Starfield Shattered Space

All Bugs, Glitches, and Known Issues

Starfield - All Bugs and Errors
A list of all currently known bugs and errors in Starfield. Read on to learn how to fix these bugs, exploits, performance issues, and more!

All Bugs, Glitches, and Known Issues

General Troubleshooting Tips and Fixes

Low FPS Performance Issues

Some players have reported experiencing low FPS and performance issues in the PC version of Starfield. This may be due to many factors including game optimization issues, setting the graphics too high for the PC handle, and more.

How to Fix Low FPS Performance Issue

Failed to Create Save Game Error

This error is caused by the Controlled Folder Access in Windows Security and prevents Starfield from creating a save file in your computer. Turning it off or allowing Starfield.exe as an exception fixes this error.

How to Fix Failed to Create Save Game Error

Headless Character Bug

This is a visual bug caused by aiming down the gun's sights. Activating the Hand Scanner, switching to first-person, and reloading the last save file fixes this bug.

Headless Character Bug and How to Fix

tcl (No Clip) Console Command Stops Working

A bug in the PC version of Starfield prevents the tcl (no clip) console command from working. Typing tcl on the console command outputs a blank message instead of the proper "Collission -> Off message".

Our walkthrough team has confirmed that the bug occured after inputting the unlock console command multiple times to open locked doors and safes.

Quitting the game to the title screen and reloading the save fixes the bug.

Console Commands List and Best Cheats

Eye of the Storm Quest Bugs

There have been reports of multiple bugs occuring in the Eye of the Storm faction quest which leads to players unable to complete the quest.

Make sure to create multiple saves after completing each objective of the quest so you can reload from a previous safe state in case a bug occurs.

Eye of the Storm Rewards and How to Unlock

Groundpounder Quest Bugs

A side quest, Groundpounder, has multiple bugs as you progress through its objectives. This leads players unable to complete the quest.

The most commonly reported issue occurs when you travel away from the quest's star system as this makes the quest objective disappear completely.

Make sure to upgrade your ship and weapons before starting this quest as you will need to battle through waves of enemies on the ground and in space.

Groundpounder Bug Fixes and Walkthrough

Cannot Fast Travel Within New Atlantis

A bug that our walkthrough team found appears after completing the Tapping the Grid side quest at The Well in New Atlantis.

When attempting to fast travel within New Atlantis, a "You cannot fast travel at this time" notification appears. The bug still persisted even after completing the succeeding side quest, Alternating Currents.

Boarding your ship and setting course to a different star system and then returning back to New Atlantis fixed the bug.

Crashing on PC Version

Starfield - Crashing on PC Version
Multiple players have reported crashing issues on the PC version of Starfield. Our walkthrough team has confirmed one instance of crashing due to leaving the game open for too long.

Floating Outpost Crew Members

Starfeld -  Floating Outpost Crew Members
This is a visual bug that usually happens if you move a furniture or a Crew Station to a different area while an NPC is still using it. Fast traveling to a different area and going back fixes this issue.

How to Change Companions and Crew

Unable to Log In

Players can fail to launch the game because of the Unable to Log In error. This is caused by connectivity issues and can be resolved by restarting your router, allowing Starfield.exe in Firewall, or checking if your internet connection is stable.

Graphics Card Does Not Meet Minimum Requirements

Another reason the game will fail to launch is because of the ''Graphics Card Does Not Meet Minimum Requirements'' error. This could be because your graphics card is not capable enough to run the game. However, if you are sure your GPU meets the minimum spec, then you could try verifying your game files on Steam or Xbox, and also downloading the latest graphics drivers for your GPU.

PC System Requirements

No Applicable App Licences Found

The game could fail to launch because the ''No Applicable App Licences Found'' error appears. It is unclear what exactly causes this, but it can be fixed by restarting your PC, or by running Starfield as an Administrator.

Puddle Glitch to Reach Vendor Chests

Starfield ConstellationAttention! This exploit has been fixed in Version 1.7.33 of Starfield.

The Puddle Glitch in Akila City involves two chests that contain its vendor's inventory to have been reachable and interactable by the player. The player crouched and looked at the ground to have easily accessed the chest and looted its content.

Puddle Glitch Explained

Editing Spaceship Causes Duplicate Decorative Items

Editing your spaceship or simply changing its color resets the ship completely and moves objects inside the ship's cargo hold. These objects include the decorative items inside the ship which will respawn to its original location if the ship module that contained them is still present.

This in turn causes your ship to have duplicate decorative items displayed on your ship's module and inside the cargo hold which may make your ship inaccessible.

The only to fix this bug is to sell the duplicate decorative items each time you edit the ship or avoid editing your ship altogether.

Ship Building and Customization Guide

Out of Save Space Issue on Xbox

Players can encounter error ''0X80830003'' saying that you are out of space when you try to save. If this error keeps popping up, the amount of save states you can have will decrease significantly. This issue can be solved by deleting the local save data of other games in your library.

How to Delete Local Save Data on Xbox

On the Xbox home menu, hover over the game you want to delete local save data for and press the 'Menu' button. A pop-up menu would appear, and just click on the 'Manage game and add-ons' tab. This will lead you to the manage menu where you can delete your saved data for the game.

Exiting Ship Bug

Starfield - Exiting Ship Bug

Players have encountered a bug where exiting your ship after landing teleports you 2000m away from your ship. This is caused by your ship's landing bay partially clipping underground, which messes with how exiting works.

This issue is most commonly seen from the Razorleaf ship, and it can be solved by changing your landing bay to a different model. Players can also try moving their landing bay to a different location as well.

Ship Building and Customization Guide

All That Money Can Buy Quest Bug

During the All That Money Can Buy mission, players can encounter a game-breaking bug where talking with Walter will get you stuck in-game and cannot do anything to progress.

However, this has already been fixed in the 1.7.29 Patch Update, so if you are still encountering this issue, then make sure to update your game to the latest version.

Patch Notes and Updates

Infinite Weapons Exploit

There is an exploit players can use to spawn infinite weapons to farm for legendary weapons, or sell weapons for credits. The exploit utilizes a bug that generates a random weapon in a weapon case you made in an outpost after you have saved and reloaded.

Infinite Weapons and Ammo Exploit Guide

The Den is Missing Bug

Starfield - The Den Location

Players have reported that the Den starstation is missing or inaccesible. You cannot fast travel or fly to it anymore, and this is due to a previous bug where selling, registering, or making a new home ship on the Den makes the station your new home ship.

Although, other players suggest that you can fix this bug by loading an earlier save state when the Den was still there, visiting it, and then loading back in to your current save.

Alternatively, you could also open up the console commands and type in ''prid 002AB7CF", then press enter and type enable. Note that using console commands will disable your achievements, but you can also reenable them through several methods.

Share Bugs and Fixes in the Comments

Let the team know about the bugs and issues you experience and their fixes in our comments, and it will be added onto the list!

Jump to the Comments! (120)

List of General Fixes

Some common bugs and glitches that players experience could be an issue in their PC or console rather than the game. Listed down are a few general fixes and solutions for you to follow.

General Troubleshooting Tips and Fixes

Check Official Sources

You should always check the official Starfield Twitter account for updates to see if the problem you're currently experiencing has any official solutions.

Restart the Game

Restarting the game is a common but effective troubleshooting tip that could be the fix for some of the bugs, glitches, or issues you're currently dealing with.

Restart Your PC or Console

If restarting the game doesn't fix your current issue, you should also consider restarting your PC or console. It's possible that restarting your device can stop active bugs and glitches and improve your game's overall performance.

Update Your PC or Console

If your PC or console's operating system is outdated, you may experience more issues and bugs than other players. Developers typically test their games on the latest operating system versions, so a quick software update might fix your game.

Update Your Graphics Card Drivers

For PC players, outdated graphics drivers can cause many issues when playing new games, such as game crashes, performance problems, and visual bugs. Keep your drivers updated from the official AMD, Intel, or Nvidia website to help prevent bugs and glitches from occurring on your device.

Revert to the Previous Version

If you find that the game is performing worse after updating your graphics card drivers, you can revert to the previous version.

Reload from a Previous Save

Reloading from a previous save usually fixes certain bugs that prevent you from progressing to the next quest objective. Make it a habit to create multiple save files at certain points in a quest so you can reload without losing too much game progress.

Cap the Game at 60 FPS

If you experience periodic crashes on the PC version, players have reported that capping the game at 60 FPS helps to minimize this issue.

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Starfield Walkthrough and Guides Wiki

Starfield Walkthrough and Guides Wiki

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120 Anonymousabout 1 year

Another glitch in star field that I found was when you start the power from beyond quest, it causes all of your crew members that are apart of constellation to disappear from the crew roster. Really bad bug that ruins the story of the game.

119 Anonymousover 1 year

Resources are moving or missing from active outposts. Bugged to 11/25. I've had Aluminum and He-3 Either move or disappear from the outpost altogether. I've moved the Inire Outpost with both inter-system and Local system (same moon) transport pads. I just got everything up and running and they moved again!! I went back to the outpost on the same planet, that I thought was functioning properly, only to find that that outpost had a gold vein move!! What a waist of time!! @#%@%^!!


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