Starfield Shattered Space

Best Space Cowboy Build

This is a guide on how to make the best Space Cowboy Build in Starfield. Read on to learn more about the best background and combat skills, weapons and traits, as well as how to play as a Space Cowboy!

Space Cowboy Best Background

[File Not Found]

Space Cowboy Starting Skills
Starfield -  Wellness Skill
Starfield -  Ballistics Skill
Starfield -  Piloting Skill

File Not Found is the best background you can choose if you want to play as a Space Cowboy since you'll have access to Wellness, Ballistics, and Piloting.

Wellness is a great general skill to have since it will increase your overall health. Ballistics fits the cowboy concept extremely well, as you will rely on using Pistols, Rifles, and Shotguns. Lastly, Piloting comes in handy for mobility and the use of other ship classes.

Space Cowboy Best Skills

Note: The following skills and ranks are what your build should have at Level 100.

Best Physical Skills

Skill Rank
Starfield -  Fitness Skill
Starfield -  Wellness Skill
Starfield -  Stealth Skill
Starfield -  Gymnastics Skill
Starfield -  Rejuvenation Skill

Fitness, Wellness, and Gymnastics are great skills to increase your survivability and potency in combat. Rejuvenation is an important skill for sustain because you will have less effectiveness for food and healing items since this build will take advantage of the Alien DNA trait.

Stealth is a good skill to be able to sneak up behind enemies for a kill or steal from them using the Theft skill from the social skill tree.

Best Social Skills

Skill Rank
Starfield -  Commerce Skill
Starfield -  Scavenging Skill
Starfield -  Theft Skill
Starfield -  Intimidation Skill

Scavenging and Commerce pair well with each other in order to make a little bit of coin on your journeys. Theft is a great skill to one-up enemies by acquiring their items or even having a chance of disarming them. Intimidation fits the cowboy feel of being tough and terrifying.

Best Combat Skills

Skill Rank
Starfield -  Ballistics Skill
Starfield -  Pistol Certification Skill
Pistol Certification
Starfield -  Shotgun Certification Skill
Shotgun Certification
Starfield -  Rifle Certification Skill
Rifle Certification
Starfield -  Marksmanship Skill
Starfield -  Rapid Reloading Skill
Rapid Reloading
Starfield -  Targeting Skill
Starfield -  Crippling Skill
Starfield -  Sharpshooting Skill

As a cowboy, you would rely on ballistic weapons to deal with threats. Ballistics, Pistol Certification, Shotgun Certification, and Rifle Certification are for strengthening your arsenal. Targeting and Crippling are great not only for damage but also for a chance to disable your enemies.

Marksmanship, Rapid Reloading, and Sharpshooting are direct damage boosts that will significantly raise your damage.

Best Science Skills

Skill Rank
Starfield -  Surveying Skill
Starfield -  Weapon Engineering Skill
Weapon Engineering

You long for the spirit of the Wild West, which embraces old ways of the world; thus, you have little use for the advancement of science skills. You can take Surveying to increase the potency of your hand scanner and Weapon Engineering to boost your weapons' efficiency.

Best Tech Skills

Skill Rank
Starfield -  Ballistic Weapon Systems Skill
Ballistic Weapon Systems
Starfield -  Boost Pack Training Skill
Boost Pack Training
Starfield -  Piloting Skill
Starfield -  Security Skill
Starfield -  Targeting Control Systems Skill
Targeting Control Systems
Starfield -  Engine Systems Skill
Engine Systems
Starfield -  Starship Engineering Skill
Starship Engineering
Starfield -  Boost Assault Training Skill
Boost Assault Training

Whether you're in space or in land, you have this enthusiasm for riding and exploring rough terrain. Ballistic Weapon Systems, Piloting, Targeting Control Systems, Engine Systems and Starship Engineering are skills to get to improve your combat proficiency in space.

Boost Pack Training, Security, and Boost Assault Training are handy skills for your own mobility and utility.

List of All Skills

Space Cowboy Best Weapons


Magshot Overview
Starfield - Magshot
Weapon Type Damage Type Mag
Pistol Phys 6
Fire Rate Range Accuracy
25 20 62.8%

An extremely powerful Pistol with a revolver-like design is perfect for a Space Cowboy such as yourself. This will serve as your go-to weapon for a lot of scenarios.

How to get Magshot


Coachman Overview
Starfield - Coachman
Weapon Type Damage Type Mag
Shotgun Phys 2
Fire Rate Range Accuracy
47 20 38.4%

A very capable Shotgun with great cowboy aesthetics suitable for closer combat. This weapon can deliver high burst power with its shots.

How to get Coachman


Lawgiver Overview
Starfield - Lawgiver
Weapon Type Damage Type Mag
Rifle Phys 6
Fire Rate Range Accuracy
10 40 68.0%

A pretty efficient Rifle that you can use to deal damage from afar. This deals less damage than the other weapons in your arsenal but makes up for its longer range.

How to get Lawgiver

Space Cowboy Best Traits

Best Space Cowboy Traits
Starfield -  Alien DNA Trait
Alien DNA
Starfield -  Freestar Collective Settler Trait
Freestar Collective Settler
Starfield -  Hero Worshipped Trait
Hero Worshipped

You were born and bred as a cowboy under the Freestar Collective faction, which fits with the Freestar Collective Settler trait. Alien DNA can help you improve your combat capabilities without setbacks because you would be relying on your natural healing through Rejuvenation to recover.

Hero Worshipped is a good skill, as you can get company and gifts from time to time.

List of All Traits

How to Play as a Space Cowboy

Space Cowboy Playstyle

Move Fast and Shoot Fast

You are a cowboy adept to quick draw tactics using ballistic weapons. The best way to play out fights is to be constantly on the move and shoot enemies down as fast as you can.

Make use of the Combat Slides from the Gymnastics skill and utilize your Boost Pack Training and Boost Assault Training skills. Alternate between your weapons to adopt for range-range or close-quarter combat.

Use Your Rifle To Engage Enemies

The easiest way to get a upper hand against enemies is to start shooting from afar. Engage using your Rifle at a distance, then either finish them off with a skillfully aimed shot or get closer to blast them with your devastating closer-ranged weapons.

Use Intimidation if Possible

Though you like confrontations at high noon, it's still best to avoid battles if you can. Using Intimidation whenever possible is a good way to prevent trouble and easily progress.

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Builds

List of All Builds

All Background Builds

Background Builds
Beast Hunter Bouncer Bounty Hunter
Chef Combat Medic Cyber Runner
Cyberneticist Diplomat Explorer
File Not Found Gangster Homesteader
Industrialist Long Hauler Pilgrim
Professor Ronin Sculptor
Soldier Space Scoundrel Xenobiologist

Other Builds

Stealth Sniper Space Pirate Space Cowboy
Unarmed Pacifist -


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