Starfield Shattered Space

Best Ship Designs

Starfield - Best Ship Designs

This guide lists the best ways you can design your ship in Starfield. Read on to see the best ship designs for aesthetics, such as Star Wars ships, the best ship designs for function, and other ship ideas.

Best Ship Designs for Aesthetics

Best Ship Designs
Serenity (Firefly) Rocinante (The Expanse) TARDIS
Event Horizon Battlestar Galactica Thomas the Tank Engine
RX-78-2 Gundam Mecha Millenium Falcon Star Destroyer
Y-Wing Star Trek Ships Animal Ships
Mechs Swordfish II (Cowboy Bebop) -

With Starfield, not only can you play as your favorite characters from science fiction, but you can also use the game's shipbuilder mode to construct spacecraft from your favorite movies and television shows.

We'll continue to update this page with designs of our favorite ships from fiction. Come back to check them out. Or share in the comments the ships you'd like to see us try to make with the game's ship builder mode.

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How to Build Serenity From Firefly

I'm a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar.

Serenity is a ship featured in the cult space western television series Firefly. The firefly-class ship served as the home of the main characters throughout the show's short run and the eponymous movie.

Serenity Build and Ship Design

How to Build Rocinante from The Expanse

Doors and corners — that's where they get you.

The Rocinante is a ship featured in The Expanse television and book series. It served as the main crew's ship throughout the series.

Rocinante Build and Ship Design

How to Build the TARDIS from Doctor Who

A big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff.

The TARDIS is a time machine and spacecraft from the long-running television series Doctor Who. While it takes the size, shape, and appearance of a police box, it is a lot larger on the inside.

TARDIS Build and Ship Design

How to Build the Event Horizon

Where we're going, we won't need eyes to see.

The Event Horizon is a ship from the cult horror movie of the same name. What happened to the ship and its current whereabouts are still unknown.

Event Horizon Build and Ship Design

How to Build Battlestar Galactica

The Battlestar Galactica is a ship featured in the popular television series of the same name.

Battlestar Galactica Ship Design

How to Build Thomas the Tank Engine

Thomas The Tank Engine is a popular anthropomorphic character from the Railway Series books by Wilbert Awdry and his son, as well as the titular protagonist in the children's television series Thomas & Friends.

Thomas The Tank Engine Ship Design

How to Build RX-78-2 Mecha from Gundam

Starfield - Gundam Mecha

The RX-78-2 is an iconic mecha or manned robot in the Gundam series.

Gundam Mecha Build and Ship Design

How to Build the Millenium Falcon From Star Wars

Never tell me the odds!

The Millenium Falcon is a ship featured in the Star Wars franchise. It's the ship Han Solo used to make the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs.

Millennium Falcon Build and Ship Design

How to Build Star Destroyer From Star Wars

I've got a bad feeling about this.

The Star Destroyer is one of several iconic ships featured in the Star Wars franchise.

Star Destroyer Build and Ship Design

How to Build a Y-Wing from Star Wars

The Y-Wing is one of several iconic ships featured in the Star Wars franchise. It was prominently used during the Clone Wars.

Y-Wing Build and Ship Design

Star Trek Ships

On Star Trek day, the official Starfield Twitter account shared Star Trek ship designs made by Reddit user u/GrungeCowboy73.

Animal Ships

In most media, a spacefarer's ship will always have a huge impact on the story to the point that the ship becomes a character in itself. You can take this idea one step further in Starfield by making your ship look like animals or insects, giving it personality, and allowing it to act as your giant, high-tech pet.


Mechs and mechas have been a staple in science fiction for a long time. Live out your childhood Super Sentai dreams by designing your ship to look like a menacing giant robot.

Swordfish II

Starfield - Swordfish II

The Swordfish II is an iconic space ship owned and manned by Spike Spiegel in the neo-noir space anime series Cowboy Bebop. This high-performance ship was used for racing, and was modified for combat.

Swordfish II Build and Ship Design

Best Ship Designs For Function

Purchase Most Expensive Parts for Function

Starfield - Upgrade Ship Parts

If you care more about function than aesthetics, the best way to design your ship will be to upgrade the parts you need to the most expensive option that you can afford. There are a lot of shops and spaceports you can visit in the game that sell different parts that can suit your needs.

List of All Shops and Space Ports

Purchase Pre-Built Ships

Purchase Ships

If you want an expertly designed ship, both in function and form, there are options in the game for you to purchase. Similar to ship parts, these ships are purchased from spaceports all over the galaxy.

List of All Ships

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