Starfield Shattered Space

The Empty Nest Walkthrough and Rewards

Starfield - The Empty Nest

The Empty Nest is a main quest in Starfield. See how to unlock The Empty Nest, rewards, and how to complete it.

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The Empty Nest Rewards and Unlock Condition

How to Unlock and Rewards

Starting Location Akila City, Akila
Recommended Level 1
Prerequisites None
Previous Quest The Old Neighborhood
Next Quest Back to Vectera
Rewards EXP: 350
Credits: 7200

The Empty Nest Walkthrough and Objectives

Main Objectives

  1. Talk to Sam Coe
  2. Travel to Akila City
  3. Talk to Sam
  4. Go to the Galbank Vault
  5. Complete the Job Gone Wrong Faction Quest
  6. Talk to Sam
  7. Go to the Galbank Vault
  8. Search for the Maps
  9. Talk to Sam
  10. Talk to Jacob
  11. Talk to Sam
  12. Get the Maps
  13. Talk to Sam
  14. Travel to the Empty Nest
  15. Get the Artifact
  16. Leave the Hideout
  17. Deal With Shaw
  18. Return to the Lodge
  19. Add the Artifact
  20. Wait for Sam
  21. Talk to Sam

1. Talk to Sam Coe

Starfield - Talk to Sam Coe in the Greenhouse

Go to the Lodge on the planet Jemison in the Alpha Centauri system. Talk to Sam Coe in the greenhouse next to the library.

How to Romance Sam Coe, Likes and Dislikes, and How to Recruit

2-3. Travel to Akila City

Starfield - Akila City Main Entrance

Climb aboard your ship and make way for Akila City located on Akila planet of the Cheyenne System. Upon landing, Sam will ask if you're ready to proceed. Agreeing to this will lock-in Sam as your current companion for the remainder of the quest.

Akila City Map, Shops, and Location Guide

4-5. Complete the Job Gone Wrong Faction Quest

Starfield - persuading the bank robbers

Head to the Galbank Vault just past the city's entrance and talk to Marshal Blake to find out that the bank has been taken over by robbers. Before proceeding, you'll have to complete the Job Gone Wrong side quest in order to get inside the bank.

Job Gone Wrong Rewards and How to Unlock

6-9. Search for the Maps

Starfield - Search the maps in storage lockers

Once the robbers have been dealt with, enter the Galbank Vault and go down to the bank's storage area. Obtain the Coe Galbank Keycard from Sam and search the lockers for the Note for Sam item.

10-12. Get the Maps

Starfield - Jacob Coe

Use the Hand Scanner and follow the trail leading to Jacob Coe's house just behind The Rock. Enter the residence and ask Jacob for the maps. Unfortunately, he won't give it to you.

There are three methods to obtain the maps:

  • Ask Cora For Help
  • Talk to Jacob and Have Sam Distract Him
  • Talk to Jacob and Persuade Him

Ask Cora For Help (Optional)

Go back to your ship and ask Cora Coe to help you retrieve the maps. Return to the Coe estate with Cora and Jacob will happily give you the maps.

Take note that Sam will dislike you if you decide to go with this! However, this is the easiest way to get the maps as the other two requires you to do complex tasks compared to this method.

Talk to Jacob and Have Sam Distract Him (Optional)

Talk to Jacob and choose the Distraction dialogue option. While he's talking to Sam, lockpick the door to his office (Novice difficulty) and grab the maps on top of the filing cabinet.

Lockpicking Guide and How to Pick Locks

Talk to Jacob and Persuade Him (Optional)

Persuade Jacob to hand over the maps by filling up 4 bars of the persuasion meter within 3 turns.

Persuasion Guide - How to Build Persuasion Meter

13-14. Travel to the Empty Nest

Starfield - Empty Nest Camp

Talk to Sam to find out the location of the Empty Nest. Once located, head over there—it will be on the outskirts of the city marked by your objective marker.

Be sure to stock up on ammo and health recovery items as there will be a handful of Shaw Gang members present in the area that you're going to.

Recalibrate Friend/Foe Settings for Turrets

Starfield - Turrets Friend Foe Settings

For the turrets emplaced around the camp, you can tinker with the friend/foe settings to turn them against your enemies. You can quickly access the turret terminal by entering the camp from the side rather than the main entrance!

This is a perfect trick to do if you're planning to go with the stealth route and sneak your way through the encampment.

How to Beat Enemy Turrets

15-16. Get the Artifact

Starfield - Empty Nest Hideout

Clear out the camp of hostiles and then proceed to the entrance of the hideout. Fight your way through the cave until you reach a mineral deposit. Use the cutter on the deposit and grab the Artifact Chi.

Once done, make your way back to the entrance and leave the hideout.

Combat Tips and Mistakes to Avoid

17. Deal with Shaw

Starfield - Deal with Shaw

Shaw and her band of goons will be waiting for you by the hideout entrance. You can persuade her for a peaceful resolution, pay 4000 Credits to escape her wrath, or attack them head on.

Shaw Will Give You Items if You Defeat the Ashta

If you help Shaw defeat the Ashta, she will give you a Modified Razorback and some 7.5MM Whitehot ammo.

18-19. Return to the Lodge and Add the Artifact

Starfield - Add Artifact to Collection at the Lodge

Go back to the Lodge on Jemison and add the Artifact to the collection at the middle of the library.

20-21. Talk to Sam

Starfield - talk to Sam Coe to receive rewards

Talk to Sam afterwards to end the quest and receive 7200 Credits for your reward. You'll also unlock him as your companion and you can bring him along your adventures in space!

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Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Main Quests

List of All Main Quests

All Main Quest Walkthroughs

# Main Quest Unlockables
1 One Small Step ・The Lodge
2 The Old Neighborhood ・Unlock Sarah Morgan as companion
3 The Empty Nest ・Unlock Sam Coe as companion
4 Back to Vectera ・Unlock Barrett as companion
5 Into the Unknown ・Unlock Andreja as companion
・Anti-Gravity Field
6 All That Money Can Buy None
7 Starborn ・Artifact
8 Further Into the Unknown None
9 Short Sighted None
10 No Sudden Moves None
11 High Price to Pay ・Armillary
12 Unity None
13 In Their Footsteps None
14 Final Glimpses ・Artifact
15 Entangled None
16 Unearthed None
17 Missed Beyond Measure None
18 Revelation ・Artifact
19 One Giant Leap ・New Game Plus
20 Among the Stars None
21 Foreknowledge None


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