 3200 Credits
Kill the Pirate Marauder o Muphrid III-B Bounty 3200 Credits
Kill the Va'ruun Zealot on Tau Ceti IV-B Bounty 3200 Credits
Kill the Ecliptic Contractor on Stellis D Bounty 3200 Credits
Kill the Ecliptic Operator on Mcclure III Bounty 3200 Credits
Deliver Adaptive Clothing to Porrima II Cargo 3290 Credits
Deliver Specialty Crops to Porrima III Cargo 3476 Credits
Steal from the Clinic on Deepala Piracy 3515 Credits
Supply Chlorosilanes (SIH3CL) to Mars, Sol Supply 3946 Credits
Smuggle Harvested Organs to Gagarin Smuggle 5160 Credits
Survey Altair II in Altair Survey 8000 Credits
Survey Indum II in Indum Survey 8000 Credits
Survey Magnar in Delta Pavonis Survey 8000 Credits
Survey Oborum I in Oborum Prime Survey 8500 Credits
Survey Nesoi in Olympus Survey 9500 Credits
Piracy in Porrima System Piracy 10380 Credits
Survey Kumasi II in Kumasi Survey 12000 Credits

All Mission Board Locations

Faction Mission Boards
Constellation United Colonies Freestar Rangers
Crimson Fleet - -
Standard Mission Boards
New Atlantis Neon Cydonia
Akila City Deimos Stroud-Eklund Staryard
Hopetown Trident Luxury Lines Outpost

Constellation Mission Board

Starfield - Constellation Mission Board

The Constellation faction mission board is located in the basement of the Lodge. You can get there by taking the first hallway to the right as you enter the Lodge, then go down the stairs and you should see the board in a room filled with workbenches.

Constellation Faction Quests and Location

United Colonies Mission Board

Starfield - United Colonies Mission Board

Aboard the UC Vigilance, you'll find the United Colonies faction mission board in the Operations room.

UC Vanguard Questline

Freestar Rangers Mission Board

Starfield - Freestar Rangers Mission Board

The Freestar Rangers faction mission board is located on the second floor of The Rock in Akila City.

Freestar Rangers Questline

Crimson Fleet Mission Board

Starfield - Crimson Fleet Mission Board

The Crimson Fleet faction mission board is located in the Reckoner's Core at the Key in the Kryx system.

Crimson Fleet Questline

New Atlantis Mission Board

Starfield - New Atlantis Mission Board

Go to the Viewport bar to the left of the New Atlantis spaceport and you'll find the mission board beside the Self-Service Bounty Clearance kiosk.

New Atlantis Map, Shops, and Location Guide

Neon Mission Board

Starfield - Neon Mission Board

Make your way to the Astral Lounge located at the end of the strech of Neon Core. The mission board can be found in the hallway of the main entrance.

Neon City Map, Shops, and Location Guide

Cydonia Mission Board

Starfield - Cydonia Mission Board

The Cydonia mission board is located by the entrance of the Broken Spear bar. Upon entering Cydonia, you can find the bar immediately to your right.

Cydonia Map, Shops, and Location Guide

Akila City Mission Board

Starfield - Akila City Mission Board

Go the Hitching Post by the main gate of Akila City and you'll find the mission board right beside the bartender.

Akila City Map, Shops, and Location Guide

Deimos Mission Board

Starfield - Deimos Staryard Mission Board

The Deimos mission board is located in the reception area of the Deimos Staryard in the Sol system.

Deimos Planet Location and 100% Survey Guide

Stroud-Eklund Staryard Mission Board

Starfield - Stroud-Eklund Staryard Mission Board

Board the Stroud-Eklund Staryard station on the orbit of Dalvik in Narion, and proceed to the lobby to find the mission board.

Stroud-Eklund Staryard Location Guide

Hopetown Mission Board

Starfield - Hopetown Mission Board

The Hopetown mission board can be found inside the Pit Stop bar, which is in front of the settlement's spaceport.

Hopetown Location Guide

Trident Luxury Lines Mission Board

Starfield - Trident Luxury Lines Mission Board

Go to the Trident Luxury Lines stationed on the orbit of Akila planet in Cheyenne. The mission board can be found in the lobby area as soon as you board it.

Trident Luxury Lines Staryard Location Guide

Outpost Mission Board

Starfield - Outpost Mission Board

You can build your own mission board at your Outpost. To construct it, you will need Aluminum x4, Beryllium x2, and Zero Wire x2.

Outpost Building Guide

Starfield Related Guides

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Starfield Walkthrough and Guides Wiki

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Starfield - HousesHouses Starfield - Mission BoardMission Board
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1 Anonymous over 1 year

In Neon mission boards also reside in the Volii Hotel lobby and in Madam Savage’s place (not just in the Astral lounge)


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