Starfield Shattered Space

List of All Ship Parts

Starfield - List of All Ship Parts

This guide lists all the ship parts and modules you can customize in Starfield. Read on to learn what each ship module does, how to customize your ship, and where to get ship parts.

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List of All Ship Parts

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Module Type
Ship Part Module Type Lvl. Unlock Class Manufacturer
StorMax 20 Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 3 - Dogstar
Stability Pro Landing Bay Bay 3 - Stroud Eklund
Dragon 221P MW Pulse Laser Weapon 3 A Horizon Defense
Mauler 104L Autocannon Weapon 3 A Horizon Defense
Atlatl 270A Missile Launcher Weapon 3 A Light Scythe
Dragon 221 MW Laser Weapon 3 A Horizon Defense
Dragon 231 IR Laser Weapon 3 A Horizon Defense
Flare 15MW IR Laser Weapon 3 A Light Scythe
CE-09 Missile Launcher Weapon 3 A Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Infiltrator SC-01 Missile Launcher Weapon 3 A Horizon Defense
Disruptor 3300 Electron Beam Weapon 4 A Horizon Defense
Nova Galactic All-in-One Berth 2x1 B Hab 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Galactic All-in-One Berth 2x1 A Hab 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Galactic Armory 2x1 Hab 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Galactic Captain's Quarters 2x1 Hab 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Galactic Computer Core 2x1 Hab 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Galactic Control Station 2x1 Hab 3 - Nova Galactic
Magellan C2 Cockpit Cockpit 3 - Nova Galactic
Dragon 251 UV Laser Weapon 30 B Horizon Defense
Nova Cowling 2L-TM Structural 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Cowling 2L-PF Structural 3 - Nova Galactic
White Dwarf 2030 Engine Engine 24 A Reladyne
SGD 1300 Grav Drive Grav Drive 12 A Slayton Aerospace
NG-2 Docker - Top Docker 3 - Nova Galactic
Magellan C1X Cockpit Cockpit 5 - Nova Galactic
DS30.1 Ares Bridge Cockpit 3 - Deimos
Supernova 2000 Engine Engine 12 C Reladyne
DS20.3 Phobos Cockpit Cockpit 16 - Deimos
White Dwarf 2000 Engine Engine 3 A Reladyne
White Dwarf 2010 Engine Engine 3 A Reladyne
10S Protector Shield Generator Shield Generator 3 A Dogstar
20S Protector Shield Generator Shield Generator 3 A Dogstar
NG160 Grav Drive Grav Drive 3 A Nova Galactic
NG170 Grav Drive Grav Drive 3 A Nova Galactic
330T Stellarator Reactor Reactor 3 A Amun Dunn
340T Stellarator Reactor Reactor 3 A Amun Dunn
Mauler 104L Cannon Weapon 3 A Horizon Defense
Nova Cowling 1L-TF Structural 3 - Nova Galactic
NG-6 Landing Bay Bay 3 - Nova Galactic
100G He3 Tank Fuel Tank 3 - Ballistic Solutions Inc.
100CM Ballast Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 3 - Sextant Shield Systems
Dangan Pb Cannon Weapon 6 A Shinigami
EMP-80 Suppressor Weapon 6 A Ballistic Solutions Inc.
120LD Landing Bay Bay 3 - Deimos
200CM Ballast Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 4 - Sextant Shield Systems
Caravel V101 Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 3 - Protectorate Systems
Caravel V102 Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 3 - Protectorate Systems
StorMax 30 Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 3 - Dogstar
StorMax 40 Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 3 - Dogstar
300CM Ballast Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 3 - Sextant Shield Systems
DS10.1 Phobos Cockpit Cockpit 3 - Deimos
DS10.2 Phobos Cockpit Cockpit 3 - Deimos
DS20.1 Phobos Cockpit Cockpit 4 - Deimos
Magellan C1 Cockpit Cockpit 3 - Nova Galactic
100DP Slim Docker - Top Docker 3 - Deimos
110DP Docker - Top Docker 3 - Deimos
Amun-1 Engine Engine 3 A Amun Dunn
Ares DT10 Engine Engine 3 A Panoptes
Ares DT20 Engine Engine 7 A Panoptes
White Dwarf 1000 Engine Engine 3 A Reladyne
White Dwarf 1010 Engine Engine 4 A Reladyne
Nova 1000 Engine Engine 5 B Reladyne
White Dwarf 3000 Engine Engine 3 A Reladyne
200G He3 Tank Fuel Tank 3 - Ballistic Solutions Inc.
M10 Ulysses He3 Tank Fuel Tank 3 - Dogstar
M20 Ulysses He3 Tank Fuel Tank 4 - Dogstar
Titan 350 He3 Tank Fuel Tank 6 - Nautilus
Helios 100 Grav Drive Grav Drive 3 A Deep Core
NG150 Grav Drive Grav Drive 3 A Nova Galactic
R-1000 Alpha Grav Drive Grav Drive 3 A Reladyne
NG200 Grav Drive Grav Drive 5 B Nova Galactic
Deimos Companionway 1x1 Hab 3 - Deimos
Deimos Storeroom 1x1 Hab 3 - Deimos
Deimos All-in-One Berth 2x1 Hab 3 - Deimos
Deimos Armory 2x1 Hab 3 - Deimos
Deimos Captain's Quarters 2x1 Hab 3 - Deimos
Deimos Computer Core 2x1 Hab 3 - Deimos
Deimos Control Station 2x1 Hab 3 - Deimos
Deimos Infirmary 2x1 Hab 3 - Deimos
Deimos Living Quarters 2x1 Hab 3 - Deimos
Deimos Science Lab 2x1 Hab 3 - Deimos
Deimos Workshop 2x1 Hab 3 - Deimos
Deimos All-in-One Berth 3x1 Hab 3 - Deimos
Deimos Engineering Bay A 3x1 Hab 3 - Deimos
Deimos Engineering Bay B 3x1 Hab 3 - Deimos
Deimos Living Quarters 3x1 Hab 3 - Deimos
Nova Galactic Storeroom 1x1 Hab 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Galactic Companionway 1x1 Hab 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Galactic Infirmary 2x1 Hab 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Galactic Living Quarters 2x1 Hab 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Galactic Science Lab 2x1 Hab 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Galactic Workshop 2x1 Hab 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Galactic Engineering Bay 3x1 Hab 3 - Nova Galactic
114MM Toroidal Reactor Reactor 3 A Dogstar
124MM Toroidal Reactor Reactor 6 A Dogstar
Z-Machine 1000 Reactor Reactor 3 B Amun Dunn
Deflector SG-10 Shield Generator Shield Generator 4 A Sextant Shield Systems
11T Defender Shield Generator Shield Generator 5 B Dogstar
Mauler 106T Cannon Weapon 5 B Horizon Defense
Dragon 241 Laser Weapon 5 B Horizon Defense
Atlatl 270B Missile Launcher Weapon 5 B Light Scythe
Disruptor 3320 Neutron Beam Weapon 5 B Horizon Defense
Deimos Habs Hab Set -
Nova Galactic Habs Hab Set -
Taiyo Astroneering Habs Hab Set -
Stroud Eklund Habs Hab Set -
HopeTech Habs Hab Set -
Reza 45 GHz MW Pulse Laser Weapon 3 A Shinigami
PB-30 Electron Beam Weapon 8 A Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Reza 45 GHz MW Laser Weapon 9 A Shinigami
Flare-P 15MW IR Pulse Laser Weapon 9 A Light Scythe
da Gama 1000 Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 3 - Panoptes
StorMax 50 Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 8 - Dogstar
Caravel V103 Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 8 - Protectorate Systems
da Gama 1020 Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 10 - Panoptes
Viking CP-100 Cockpit Cockpit 3 - Stroud Eklund
Viking CP-110 Cockpit Cockpit 3 - Stroud Eklund
Viking CP-200 Cockpit Cockpit 6 - Stroud Eklund
Viking CP-210 Cockpit Cockpit 8 - Stroud Eklund
Samurai Cockpit Cockpit 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Samurai Enhanced Cockpit Cockpit 4 - Taiyo Astroneering
Daimyo Cockpit Cockpit 5 - Taiyo Astroneering
Connect-Pro Docker - Top Docker 3 - Stroud Eklund
Connect-Pro Docker - Port Docker 3 - Stroud Eklund
Extender Port 200 Docker -Top Docker 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
300G He3 Tank Fuel Tank 9 - Ballistic Solutions Inc.
M30 Ulysses He3 Tank Fuel Tank 8 - Dogstar
Accu-Lander 11 Landing Gear - Port Landing Gear 13 - Stroud Eklund
Pinpoint 3G Landing Gear - Port Fore Landing Gear 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Helios 200 Grav Drive Grav Drive 8 A Deep Core
R-2000 Alpha Grav Drive Grav Drive 9 A Reladyne
SGD 1100 Grav Drive Grav Drive 3 A Slayton Aerospace
SGD 1200 Grav Drive Grav Drive 7 A Slayton Aerospace
Tokamak X-050 Reactor Reactor 4 A Amun Dunn
Tokamak X-100 Reactor Reactor 9 A Xiang
Tokamak X-150 Reactor Reactor 3 A Xiang
Bastille S80 Shield Generator Shield Generator 3 A Nautilus
Bastille S81 Shield Generator Shield Generator 9 A Nautilus
Deflector SG-20 Shield Generator Shield Generator 8 A Sextant Shield Systems
Kon-Tiki B-300 Bridge Cockpit 3 - Stroud Eklund
Atlatl 270C Missile Launcher Weapon 10 C Light Scythe
Hope 4 Landing Bay Bay 3 - HopeTech
Armstrong 10 Cockpit Cockpit 3 - HopeTech
Armstrong 10R Cockpit Cockpit 3 - HopeTech
Armstrong 20 Cockpit Cockpit 4 - HopeTech
Armstrong 20E Cockpit Cockpit 9 - HopeTech
Hope 11 Docker - Fore Docker 3 - HopeTech
Hope 11 Docker - Port Docker 3 - HopeTech
SAE-5220 Engine Engine 28 B Slayton Aerospace
White Dwarf 1020 Engine Engine 10 A Reladyne
Amun-2 Engine Engine 8 A Amun Dunn
Titan 450 He3 Tank Fuel Tank 10 - Nautilus
Hope 5 Landing Gear Landing Gear 3 - HopeTech
Theta Pinch A9 Reactor Reactor 10 C Amun Dunn
KE-20 Cannon Weapon 11 A Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Spark 750 Suppressor Weapon 12 A Light Scythe
Disruptor 3300A Auto Electron Beam Weapon 8 A Horizon Defense
PBO-30 Auto Electron Beam Weapon 12 A Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Dragon 241P Pulse Laser Weapon 14 B Horizon Defense
Scorch 60MW Laser Weapon 14 B Light Scythe
Marauder 114ANC Railgun Weapon 10 C Horizon Defense
EMP-1000 Suppressor Weapon 10 C Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Dragon 261 SX Laser Weapon 10 C Horizon Defense
Disruptor 3340 Alpha Beam Weapon 10 C Horizon Defense
StorMax 60 Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 12 - Dogstar
Caravel V104 Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 12 - Protectorate Systems
400CM Ballast Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 11 - Sextant Shield Systems
Cabot C3 Bridge Cockpit 3 - Nova Galactic
Magellan C2X Cockpit Cockpit 8 - Nova Galactic
Amun-3 Engine Engine 14 A Amun Dunn
Ares DT30 Engine Engine 12 A Panoptes
White Dwarf 2020 Engine Engine 12 A Reladyne
400G He3 Tank Fuel Tank 13 - Ballistic Solutions Inc.
M40 Ulysses He3 Tank Fuel Tank 12 - Dogstar
Titan 550 He3 Tank Fuel Tank 14 - Nautilus
NG-20 Landing Gear Landing Gear 14 - Nova Galactic
Helios 300 Grav Drive Grav Drive 14 A Deep Core
NG300 Grav Drive Grav Drive 12 C Nova Galactic
350T Stellarator Reactor Reactor 11 A Amun Dunn
360T Stellarator Reactor Reactor 14 A Amun Dunn
134MM Toroidal Reactor Reactor 12 A Dogstar
101DS Mag Inertial Reactor Reactor 12 B Dogstar
30S Protector Shield Generator Shield Generator 12 A Dogstar
Marduk 1010-A Shield Generator Shield Generator 11 A Protectorate Systems
Deflector SG-30 Shield Generator Shield Generator 14 A Sextant Shield Systems
Warden SG-100 Shield Generator Shield Generator 12 B Sextant Shield Systems
101D Guardian Shield Generator Shield Generator 10 C Dogstar
Viking CP-220 Cockpit Cockpit 9 - Stroud Eklund
DS20.2 Phobos Cockpit Cockpit 10 - Deimos
Tsukisasu 13K Missile Launcher Weapon 11 A Shinigami
Dangan PB RF Autocannon Weapon 11 A Shinigami
Ravager 20MeV Electron Beam Weapon 12 A Light Scythe
da Gama 1000 Shielded Cargo Hold Shielded Cargo Hold 14 - Panoptes
da Gama 1010 Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 6 - Panoptes
100CM Ballast Shielded Cargo Hold Shielded Cargo Hold 3 - Sextant Shield Systems
200CM Ballast Shielded Cargo Hold Shielded Cargo Hold 8 - Sextant Shield Systems
Caravel V101 Shielded Cargo Hold Shielded Cargo Hold 4 - Protectorate Systems
Caravel V102 Shielded Cargo Hold Shielded Cargo Hold 11 - Protectorate Systems
Daimyo Enhanced Cockpit Cockpit 11 - Taiyo Astroneering
Tower N400 Shield Generator Shield Generator 14 B Nautilus
Pinpoint 4G Landing Gear Landing Gear 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Pinpoint 4G Landing Gear - Port Landing Gear 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Pinpoint 4G+ Landing Gear Landing Gear 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Tokamak X-120S Reactor Reactor 12 A Xiang
Overseer 300 Bridge Cockpit 3 - HopeTech
Hope 55 Landing Gear Landing Gear 14 - HopeTech
Taiyo Companionway 1x1 Bottom A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Storeroom 1x1 Bottom A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Companionway 1x1 Bottom B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Storeroom 1x1 Bottom B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Companionway 1x1 Mid Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Storeroom 1x1 Mid Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Companionway 1x1 Top A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Storeroom 1x1 Top A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Companionway 1x1 Top B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Storeroom 1x1 Top B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Companionway 1x1 Top C Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Storeroom 1x1 Top C Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Companionway 1x1 Top D Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Storeroom 1x1 Top D Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo All-in-One Berth 2x1 Bottom A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Armory 2x1 Bottom A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Captains Quarters 2x1 Bottom A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Computer Core 2x1 Bottom A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Control Station 2x1 Bottom A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Infirmary 2x1 Bottom A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Living Quarters 2x1 Bottom A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Science Lab 2x1 Bottom A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Workshop 2x1 Bottom A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo All-in-One Berth 2x1 Bottom B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Armory 2x1 Bottom B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Captains Quarters 2x1 Bottom B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Computer Core 2x1 Bottom B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Control Station 2x1 Bottom B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Infirmary 2x1 Bottom B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Living Quarters 2x1 Bottom B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Science Lab 2x1 Bottom B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Workshop 2x1 Bottom B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo All-in-One Berth 2x1 Mid Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Armory 2x1 Mid Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Captains Quarters 2x1 Mid Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Computer Core 2x1 Mid Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Control Station 2x1 Mid Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Infirmary 2x1 Mid Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Living Quarters 2x1 Mid Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Science Lab 2x1 Mid Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Workshop 2x1 Mid Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo All-in-One Berth 2x1 Top A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Armory 2x1 Top A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Captains Quarters 2x1 Top A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Computer Core 2x1 Top A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Control Station 2x1 Top A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Infirmary 2x1 Top A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Living Quarters 2x1 Top A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Science Lab 2x1 Top A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Workshop 2x1 Top A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo All-in-One Berth 2x1 Top B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Armory 2x1 Top B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Captains Quarters 2x1 Top B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Computer Core 2x1 Top B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Control Station 2x1 Top B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Infirmary 2x1 Top B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Living Quarters 2x1 Top B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Science Lab 2x1 Top B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Workshop 2x1 Top B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo All-in-One Berth 2x2 Bottom A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Battle Stations Bottom A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Brig 2x2 Bottom A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Cargo Hall 2x2 Bottom A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Computer Core 2x2 Bottom A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo All-in-One Berth 2x2 Bottom B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Battle Stations Bottom B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Brig 2x2 Bottom B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Cargo Hall 2x2 Bottom B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Computer Core 2x2 Bottom B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo All-in-One Berth 2x2 Mid Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Battle Stations Mid Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Brig 2x2 Mid Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Cargo Hall 2x2 Mid Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Computer Core 2x2 Mid Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo All-in-One Birth 2x2 Top A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Battle Stations Top A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Brig 2x2 Top A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Cargo Hall 2x2 Top A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Computer Core 2x2 Top A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo All-in-One Birth 2x2 Top B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Battle Stations Top B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Brig 2x2 Top B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Cargo Hall 2x2 Top B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Computer Core 2x2 Top B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Engineering Bay 3x1 Bottom A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Engineering Bay 3x1 Bottom B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Engineering Bay 3x1 Mid Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Engineering Bay 3x1 Top A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Engineering Bay 3x1 Top B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Cargo Hall 3x2 Bottom A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Mess Hall 3x2 Bottom A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Cargo Hall 3x2 Bottom B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Mess Hall 3x2 Bottom B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Cargo Hall 3x2 Mid Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Mess Hall 3x2 Mid Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Cargo Hall 3x2 Top A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Mess Hall 3x2 Top A Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Cargo Hall 3x2 Top B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Mess Hall 3x2 Top B Hab 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
HopeTech Companionway 1x1 Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Storeroom 1x1 Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech All-in-One Berth 2x1 Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Armory 2x1 Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Captain's Quarters 2x1 Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Computer Core 2x1 Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Control Station 2x1 Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Infirmary 2x1 Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Living Quarters 2x1 Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Science Lab 2x1 Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Workshop 2x1 Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Battle Stations 2x2 Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Brig 2x2 Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Cargo Hall 2x2 Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Computer Core 2x2 Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Cargo Hall 2x3 Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Mess Hall 2x3 Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Cargo Hall 3x3 Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Companionway Fuselage A Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Storeroom Fuselage A Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Companionway Fuselage B Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Storeroom Fuselage B Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Companionway Fuselage C Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Storeroom Fuselage C Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Companionway Fuselage D Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Storeroom Fuselage D Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Hab Cross Brace Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Hab Spine Hab 3 - HopeTech
Stroud Storeroom 1x1 Port A Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Storeroom 1x1 Port B Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Storeroom 1x1 Port C Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Companionway 1x1 Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Storeroom 1x1 Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud All-in-One Berth 2x1 A Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud All-in-One Berth 2x1 B Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Armory 2x1 Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Captain's Quarters 2x1 Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Computer Core 2x1 Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Control Station 2x1 Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Infirmary 2x1 Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Living Quarters 2x1 Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Science Lab 2x1 Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Workshop 2x1 Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Battle Stations 2x2 Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Brig 2x2 Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Cargo Hall 2x2 Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Living Quarters 2x2 Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Cargo Hall 2x3 Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Mess Hall 2x3 Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud All-in-One Berth 3x1 Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Engineering Bay 3x1 Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Cargo Hall 3x2 Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Mess Hall 3x2 Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Jishaku Fe Railgun Weapon 16 B Shinigami
Atlatl 280C Missile Launcher Weapon 43 C Light Scythe
CE-29 Missile Launcher Weapon 17 B Ballistic Solutions Inc.
PB-100 Neutron Beam Weapon 16 B Ballistic Solutions Inc.
CE-59 Missile Launcher Weapon 49 C Ballistic Solutions Inc.
PBO-40 Auto Electron Beam Weapon 16 C Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Mauler 106S Shot-Cannon Weapon 16 B Horizon Defense
Scorch-S 80MW Pulse Laser Turret Weapon 16 B Light Scythe
Atlatl 290B Missile Launcher Weapon 16 B Light Scythe
Ship Bed 200 Landing Bay Bay 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Galleon S201 Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 17 - Protectorate Systems
Polo 2000 Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 20 - Panoptes
M50 Ulysses He3 Tank Fuel Tank 16 - Dogstar
Hope 6 Landing Gear - Port Fore Landing Gear 3 - HopeTech
Hope 6 Landing Gear - Port Mid Landing Gear 3 - HopeTech
Hope 6 Landing Gear - Port Aft Landing Gear 3 - HopeTech
R-3000 Alpha Grav Drive Grav Drive 15 A Reladyne
SF10 Sheared Flow Reactor Reactor 17 C Dogstar
Ion Beam H-1010 Reactor Reactor 14 B Xiang
Bastille S82 Shield Generator Shield Generator 16 A Nautilus
Fortress A1 Shield Generator Shield Generator 17 C Nautilus
Hunter Mag-350 Missile Launcher Weapon 30 B Horizon Defense
EMP-500 Suppressor Weapon 12 B Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Disruptor 3320A Auto Neutron Beam Weapon 16 B Horizon Defense
Disruptor 3340A Auto Alpha Turret Weapon 24 C Horizon Defense
DC301 Fast Ignition Reactor Reactor 17 B Deep Core
Jishaku Nd Railgun Weapon 19 C Shinigami
Supaku 110GC Suppressor Weapon 19 A Shinigami
Ravager 20MeV Auto Electron Beam Weapon 20 A Light Scythe
Blaze 2GW SX Laser Weapon 19 C Light Scythe
PB-300 Alpha Beam Weapon 19 C Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Galleon S202 Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 20 - Protectorate Systems
Polo 2010 Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 22 - Panoptes
Kon-Tiki B-310 Bridge Cockpit 23 - Stroud Eklund
Amun-4 Engine Engine 20 A Amun Dunn
Ares DT40 Engine Engine 20 A Panoptes
Dunn-11 Engine Engine 22 B Amun Dunn
Hercules DT110 Engine Engine 20 B Panoptes
SAE-5110 Engine Engine 22 B Slayton Aerospace
Jishaku Fe RF Rapid Railgun Weapon 20 B Shinigami
KE-20A Autocannon Weapon 19 A Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Scorch-P 60MW Pulse Laser Weapon 19 B Light Scythe
PBO-100 Auto Neutron Beam Weapon 20 B Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Shogun Enhanced Cockpit Cockpit 22 - Taiyo Astroneering
Shogun Cockpit Cockpit 16 - Taiyo Astroneering
H10 Atlas He3 Tank Fuel Tank 20 - Dogstar
500T He3 Tank Fuel Tank 22 - Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Pinpoint 3G Landing Gear - Port Mid Landing Gear 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Pinpoint 3G Landing Gear - Port Aft Landing Gear 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Helios 400 Grav Drive Grav Drive 21 A Deep Core
R-4000 Alpha Grav Drive Grav Drive 22 A Reladyne
SGD 1400 Grav Drive Grav Drive 19 A Slayton Aerospace
Aurora 11G Grav Drive Grav Drive 20 B Deep Core
RD-1000 Beta Grav Drive Grav Drive 21 B Reladyne
SGD 2100 Grav Drive Grav Drive 20 B Slayton Aerospace
Tokamak X-200 Reactor Reactor 20 A Amun Dunn
Z-Machine 2000 Reactor Reactor 19 B Amun Dunn
Fusor DC401 Reactor Reactor 20 C Deep Core
Pinch 5Z Reactor Reactor 20 C Xiang
KE-42 Cannon Weapon 25 B Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Reza 600 THz Laser Weapon 25 B Shinigami
Tsukisasu 25k Missile Launcher Weapon 25 B Shinigami
Eradicator 75MeV Neutron Beam Weapon 25 B Light Scythe
Jishaku Nd RF Rapid Railgun Turret Weapon 27 C Shinigami
Jishaku Nd RF Rapid Railgun Weapon 24 C Shinigami
MKE-4 Gauss Gun Weapon 24 C Ballistic Solutions Inc.
CE-49 Missile Launcher Weapon 24 C Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Dangan W Cannon Weapon 25 A Shinigami
Singe 4MW Laser Weapon 24 A Light Scythe
Atlatl 280A Missile Launcher Weapon 25 A Light Scythe
Galleon S203 Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 24 - Protectorate Systems
Armstrong 20R Cockpit Cockpit 16 - HopeTech
White Dwarf 3010 Engine Engine 24 A Reladyne
White Dwarf 3015 Engine Engine 24 A Reladyne
Nova 1010 Engine Engine 24 B Reladyne
H20 Atlas He3 Tank Fuel Tank 25 - Dogstar
SGD 2200 Grav Drive Grav Drive 24 B Slayton Aerospace
10T Hauler Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 15 - Sextant Shield Systems
20T Hauler Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 19 - Sextant Shield Systems
30T Hauler Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 23 - Sextant Shield Systems
Cabot C3X Bridge Cockpit 19 - Nova Galactic
NG-10 Landing Gear - Port Fore Landing Gear 3 - Nova Galactic
NG-10 Landing Gear - Port Aft Landing Gear 3 - Nova Galactic
NG-15 Landing Gear - Port Landing Gear 3 - Nova Galactic
NG-15 Landing Gear - Port Fore Landing Gear 3 - Nova Galactic
NG-20 Landing Gear - Fore Landing Gear 14 - Nova Galactic
Nova Cross Passage Hab 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Galactic Cargo Hall 3x3 Hab 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Galactic Mess Hall 3x2 Hab 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Galactic Cargo Hall 2x3 Hab 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Galactic Mess Hall 2x3 Hab 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Galactic All-in-One Berth 2x2 Hab 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Galactic Battle Stations 2x2 Hab 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Galactic Brig 2x2 Hab 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Galactic Cargo Hall 2x2 Hab 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Galactic Living Quarters 2x2 Hab 3 - Nova Galactic
Deflector SG-35 Shield Generator Shield Generator 19 A Sextant Shield Systems
Assurance SG-1000 Shield Generator Shield Generator 19 C Sextant Shield Systems
Osiris 2020-B Shield Generator Shield Generator 16 B Protectorate Systems
22T Defender Shield Generator Shield Generator 19 B Dogstar
Marduk 1020-A Shield Generator Shield Generator 19 A Protectorate Systems
40S Protector Shield Generator Shield Generator 22 A Dogstar
Mauler 105U Cannon Weapon 20 A Horizon Defense
Disruptor 3310 Proton Beam Weapon 20 A Horizon Defense
Mauler 106T Autocannon Turret Weapon 20 B Horizon Defense
Marauder 114ANC Rapid Railgun Weapon 19 C Horizon Defense
Dragon 241P Pulse Laser Turret Weapon 19 B Horizon Defense
Dragon 261P SX Pulse Laser Weapon 19 C Horizon Defense
Disruptor 3340A Auto Alpha Beam Weapon 19 C Horizon Defense
Galleon S204 Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 32 - Protectorate Systems
40T Hauler Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 31 - Sextant Shield Systems
Amun-5 Engine Engine 26 A Amun Dunn
Amun-6 Engine Engine 32 A Amun Dunn
Amun-7 Engine Engine 38 A Amun Dunn
Ares DT50 Engine Engine 24 A Panoptes
Ares DT60 Engine Engine 31 A Panoptes
White Dwarf 3020 Engine Engine 29 A Reladyne
White Dwarf 3030 Engine Engine 36 A Reladyne
Dunn-21 Engine Engine 27 B Amun Dunn
Dunn-31 Engine Engine 33 B Amun Dunn
Dunn-41 Engine Engine 39 B Amun Dunn
Dunn-51 Engine Engine 44 B Amun Dunn
Dunn-61 Engine Engine 50 B Amun Dunn
Dunn-71 Engine Engine 56 B Amun Dunn
Hercules DT120 Engine Engine 26 B Panoptes
Hercules DT130 Engine Engine 32 B Panoptes
Hercules DT140 Engine Engine 38 B Panoptes
Hercules DT150 Engine Engine 43 B Panoptes
Hercules DT160 Engine Engine 50 B Panoptes
Nova 1020 Engine Engine 31 B Reladyne
Nova 1030 Engine Engine 36 B Reladyne
Nova 1040 Engine Engine 43 B Reladyne
Nova 1050 Engine Engine 50 B Reladyne
Amun Dunn X-100 Engine Engine 38 C Amun Dunn
Amun Dunn X-200 Engine Engine 49 C Amun Dunn
Amun Dunn X-300 Engine Engine 60 C Amun Dunn
Poseidon DT210 Engine Engine 38 C Panoptes
Poseidon DT220 Engine Engine 48 C Panoptes
Poseidon DT230 Engine Engine 58 C Panoptes
Supernova 2100 Engine Engine 46 C Reladyne
Supernova 2200 Engine Engine 57 C Reladyne
H40 Atlas He3 Tank Fuel Tank 40 - Dogstar
H30 Atlas He3 Tank Fuel Tank 30 - Dogstar
900T He3 Tank Fuel Tank 27 - Ballistic Solutions Inc.
800T He3 Tank Fuel Tank 42 - Ballistic Solutions Inc.
700T He3 Tank Fuel Tank 32 - Ballistic Solutions Inc.
600T He3 Tank Fuel Tank 27 - Ballistic Solutions Inc.
220CB Landing Gear - Port Landing Gear 3 - Deimos
Aurora 12G Grav Drive Grav Drive 26 B Deep Core
Aurora 13G Grav Drive Grav Drive 32 B Deep Core
NG210 Grav Drive Grav Drive 24 B Nova Galactic
NG220 Grav Drive Grav Drive 29 B Nova Galactic
RD-2000 Beta Grav Drive Grav Drive 27 B Reladyne
RD-3000 Beta Grav Drive Grav Drive 33 B Reladyne
Apollo GV100 Grav Drive Grav Drive 38 C Deep Core
Apollo GV200 Grav Drive Grav Drive 45 C Deep Core
Apollo GV300 Grav Drive Grav Drive 54 C Deep Core
J-50 Gamma Grav Drive Grav Drive 39 C Reladyne
J-51 Gamma Grav Drive Grav Drive 46 C Reladyne
J-52 Gamma Grav Drive Grav Drive 54 C Reladyne
NG320 Grav Drive Grav Drive 42 C Nova Galactic
NG340 Grav Drive Grav Drive 46 C Nova Galactic
370T Stellarator Reactor Reactor 25 A Amun Dunn
380T Stellarator Reactor Reactor 41 A Amun Dunn
Spheromak DC201 Reactor Reactor 38 A Deep Core
Spheromak DC202 Reactor Reactor 43 A Deep Core
144MM Toroidal Reactor Reactor 22 A Dogstar
154MM Toroidal Reactor Reactor 30 A Dogstar
164MM Toroidal Reactor Reactor 46 A Dogstar
Z-Machine 2020 Reactor Reactor 24 B Amun Dunn
Z-Machine 3000 Reactor Reactor 41 B Amun Dunn
Z-Machine 4000 Reactor Reactor 49 B Amun Dunn
DC302 Fast Ignition Reactor Reactor 36 B Deep Core
DC303 Fast Ignition Reactor Reactor 51 B Deep Core
102DS Mag Inertial Reactor Reactor 25 B Dogstar
103DS Mag Inertial Reactor Reactor 44 B Dogstar
104DS Mag Inertial Reactor Reactor 60 B Dogstar
Theta Pinch B9 Reactor Reactor 24 C Amun Dunn
Theta Pinch C9 Reactor Reactor 35 C Amun Dunn
Theta Pinch D9 Reactor Reactor 51 C Amun Dunn
SF20 Sheared Flow Reactor Reactor 27 C Dogstar
SF30 Sheared Flow Reactor Reactor 36 C Dogstar
SF40 Sheared Flow Reactor Reactor 57 C Dogstar
Fusor DC402 Reactor Reactor 38 C Deep Core
Fusor DC403 Reactor Reactor 49 C Deep Core
Assurance SG-3000 Shield Generator Shield Generator 49 C Sextant Shield Systems
Assurance SG-2000 Shield Generator Shield Generator 35 C Sextant Shield Systems
Assurance SG-1800 Shield Generator Shield Generator 27 C Sextant Shield Systems
104D Guardian Shield Generator Shield Generator 60 C Dogstar
103D Guardian Shield Generator Shield Generator 43 C Dogstar
102D Guardian Shield Generator Shield Generator 27 C Dogstar
Warden SG-400 Shield Generator Shield Generator 60 B Sextant Shield Systems
Warden SG-300 Shield Generator Shield Generator 44 B Sextant Shield Systems
Warden SG-200 Shield Generator Shield Generator 25 B Sextant Shield Systems
Odin 3050-C Shield Generator Shield Generator 57 C Protectorate Systems
Odin 3040-C Shield Generator Shield Generator 36 C Protectorate Systems
Odin 3030-C Shield Generator Shield Generator 24 C Protectorate Systems
Osiris 2040-B Shield Generator Shield Generator 49 B Protectorate Systems
Osiris 2030-B Shield Generator Shield Generator 36 B Protectorate Systems
44T Defender Shield Generator Shield Generator 52 B Dogstar
33T Defender Shield Generator Shield Generator 41 B Dogstar
28T Defender Shield Generator Shield Generator 24 B Dogstar
Deflector SG-60 Shield Generator Shield Generator 56 A Sextant Shield Systems
Deflector SG-50 Shield Generator Shield Generator 41 A Sextant Shield Systems
Deflector SG-40 Shield Generator Shield Generator 25 A Sextant Shield Systems
Marduk 1040-A Shield Generator Shield Generator 46 A Protectorate Systems
Marduk 1030-A Shield Generator Shield Generator 38 A Protectorate Systems
60S Protector Shield Generator Shield Generator 51 A Dogstar
50S Protector Shield Generator Shield Generator 35 A Dogstar
KE-31 Cannon Weapon 36 A Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Mauler 105U Autocannon Weapon 25 A Horizon Defense
EMP-200 Suppressor Weapon 30 A Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Nullifier 1750 Suppressor Weapon 38 A Light Scythe
Singe-P 4MW Pulse Laser Weapon 35 A Light Scythe
CE-19 missile launcher Weapon 35 A Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Infiltrator SC-02 Missile Launcher Weapon 51 A Horizon Defense
Disruptor 3310A Auto Proton Beam Weapon 30 A Horizon Defense
PB-50 Proton Beam Weapon 30 A Ballistic Solutions Inc.
PBO-50 Auto Proton Beam Weapon 38 A Ballistic Solutions Inc.
KE-42 Cannon Turret Weapon 38 B Ballistic Solutions Inc.
KE-42A Autocannon Weapon 30 B Ballistic Solutions Inc.
KE-49 Cannon Weapon 44 B Ballistic Solutions Inc.
KE-49A Autocannon Weapon 60 B Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Mauler 106T Autocannon Weapon 16 B Horizon Defense
KE-31A Autocannon Weapon 46 A Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Mauler 107I Cannon Weapon 30 B Horizon Defense
Mauler 107I Autocannon Weapon 44 B Horizon Defense
Firebolt 4000 Suppressor Weapon 30 B Light Scythe
Dragon 251P UV Pulse Laser Weapon 36 B Horizon Defense
Scorch-P 60MW Pulse Laser Turret Weapon 25 B Horizon Defense
Torch 250MW UV Laser Weapon 36 B Light Scythe
Torch-P 250MW UV Pulse Laser Weapon 44 B Light Scythe
CE-39 Missile Launcher Weapon 44 B Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Hunter Mag-450 Missile Launcher Weapon 60 B Horizon Defense
Disruptor 3320 Neutron Turret Weapon 20 B Horizon Defense
Disruptor 3330 Helion Beam Weapon 30 B Horizon Defense
Disruptor 3330A Auto Helion Beam Weapon 36 B Horizon Defense
PBO-100 Auto Neutron Turret Weapon 25 B Ballistic Solutions Inc.
PB-175 Helion Beam Weapon 28 B Ballistic Solutions Inc.
PBO-175 Auto Helion Beam Weapon 48 B Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Marauder 115N Railgun Weapon 30 C Horizon Defense
Marauder 115N Railgun Turret Weapon 43 C Horizon Defense
Marauder 115N Rapid Railgun Weapon 49 C Horizon Defense
MKE-4A Auto Gauss Gun Weapon 27 C Ballistic Solutions Inc.
MKE-9 Gauss Gun Weapon 35 C Ballistic Solutions Inc.
MKE-9A Auto Gauss Gun Weapon 57 C Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Fulminator 8000 Suppressor Weapon 30 C Light Scythe
Blaze-P 2GW SX Pulse Laser Turret Weapon 30 C Light Scythe
Dragon 261 SX Laser Turret Weapon 24 C Horizon Defense
Devastator 1500 Missile Launcher Weapon 35 C Horizon Defense
PBO-300 Auto Alpha Turret Weapon 27 C Ballistic Solutions Inc.
PBO-300 Auto Alpha Beam Weapon 24 C Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Cabot C4 Bridge Cockpit 24 - Nova Galactic
NG-20 Landing Gear - Wide Landing Gear 14 - Nova Galactic
Bastille S83 Shield Generator Shield Generator 30 A Nautilus
Bastille S84 Shield Generator Shield Generator 43 A Nautilus
Tower N410 Shield Generator Shield Generator 28 B Nautilus
Tower N420 Shield Generator Shield Generator 48 B Nautilus
Fortress A2 Shield Generator Shield Generator 30 C Nautilus
Fortress A3 Shield Generator Shield Generator 51 C Nautilus
Dangan W RF Autocannon Weapon 36 A Shinigami
Supaku 250GC Suppressor Weapon 51 A Shinigami
Reza 30 THz IR Laser Weapon 35 A Shinigami
Reza 30 THz IR Pulse Laser Weapon 46 A Shinigami
Vaporizer 35MeV Proton Beam Weapon 38 A Light Scythe
Vaporizer 35MeV Auto Proton Beam Weapon 51 A Light Scythe
Tsukisasu 19K Missile Launcher Weapon 41 A Shinigami
Jishaku Fe RF Rapid Railgun Turret Weapon 25 B Shinigami
Jishaku AlNiCo Railgun Weapon 38 B Shinigami
Jishaku AlNiCo RF Rapid Railgun Weapon 52 B Shinigami
Reza 10 PHz UV Laser Weapon 44 B Shinigami
Reza 10 PHz UV Pulse Laser Turret Weapon 60 B Shinigami
Reza 10 PHz UV Pulse Laser Weapon 52 B Shinigami
Reza 600 THz Pulse Laser Weapon 30 B Shinigami
Tsukisasu 33k Missile Launcher Weapon 52 B Shinigami
Eradicator 75MeV Auto Neutron Turret Weapon 36 B Light Scythe
Eradicator 75MeV Auto Neutron Beam Weapon 30 B Light Scythe
Tatsu 500EM Suppressor Weapon 51 C Shinigami
Tatsu 501EM Suppressor Weapon 60 C Shinigami
Blaze-P 2GW SX Pulse Laser Weapon 27 C Light Scythe
Reza 300 PHz SX Laser Weapon 36 C Shinigami
Reza 300 PHz SX Pulse Laser Turret Weapon 60 C Shinigami
Reza 300 PHz SX Pulse Laser Weapon 51 C Shinigami
Tsukisasu 40k Missile Launcher Weapon 30 C Shinigami
Tsukisasu 50k Missile Launcher Weapon 57 C Shinigami
Obliterator 250MeV Alpha Beam Weapon 36 C Light Scythe
Obliterator 250MeV Alpha Turret Weapon 60 C Light Scythe
Obliterator 250MeV Auto Alpha Beam Weapon 51 C Light Scythe
SA-4110 Engine Engine 27 A Slayton Aerospace
SA-4220 Engine Engine 34 A Slayton Aerospace
SA-4330 Engine Engine 43 A Slayton Aerospace
SAE-5330 Engine Engine 34 B Slayton Aerospace
SAE-5440 Engine Engine 40 B Slayton Aerospace
SAE-5550 Engine Engine 45 B Slayton Aerospace
SAE-5660 Engine Engine 51 B Slayton Aerospace
SAL-6110 Engine Engine 39 C Slayton Aerospace
SAL-6220 Engine Engine 50 C Slayton Aerospace
SAL-6330 Engine Engine 60 C Slayton Aerospace
SGD 3100 Grav Drive Grav Drive 36 C Slayton Aerospace
SGD 3200 Grav Drive Grav Drive 44 C Slayton Aerospace
SGD 3300 Grav Drive Grav Drive 51 C Slayton Aerospace
Tokamak X-250 Reactor Reactor 35 A Xiang
Tokamak X-300 Reactor Reactor 51 A Xiang
Pinch 6Z Reactor Reactor 29 C Xiang
Pinch 8A Reactor Reactor 51 C Xiang
Pinch 7Z Reactor Reactor 43 C Xiang
Pinch 8Z Reactor Reactor 60 C Xiang
10ST Hauler Shielded Cargo Hold Shielded Cargo Hold 32 - Sextant Shield Systems
da Gama 1010 Shielded Cargo Hold Shielded Cargo Hold 20 - Panoptes
Polo 2020 Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 28 - Panoptes
Polo 2030 Cargo Hold Cargo Hold 37 - Panoptes
Himeji Command Bridge Cockpit 33 - Taiyo Astroneering
Himeji Bridge Cockpit 28 - Taiyo Astroneering
Kon-Tiki B-600 Bridge Cockpit 41 - Stroud Eklund
Kon-Tiki B-500 Bridge Cockpit 34 - Stroud Eklund
Kon-Tiki B-400 Bridge Cockpit 28 - Stroud Eklund
Commander 500 Bridge Cockpit 40 - HopeTech
Overseer 400 Bridge Cockpit 33 - HopeTech
Overseer 300E Bridge Cockpit 28 - HopeTech
DS40.2 Ares Bridge Cockpit 38 - Deimos
DS40.1 Ares Bridge Cockpit 32 - Deimos
DS30.2 Ares Bridge Cockpit 27 - Deimos
320CB Landing Gear Landing Gear 13 - Deimos
SGD 2300 Grav Drive Grav Drive 31 B Slayton Aerospace
Ion Beam H-1030 Reactor Reactor 48 B Xiang
Ion Beam H-1020 Reactor Reactor 28 B Xiang
Vanguard Bulwark Shield Generator Shield Generator - B Vanguard
Dragon 231P IR Pulse Laser Weapon 24 A Horizon Defense
Supaku 600GC Suppressor Weapon 49 B Shinigami
Atlatl 280B Missile Launcher Weapon 38 B Light Scythe
Exterminator 95MeV Helion Beam Weapon 48 B Light Scythe
Exterminator 95MeV Auto Helion Beam Weapon 60 B Light Scythe
Vanguard Recon Grav Drive Grav Drive - A Vanguard
Stroud Computer Core 2x2 Hab 3 - Stroud Eklund
Horizon Weapon Mount Structural 3 - Horizon Defense
Porthole - Fore Structural 3 - Nova Galactic
Porthole - Port Structural 3 - Nova Galactic
Porthole - Top Structural 3 - Nova Galactic
Stroud Braking Engine Structural 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Cap A - Port Fore Top Structural 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Cap A - Port Aft Top Structural 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Cap B - Port Aft Structural 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Cap C - Aft Top Structural 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Cowling 1LA-PT Structural 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Cowling 1LB-PT Structural 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Cowling 3LA-PT Structural 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Engine Bracer A Structural 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Engine Bracer B Structural 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Engine Mount Structural 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Mid Bracer Structural 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Nose Cap 2B - Fore Top Structural 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Nose Cap B - Fore Top Structural 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Nose Cap C - Port Fore Structural 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Nose Cap D - Port Fore Structural 3 - Stroud Eklund
Stroud Nose Cap E Structural 3 - Stroud Eklund
Vanguard Tempest CE-13 Missile Launcher Weapon - A Vanguard
Vanguard Obliterator Autoprojector Weapon - A Vanguard
Vanguard Hellfire Autocannon Weapon - B Vanguard
Vanguard Starseeker Pulse Laser Weapon - C Vanguard
Vanguard Ares Particle Cannon Weapon - C Vanguard
Equipment Plate Structural 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Braking Engine Structural 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Braking Engine - Port Structural 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Cowling - Fore Top Structural 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Cowling - Aft Top Structural 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo End Cap - Port Structural 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Forward Sensors Structural 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Mid Cap - Port Top Structural 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Mid Cap B - Port Top Structural 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Nose Cap - Port Structural 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Cap - Port Aft Structural 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Side Cap - Port Structural 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Side Cap B - Port Structural 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Slope Cap - Fore Structural 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Spine A Structural 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
Taiyo Spine B Structural 3 - Taiyo Astroneering
HopeTech Engineering Bay 3x1 Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Cargo Hall 3x2 Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Mess Hall 3x2 Hab 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Bumper A Structural 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Cap A - Fore Structural 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Cap A - Mid Structural 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Cap A - Aft Structural 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Cap B - Mid Structural 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Marker A Structural 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Nose B - Fore Structural 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Nose A - Port Structural 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Pipes - Fore Structural 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Pipes A - Mid Structural 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Pipes B - Mid Structural 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Radiator Structural 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Riser A Structural 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Riser B Structural 3 - HopeTech
HopeTech Thruster Structural 3 - HopeTech
Nova Bracer Structural 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Braking Engine - Port Structural 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Cowling 1L-PF Structural 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Cowling 1L-PM Structural 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Cowling 1L-PA Structural 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Cowling 2L-PM Structural 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Cowling 2L-PA Structural 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Cowling 2L-TF Structural 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Cowling 2L-TA Structural 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Engine Struts Structural 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Radiator - Port Structural 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Radiator - Top Structural 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Radiator Structural 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Thruster Array - Port Structural 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Wing - Port Structural 3 - Nova Galactic
Nova Weapon Mount Structural 3 - Nova Galactic
Deimos Belly - Fore Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Bracer A Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Braking Engine Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Bumper - Port Fore Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Bumper - Port Mid Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Bumper - Port Aft Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Cowling - Fore Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Hull A Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Radiator Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Skeg A Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Skeg B Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Spine A - Fore Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Spine B Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Spine C - Fore Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Spine D - Fore Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Spine E - Fore Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Spine F - Fore Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Spine G Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Tail A Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Wing A - Port Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Wing A - Port Aft Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Wing B - Port Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Wing C - Port Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Wing D - Port Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Wing D - Port Aft Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Wing E - Port Structural 3 - Deimos
Deimos Wing E - Port Aft Structural 3 - Deimos

Where to Get Ship Parts

Purchase from Ship Technicians and Showrooms

Manufacturer-Specific Ship Part Locations

Shop / Location Ship Parts
Deimos Staryard
Deimos (Orbit)
Deimos Habs
Deimos Cockpits
DS30.1 Ares Bridge
DS30.2 Ares Bridge
DS40.1 Ares Bridge
DS40.2 Ares Bridge

320CB Landing Gear
HopeTech Showroom
HopeTech Habs
HopeTech Cockpits
Commander 500 Bridge
Overseer 300 Bridge
Overseer 300E Bridge
Overseer 400 Bridge

Hope 55 Landing Gear
New Homestead
Nova Galactic
Nova Galactic Habs
Nova Galactic Cockpits
Cabot C3 Bridge
Cabot C3X Bridge
Cabot C4 Bridge

NG-20 Landing Gear
NG-20 Landing Gear - Fore
NG-20 Landing Gear - Wide
Stroud-Eklund Showroom
Neon Core
(Volii Alpha)
Stroud-Eklund Habs
Stroud-Eklund Cockpits
Kon-Tiki B-300 Bridge
Kon-Tiki B-310 Bridge
Kon-Tiki B-400 Bridge
Kon-Tiki B-500 Bridge
Kon-Tiki B-600 Bridge
Stroud-Eklund Staryard
Dalvik (Orbit)
Taiyo Astroneering Showroom
Neon Core
(Volii Alpha)
Taiyo Habs
Taiyo Cockpits
Shogun Cockpit
Shogun Enhanced Cockpit

Ship Bed 200 Landing Bay

The above Ship Parts are limited in accessibility, and some can only be found at specific shops affiliated with a manufacturer (for example, New Homestead's Ship Technician for Cabot cockpits). These are usually manufacturer-specific Habs, or higher-level Cockpits that support more crew and storage.

List of All Ship Manufacturers

Use the Shipbuilder Control Console

Starfield - Shipbuilder Control Console

Module Required Resources
Landing Pad with Shipbuilder Iron x30
Beryllium x2
Adaptive Frame x18
Zero Wire x2

For quick access to most manufacturer parts such as Habs, using the Shipbuilder Control Console at a Landing Pad with Shipbuilder built at your outpost is recommended.

This module can be found under Outpost Miscellaneous Modules. Not all parts may be available such as high-level cockpits, however, so make sure to check the mentioned manufacturer-specific ship part locations.

All Outpost Modules

UC Vanguard Ship Part Locations

Starfield - Vanguard Obliterator Autoprojector

Location / Planet Shops
New Atlantis
(Alpha Centauri)
Can also be found in other shops and showrooms.
UC Vanguard
Vanguard Ares Particle Cannon
Vanguard Bulwark Shield Generator
Vanguard Hellfire Autocannon
Vanguard Obliterator Autoprojector
Vanguard Recon Grav Drive
Vanguard Starseeker Pulse Laser
Vanguard Tempest CE-13 Missile Launcher

Not widely available in New Atlantis and other shops before joining the UC Vanguard and completing the 2nd affiliated mission Grunt Work.

UC Vanguard ship parts are a special set parts unavailable only until having joined the UC Vanguard and completed the 2nd affiliated mission Grunt Work.

Once the mission is completed, UC Vanguard ship parts will be available for purchase across different Ship Technicians and showrooms.

UC Vanguard Questline

Generic Ship Part Locations

Location / Planet Shops
Akila City
・Ship Technician
Found in a building to the right of the city entrance when coming from the landing pad.
・Ship Technician
Found in front of a hab to the left just before the colony's entrance tunnel.
Deimos Staryard
Deimos (Orbit)
・Nikau Henderson
Can be found in the main showroom at a lower floor from the staryard's entrance.
New Homestead
・Ship Technician
Found at the landing pad.
Gagarin Landing
(Alpha Centauri)
・Ship Technician
Found at the landing pad.
・Ship Technician
・HopeTech Showroom

The technician can be found at the landing pad. Inaya Rehman of the showroom can be found to the right upon entering the HopeTech building.
Volii Alpha
・Ship Technician
・Stroud Eklund Showroom
・Taiyo Astroneering Showroom

A technician can be found within Ship Services at the landing pad, and the showrooms can be found at Neon Core. The Stroud-Eklund Ship Kiosk can be found in its showroom beside Sieghart's Outfitters, and Veronica Young of Taiyo Astroneering via accessing the Ryujin Industries building elevator.
New Atlantis
(Alpha Centauri)
・Ship Technician
Found at the landing pad.
Porrima II
・Ship Technician
Found at the landing pad.
Red Mile
Porrima III
・Lon Anderssen
Found at a desk to the right upon entering the Red Mile's airlock.
Stroud-Eklund Staryard
Dalvik (Orbit)
Can be found either at the entrance's counter or at a kiosk near the left window of the main showroom.
The Clinic
・Ship Technician
Found at a counter to the right before entering the Reception area, near a Trade Authority kiosk.
The Den
・Ship Technician
Found immediately upon entering, in front of a Ship Services sign.
The Eleos Retreat
Ixyll II
・Ship Technician
Upon landing, found at a hab with a rotating satellite on the right. Inside, the technician can be found near a Trade Authority kiosk.
The Key
・Ship Services
Find and speak to Jasmine Durand at the Ship Services counter to the left after entering The Key's Cargo Bay. Accessible during and after Rook Meets King.

Other than the mentioned exclusive Manufacturer-Specific Ship Parts, most other ship parts like weapons and reactors can be bought at almost any technician, showroom, or at a shipbuilding console found at your outpost's Landing Pad with Ship Builder.

All Cities and Maps

Special Smuggling-Related Ship Parts

Starfield - Purchase a Shielded Cargo Hold from Lon Anderssen

Certain ship technicians sell special ship parts such as Scan Jammers and Shielded Cargo Holds that are not usually sold in others shops, as having these parts gives you a chance to evade ship scans for contrabands.

Dealing in contraband can alternatively net you lots of income. Consider finding these ship parts if you plan to trade these items safely across different secure systems.

Should there be a hard time fitting in these ship parts and trading in contraband, The Den at Wolf is considered the safest for such transactions due to the lack of ship scans.

How to Smuggle and Sell Contraband

Purchase and Customize Ships

Ships from ship technicians and in showrooms come pre-built with a lot of ship parts installed. Buying ships is a great substitute to save time for obtaining parts individually.

Another option would be to register and customize stolen ships. Prioritize preserving any expensive high-level parts they may have when you are planning to use them.

List of All Ships

Preserve Pre-built High Level Parts

Related Skills
Starfield - Starship Design Starship Design Starfield - Piloting Piloting

Alternatively, buying ships is one way to access parts locked behind Starship Design ranks and character level as long as they are preserved during customization (do not delete or sell them). You will still need to increase the rank of your Piloting Skill to fly ships beyond Class A.

For example, high-level parts are obtainable from the Shieldbreaker (Class B), which is immediately available for purchase from the start at New Atlantis (with a hefty price tag):

There is also the Narwhal (Class C) to consider for its 36-capacity Pinch 8A Reactor, found and available for purchase early-game at Neon.

All Ship Parts Explained

Ship Parts Breakdown
  1. Reactors
  2. Weapons
  3. Shield Generator
  4. Engines
  5. Grav Drive
  6. Fuel Tanks
  7. Cockpit
  8. Cargo Hold
  9. Hab
  10. Docker
  11. Landing Bay
  12. Landing Gears
  13. Cowling
  14. Equipment


Reactor Stats Overview
Class Indicates the tier of a ship part. The reactor's class also sets the tier limit of parts that can be attached to the ship.
Power Generated Dictates the amount of power you can allocate to different ship parts during spaceflight.
Repair Rate Indicates the speed at which the reactor regains power levels after being damaged.
Reactor Health Indicates the amount of damage the reactor can take before malfunctioning and losing power levels.
Hull Increases your ship's health by the indicated number.
Crew Capacity Increases the number of crew members your ship can accommodate.

The Reactor module is your ship's power source. The module determines how many components you can activate and the level of efficiency at which you can use them. The power levels can be allocated and reallocated to different ship parts during space flight depending on which ones you need at the moment.

List of All Reactors


Weapon Stats Overview

Weapon Stats Overview
Class Indicates the tier of a ship part. Parts with a class stat can only be added to a ship with a reactor of the same class or higher.
Range Shows the maximum distance of the weapon's attacks.
Fire Rate Indicates the frequency at which the weapon can fire or launch its projectiles.
Hull DMG Indicates the amount of damage the weapon can deal to a ship's actual health.
Shield DMG Indicates the amount of damage the weapon can deal to a ship's shield.
Max Power Indicates the maximum power that can be allocated to the weapons during space flight.
Hull Increases your ship's health by the indicated number.
Crew Capacity Increases the number of crew members your ship can accommodate.

Weapon modules are your ship's tools for fighting during space combat. There are 3 weapon slots on a ship, and you can equip different types of weapon modules, such as cannons, lasers, and missile systems, depending on your needs.

List of All Ship Weapons

Weapon Types Overview

Laser (LAS) Generally deals more damage to a ship's shield.
Ballistic (BAL) Generally deals more damage to a ship's a hull or health.
Missile (MSL) Slow fire rate and needs to target lock an enemy ship first, but deals a lot of damage to both a ship's shield and hull.
Particle beam (PAR) All-around weapon.
Electromagnetic (EM) Aims to disable a target ship's systems rather than damaging it.

As of the writing of this article, these are the weapon types that have been discovered so far.

Space Battles Combat Guide

Shield Generator

Shield Generator Stats Overview
Class Indicates the tier of a ship part. Parts with a class stat can only be added to a ship with a reactor of the same class or higher.
Max Power Indicates the maximum power that can be allocated to the shield during space flight.
Shield Max Health Indicates the maximum damage the shield generator can take before your ship hull starts to take damage.
Regen Rate Indicates the time it takes for the shield to regenerate after absorbing damage.
Hull Increases your ship's health by the indicated number.
Crew Capacity Increases the number of crew members your ship can accommodate.

The Shield Generator module protects your ship against different damage types during space combat. This is an essential ship part since you will encounter hostile enemy ships as you explore space.

List of All Shield Generators


Engine Stats Overview
Class Indicates the tier of a ship part. Parts with a class stat can only be added to a ship with a reactor of the same class or higher.
Max Power Indicates the maximum power that can be allocated to the engine during space flight.
Engine Thrust Determines the maximum speed of the ship at full power when traveling in a straight line.
Maneuviring Thrust Determines the maximum speed of the ship while turning.
Engine Health Indicates the amount of damage the engine can sustain before it starts malfunctioning.
Hull Increases your ship's health by the indicated number.
Crew Capacity Increases the number of crew members your ship can accommodate.

Engine modules are used for the ship's movement and determine the ship's traveling speed. Having good engine modules will allow you to maneuver your ship faster and easier as you travel or engage in space combat.

List of All Engines

Grav Drive

Grav Drive Stats Overview
Class Indicates the tier of a ship part. Parts with a class stat can only be added to a ship with a reactor of the same class or higher.
Max Power Indicates the maximum power that can be allocated to the Grav Drive during space flight.
Grav Jump Thrust Determines the maximum distance your ship will be able to grav jump.
Grav Drive Health Indicates the amount of damage the part can take before it starts to malfunction.
Hull Increases your ship's health by the indicated number.

The Grav Drive module allows your ship to jump from one star system to another. Upgrading this module increases your ship's jump range, allowing you to reach further destinations without having to manually stop at a nearby star system.

List of All Grav Drives

Fuel Tanks

Fuel Tank Stats Overview
Grav Jump Fuel Indicates the amount of fuel the ship part can store for grav jumps.
Hull Increases your ship's health by the indicated number.

Fuel Tanks store your ship's resources used for grav jumps, and it helps determine how far your ship can grav jump when moving from system to system. They don't need to be refueled, and they are automatically replenished in between grav jumps.

List of All Fuel Tanks


Cockpit Stats Overview
Cargo Increases the amount of items the ship can store by the indicated amount.
Hull Increases your ship's health by the indicated number.
Crew Stations TBD

The cockpit is the control center of a ship. Within it, you'll find the pilot's seat, several workstations depending on its size, and cargo space.

Your ship's cockpit should always have an interior connection to a landing bay when customizing your ship for the entire spacecraft to function.

List of All Cockpits

Cargo Hold

Cargo Hold Stats Overview
Cargo Increases the amount of items the ship can store by the indicated amount.
Shielded Cargo Indicates the amount of contraband items the ship can hide and protect from scans.
Hull Increases your ship's health by the indicated number.

The Cargo Hold module acts as your ship's inventory space. The space is dedicated to items that are to be smuggled, delivered, or stored by the player. There are also shielded versions of cargo hold parts that allow you to smuggle contraband to different systems without being detected by scans.

List of All Cargo Holds


Hab Module Ship Additions
All-in-One Berth ・Navigation Console
・Passenger Slots
Armory ・Weapon and Armor Storage and Display
▶︎ Where to Store Items
Battle Station ・Navigation Console
・Crew Stations
Brig ・Bed
Captain's Quarters ・Bed
Cargo Hall ・Storage
Companionway None
Computer Core ・Storage
・Crew Stations
Control Station ・Crew Stations
Cross None
Engineering Bay ・Storage
Infirmary ・Pharmaceutical Lab
・Research Lab
Living Quarters ・Bed
Mess Hall ・Cooking Station
Science Lab ・Pharmaceutical Lab
・Research Lab
Storeroom None
Workshop Hab Weapon Workbench
Spacesuit Workbench
Industrial Workbench
Research Lab

Hab is short for Habitat modules. These modules are the living quarters of your ship's population. They increase the number of crew and passengers your ship can carry. They also allow you to construct different rooms for storage and workstations for crafting within your ship.

The square indicators represent the ship's possible entry points when mapping out your ship's interior during customization.

List of All Habs


Docker Stats Overview
Hull Increases your ship's health by the indicated number.

The Docker module connects with space stations or other ships, allowing you to move between the two locations. Other than this function and a bit of health, dockers do not provide any stats to your ship.

The ring you'll see on a docker indicates where the connection will be made when it docks on another spacecraft. This side of the ship part should be free from obstruction when customizing your ship to keep it functional.

List of All Dockers

Landing Bay

Landing Bay Stats Overview
Hull Increases your ship's health by the indicated number.

The Landing Bay is your ship's entrance and exit when deployed on a planet's surface.

Your ship's landing bay should always have an interior connection to the cockpit when customizing your ship for the entire spacecraft to function.

List of All Landing Bays

Landing Gears

Landing Gear Stats Overview
Lander Thrust Determines the ship mass that the landing gear can carry. 1 lander thrust can carry approximately 200 mass.
Hull Increases your ship's health by the indicated number.

The Landing Gears allow your ship to land on different planet surfaces and terrain while keeping your ship upright. You will need more landing gears the heavier your ship is.

List of All Landing Gears


Cowling modules are cosmetic parts of the ship that allow you to modify its shape and size. They don't add any stats to your ship.

List of All Cowlings


Ship equipment add different unique features to your ship. They are rare ship parts that can be only found on specific shops in specific planets.

List of All Ship Equipment

How to Customize Your Ship

Visit Ship Technicians in Space Ports for Exterior Customization

You can customize your ships by docking in Space Ports and visiting the location's Ship Technician. By interacting with the technician, you'll be able to modify and upgrade your ship, as well as purchase and sell ships and ship parts.

Ship Building and Customization Guide

Ship Builder Mode

By interacting with the Ship Technician, you can access the game's Ship Builder Mode. In this screen, you'll be able to fully customize every part of your ship depending on available parts, as well as each module's color scheme.

Modify Modules Individually

Alternatively, you can choose to change or upgrade parts individually through this screen accessed from the Ship Technician as well.

Customize Ship Interior

Ship Parts Affecting Interior
(Portholes / Windows)

A ship's overall interior is dependant on its attached Cockpit, Habs, Dockers, and Structural parts (specifically portholes or windows).

Each ship manufacturer has a unique interior style for their cockpits and ship habs. Parts of a hab change depending on other connected habs or structural objects like portholes. For example, a hab will generate a ladder if another hab is attached on top of it.

Experiment with an interior layout, such as having a main hab connected to both a Workshop Hab and a Science Lab on opposite sides for convenient door placement and quick crafting access.

How to Upgrade Ship Parts

Replace Modules with Better Versions

Ship Customization Individual

You can upgrade ship parts by replacing them at a spaceport. Interact with the local ship technician, and from there, you can purchase modules with higher stats. Equip them to your ship while replacing the old parts.

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