Starfield Shattered Space

All Cities and Maps, Settlements, and Points of Interest

Starfield - Cities and Points of Interest

This guide lists all of the cities, settlements, and points of interest you can visit on planets Starfield. Read on to learn where to find the major cities, all settlements, and the generic and named POIs in the game.

List of Major Cities

All Major Cities

Starfield - Jemison City Overworld View

Name Planet System
New Atlantis Jemison Alpha Centauri
Neon Volii Alpha Volii
Cydonia Mars Sol
Akila City Akila Cheyenne
Hopetown Polvo Valo
New Homestead Titan Sol

Major cities are the most populated areas in Starfield. In these locations, you'll find NPCs, different establishments, and the headquarters of factions where you'll get the majority of the quests in the game.

You can also purchase a house in all major cities to have a place to rest, store items, and house companions.

Best Houses and How to Get All Houses

List of Points of Interest

Named Points of Interest

Name Planet System
Ka'zaal Sulfur Mine Ka'zaal Nirah
The Key Suvorov Kryx
The Well Jemison Alpha Centauri
Autonomous Dogstar Factory Grimsey Narion
Kreet Research Lab Kreet Narion
Red Mile Porrima III Porrima
Gagarin Landing Gagarin Alpha Centauri
Mast District Jemison Alpha Centauri
Residential District TBD TBD
The Lodge Jemison Alpha Centauri
Research Outpost U3-09 Altair II Altair
Pilgrim's Rest Indum II Indum
Paradiso Porrima II Porrima
Codos Alu Codos Cheyenne
Fortuna Codos Cheyenne
New York Landmark Earth Sol
The Den Chthonia Wolf
The Almagest Nesoi Olympus
Deimos Staryard Deimos Sol
Crucible Charybdis III Charybdis
Tau Gourmet Production Center Tau Ceti II Tau Ceti
CM Station RC-1 Carinae III-a Carinae
Ecliptic Base Masada III Masada
The Eleos Retreat Ixyll II Ixyll
The Lock Suvorov Kryx
Nishina Research Station Freya III Freya
Nova Galactic Staryard Luna Sol
Vlad's Villa Syrma VII-a Syrma
Starstation UCN-48 Muphrid IV Muphrid
Trident Luxury Lines Staryard Akila Cheyenne
Stroud-Eklund Staryard Dalvik Narion
Derelict Achilles Maheo IV Maheo
The Colander Schrodinger III Schrodinger
Ebbside - Neon Volii Alpha Volii
Neon Underbelly Volii Alpha Volii
Lopez's Farm Piazzi II Piazzi
Starstation RE-939 Voss Alpha Centauri
ECS Constant Porrima II Porrima
Vulture's Roost Jaffa IV Jaffa
Deimos Armored Transport Grissom Alpha Centauri
Forward Base 441 Toliman II Toliman
Derelict Bireme Kapteyn II Kapteyn's Star
Eklund Excavation Site CL25 Bonner Sakharov
The Haemosu Copernicus V Copernicus
Reliant Medical Organics Lab Beta Ternion I Beta Ternion
Lucky Lu Heinlein I Heinlein

These are points of interest unique to specific planets with possibly handcrafted content. They might be relevant to missions, or they might be hiding rare loot and special resources.

Generic Points of Interest

Starfield - Civilian OutpostCivilian Outpost Starfield - Industrial OutpostIndustrial Outpost Starfield - Mining OutpostMining Outpost
Starfield - Deserted Relay StationDeserted Relay Station Starfield - Abandoned Muybridge Pharmaceuticals LabAbandoned Muybridge Pharmaceuticals Lab Starfield - Abandoned Gravity FarmAbandoned Gravity Farm
Starfield - StructureStructure Starfield - Science OutpostScience Outpost Starfield - 1-of-a-Kind Salvage1-of-a-Kind Salvage
Starfield - Abandoned Robotics FacilityAbandoned Robotics Facility Starfield - Spaceship DebrisSpaceship Debris Starfield - Fracking StationFracking Station
Starfield - Abandoned OutpostAbandoned Outpost Starfield - Deserted Mineral PlantDeserted Mineral Plant Starfield - Military PostMilitary Post
Starfield - Crashed ShipCrashed Ship Starfield - Landing AreaLanding Area Starfield - Occupied CaveOccupied Cave
Starfield - Scanner AnomalyScanner Anomaly Starfield - Abandoned Research TowerAbandoned Research Tower Starfield - Deserted Robotics LabDeserted Robotics Lab
Starfield - Abandoned Biochem LaboratoryAbandoned Biochem Laboratory Starfield - Abandoned Weapon StationAbandoned Weapon Station Starfield - Abandoned FarmAbandoned Farm
Starfield - Ancient RuinsAncient Ruins Processing Plant Starfield - Buried TempleBuried Temple
Starfield - Bindi Mining OutpostBindi Mining Outpost Starfield - Deserted Ecliptic GarrisonDeserted Ecliptic Garrison Starfield - Abandoned Mining PlatformAbandoned Mining Platform
Starfield - Forgotten Mech GraveyardForgotten Mech Graveyard Starfield - Autonomous StaryardAutonomous Staryard Starfield - Abandoned Deimos ScrapyardAbandoned Deimos Scrapyard
Starfield - Deserted UC GarrisonDeserted UC Garrison Starfield - Abandoned Mining RigAbandoned Mining Rig Starfield - Deserted Biotics LabDeserted Biotics Lab
Starfield - Safe House GammaSafe House Gamma

These points of interest have been shown to appear on multiple planets with the same name and icon. They are possibly procedurally generated and randomized locations that provide additional content and life to planets.

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield Walkthrough and Guides Wiki

Starfield Walkthrough and Guides Wiki

Starfield Wiki
Starfield - Shattered Space DLCShattered Space DLC Starfield - REV-8REV-8
Starfield - Main QuestsMain Quests Starfield - Side QuestsSide Quests
Starfield - FactionsFactions Starfield - Best Weapons PartialBest Weapons
Armor and Gear Partial BannerArmor Starfield - WeaponsWeapons
Starfield - Tips and TricksTips and Tricks Console Commands Partial BannerConsole Commands
Starfield - Ship PartsShip Parts Starfield - Ship ManufacturersShip Manufacturers
Starfield - PlanetsPlanets Starfield - Star SystemsStar Systems
Starfield - Cities and Points of InterestCities and POIs Starfield - Choices and Consequences Partial BannerChoices
Starfield - SkillsSkills Starfield - TraitsTraits
Starfield - ResourcesResources and Materials Starfield - OutpostsOutposts
Starfield - List of Companions and Crew MembersCompanions Starfield - Builds Partial BannerBuilds
Ship DesignsShip Designs Starfield - List of All ShipsShips
Starfield - Starborn PowersStarborn Powers Starfield - CollectiblesCollectibles
Starfield - ShopsShops Starfield - ItemsItems
Starfield - HousesHouses Starfield - Mission BoardMission Board
Starfield - PuzzlesPuzzle Solutions Starfield - BackgroundsBackgrounds
Starfield - EnemiesEnemies Starfield - Research ProjectsResearch Projects
Starfield - List of All AchievementsAchievements Starfield - Bugs and ErrorsBugs
Starfield - Weapon ModsWeapon Mods Starfield - Armor ModsArmor Mods
Starfield - Fauna and Alien CreaturesFauna and Alien Creatures Starfield - Flora and PlantsFlora and Plants
Starfield - News and UpdatesNews and Updates -


2 Anonymousabout 1 year

Missing Neuradyne Botany Laboratory on Beta Marae I

1 Anonymousover 1 year

Missing "Deserted Colony War Barracks" on Serpentis II in Serpentis System, which I think is a unique POI


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