Starfield Shattered Space

Best Ship Weapons and Ship Weapon Types Explained

Starfield - All Ship Weapons

This guide lists the best ship weapons you can purchase and equip in Starfield. Read on to learn the best ship weapons, the different weapon types, the stats of ship weapons, and to see a list of all ship weapons in the game.

Best Ship Weapons

Ship Weapon Total Damage Equations
Total Damage Output Damage Equation
Total Damage per Unit [Fire Rate x Specific DMG]
Total Damage
Maximizing Power
[Fire Rate x Specific DMG
x (12 / Max Power)]
Best Ship Weapon Ranking Explained
The Best Ship Weapons are determined by their total relevant damage output per unit, and maximizing all 12 power available. This is to determine which weapons deal the most damage if you only equip one, and if you equip multiple of it. Both weapons (if they are different) will be considered the 'best' and listed respectively.

This is to accommodate different players who have smaller ships that can only equip a few weapons, and players who have large ships that can equip many weapons which use up all 12 power.

Best Ship Weapon Overall

Atlatl 280C Missile Launcher for Single or Multiple Units

Starfield - Best Ship Weapon for General Use

Weapon Range Fire Rate Hull DMG Shield DMG Max Pow
Atlatl 280C Missile Launcher 4000 1 264 264 4

The Atlatl 280C Missile Launcher is the best ship weapon in terms of dealing the most hull damage and shield damage combined, even if you choose to only equip one or multiple units on your ship. The only downside is that, being a missile launcher, you need to target-lock enemies or else the missiles will likely miss their targets.

The Atlatl 280C Missile Launcher is a Class C ship weapon, therefore a Reactor part of the same class is required. Rank 3 of Starship Design is also needed to use this ship weapon. This weapon can be bought from almost all ship technicians in major cities once your character reaches level 43.

All Ship Part Level Unlocks

Alternative Best without Starship Design

Weapon Range Fire Rate Hull DMG Shield DMG Max Pow
Atlatl 270C Missile Launcher 4000 1 149 149 4

The Atlatl 270C Missile Launcher would be the next best missile launcher for any Class C ship where the player does not have the Starship Design Skill. However, this will be the heaviest alternative out of the rest.

Alternative Best for A Class Ships without Starship Design

Weapon Range Fire Rate Hull DMG Shield DMG Max Pow
Atlatl 270A Missile Launcher 4000 1 47 47 3

For players that have not spec'd into the Tech Skill Tree, the Atlatl 270A Missile Launcher will provide the best damage per second despite it being the heavier alternative among the rest of low tech Class-A Missile Launchers.

Best Ship Weapon for Hull Damage

KE-49A Autocannon for a Single Unit

Weapon Range Fire Rate Hull DMG Shield DMG Max Pow
KE-49A Autocannon 1250 5 33 9.90 4

The KE-49A Autocannon deals the most hull damage per unit with decent range, which means if you can only equip one ballistic ship weapon, then this would be the best choice.

You can obtain the KE-49A from various ship vendors in most cities, and you would need at least a Class B ship and rank 4 of the Starship Design Skill to equip it.

Vanguard Hellfire Autocannons for Multiple Units

Starfield - Best Ship Weapon for Hull Damage

Weapon Range Fire Rate Hull DMG Shield DMG Max Pow
Vanguard Hellfire Autocannon 800 7.5 18 5 2

With the higest firing rate and lowest possible max power, 6 Vanguard Hellfire Autocannons will deal the most amount of damage per second in the game. This ship weapon is best for Class B ships and above. The weakness for this weapon, however, is its weak range stat of 800, and equipping all 6 would mean sacrificing shield damage.

This weapon can be bought from almost all ship technicians in major cities once you have progressed enough through UC Vanguard faction's questline.

UC Vanguard Questline

Dangan Pb RF Autocannon for Low Tech Class A Ships

Weapon Range Fire Rate Hull DMG Shield DMG Max Pow
Dangan PB RF Autocannon 1000 6.65 11 3.30 3

The Dangan Pb RF Autocannon out-damages its competition in hull damage but does not have much shield damage to boot. The KE-20 Cannon would be a better option for players looking for a better balance.

Best Ship Weapon for Shield Damage

Starfield - Best Ship Weapon for Shield Damage

Reza 300 PHz SX Pulse Laser for Single or Multiple Units

Weapon Range Fire Rate Hull DMG Shield DMG Max Pow
Reza 300 PHz SX Pulse Laser 800 4 10 34 4

For the players that have allocated into the Tech Skill Tree to unlock the best Ship Parts, the Reza 300 PHz SX Pulse Laser will be the best option for quickly destroying shields, regardless if you attach only one or multiple units of it. Although it does have a relatively short range of only 800.

This weapon can be bought from almost all ship technicians in major cities once you reach level 51, and it requires a Class C ship and Starship Design (Rank 2).

Vanguard Starseeker Pulse Laser for Low Tech Class C Ships

Weapon Range Fire Rate Hull DMG Shield DMG Max Pow
Vanguard Starseeker Pulse Laser 1000 6 8 21 4

For C-Class ships, the best low tech option for shield damage would be the Vanguard Starseeker Pulse Laser.

Flare 15MW IR Laser for Low Tech Class A Ships

Weapon Range Fire Rate Hull DMG Shield DMG Max Pow
Flare 15MW IR Laser 1250 3.49 8 28 6

The Flare 15MW IR Laser will out damage it's competition, the Reza 45 GHz MW Laser, due to its max power allowing to install 4 Flare 15MW IR Lasers to your ship. This ship weapon also out-ranges its competition by around 60%!

Best Ship Weapon for Particle Damage

Exterminator 95MeV Auto Helion Beam for a Single Unit

Weapon Range Fire Rate Hull DMG Shield DMG Max Pow
Exterminator 95MeV Auto Helion Beam 3250 5 26 26 4

If you can only afford to attach a few weapons, or if you want to have versatile and consistent damage, then particle weapons would be the recommended option. The best particle weapon is the Exterminator 95MeV Auto Helion Beam since it deals the highest damage per unit.

The Exterminator 95MeV Auto Helion Beam can be bought from certain ship technicians after reaching level 60, having a Class B ship, and rank 4 of Starship Design.

PBO-175 Auto Helion Beam for Multiple Units

Weapon Range Fire Rate Hull DMG Shield DMG Max Pow
PBO-175 Auto Helion Beam 3000 6 19 19 3

On the other hand, if you can afford to equip multiple Particle ship weapons, then having 4 PBO-175 Auto Helion Beam would be the best. This is because you can equip 4 units of this weapon, which compared to the Exterminator 95MeV, you can only attach 3.

The PBO-175 Auto Helion Beam can be found from most ship technicians after reaching level 48, having a Class B ship, and rank 4 of Starship Design.

Alternative for Class A Ships without Starship Design

Weapon Range Fire Rate Hull DMG Shield DMG Max Pow
Vaporizer 35MeV Auto Proton Beam 3250 3.49 24 24 4

For players without the Starship Design Skill and a Class A ship, then the next best particle weapon would be the Vaporizer 35MeV Auto Proton Beam, which you can get starting at level 51.

Best Ship Weapon for Electromagnetic Damage

Tatsu 501EM Suppressor for a Single Unit

Weapon Range Fire Rate Hull DMG Shield DMG EM DMG
Tatsu 501EM Suppressor 800 0.80 1 1 100

If you're going for a pacifist run, then you'll need weapons that can disable enemy ships fast since ship combat is unavoidable in Starfield. If you can only equip one EM weapon, then the best is the Tatsu 501EM Suppressor. It boasts the highest electromagnetic damage per unit while also being lightweight.

The Tatsu 501EM Suppressor can be bought from almost all ship technicians once you hit level 60, have a Class C ship, and Starship Design (Rank 4).

Nullifier 1750 Suppressor for Multiple Units

Weapon Range Fire Rate Hull DMG Shield DMG EM DMG
Nullifier 1750 Suppressor 800 1.5 1 1 48

Although, if you can equip multiple EM weapons on your ship, then a full set of Nullifier 1750 Suppressors would deal even more damage than a set of Tatsu 501EMs. This is because you can equip 4 units of the Nullifier 1750s, which outdamages the max units of 2 Tatsu 501EMs.

The Nullifier 1750 Suppressor can be found from most ship technicians once you hit level 38 and Starship Design (Rank 3).

Alternative for Low Tech Class A Ships

Weapon Range Fire Rate Hull DMG Shield DMG EM DMG
Spark 750 Suppressor 1000 1.5 1 1 30

The best option for players without the Starship Design Skill and a Class A ship would be the Spark 750 Suppressor.

Best Turret Ship Weapon

Obliterator 250MeV Alpha Turret for Single and Multiple Units

Weapon Range Fire Rate Hull DMG Shield DMG EM DMG
Obliterator 250MeV Alpha Turret 3250 1.5 86 86

Turrets are incredibly powerful in Starfield because you do not have to aim or fire to deal any damage. With that, the best turret is the Obliterator 250MeV Alpha Turret because it deals the most hull and shield damage compared to other turrets, even if you only equip one, or multiple units of it.

The Obliterator 250MeV Alpha Turret can be obtained from various ship vendors after reaching level 60, having a Class C ship, and Starship Design (Rank 4).

Ship Weapon Types Overview

Ship Weapon Types Description

Laser (LAS) Generally deals more damage to ship's shield.
Ballistic (BAL) Generally deals more damage to a ship's hull or health.
Missile (MSL) Slow fire rate and needs to target lock an enemy ship first, but equally deals a lot of damage to both a ship's shield and hull.
Particle beam (PAR) All-around weapon.
Electromagnetic (EM) Aims to damage and disable a target ship's systems.

If your aim in space combat is to destroy ships, install laser, ballistic, missile or particle weapons to your ship. These weapon types deal hull and shield damage. Their differences lie in each type's range and fire rate.

If you aim to incapacitate ships to be able to board them, install electromagnetic weapons to your ship. This weapon type won't deal a lot of damage but rather targets a ship's systems to disable them.

As of the writing of this article, these are the weapon types we discovered so far.

What are Ship Weapon Parts?

Ship Weapon Stats Overview

Weapon Stats Overview
Class Indicates the tier of a ship part. Parts with a class stat can only be added to a ship with a reactor of the same class or higher.
Range Indicates the maximum distance of the weapon's efficiency.
Fire Rate Indicates the frequency at which the weapon can fire or launch its projectiles.
Hull DMG Indicates the amount of damage the weapon will deal to a ship's health.
Shield DMG Indicates the amount of damage the weapon can deal to a ship's shield.
Max Power Indicates the maximum power that can be allocated to the part's function during space flight.
Hull Increases your ship's health by the indicated number.
Crew Capacity Increases the number of crew members your ship can accommodate.

Used During Space Combat

Aside from the regular gunplay and shooting mechanics when exploring the surfaces of planets with your character, Starfield also features dogfights in outer space. You can attach weapon modules to your ship to fare well, survive, and be able to fight back in these situations.

Space Battles Combat Guide

Ships Have 3 Weapon Slots

Ships in Starfield have 3 weapon slots that can be equipped with different weapon modules. However, how these slots differ in terms of restrictions and use has not been revealed.

What is Ship Weapon Class?

What is the Class Stat?

Determines Ship Part Tier Level

Ship weapons come with a stat called class. Classes can either be A, B, or C, with the latter being the highest tier being accompanied by the best stats.

Limits Parts That Can Be Added

Starfield - Reactor Class Error

The class of your ship's reactor sets the class limit for the other ship parts. If your ship has a Class B reactor, you can only attach ship weapons that are either from the same class or lower.

Higher Classes Require Skills

Starfield - Piloting SkillPiloting Skill Starfield - Starship Design SkillStarship Design Skill

To be able to purchase and install parts from higher classes on your ship, you'll need to level up the skills listed above. At higher ranks, The Piloting skill will allow you to pilot Class B and C ships, while the Starship Design skill will allow you to install higher class parts to your ship.

How to Upgrade Ship Weapons

Visit Ship Technicians and Purchase Parts

Ship Builder or Upgrade Ship

Visit ship technicians in city spaceports to access the game's ship editor. From the ship editor screen, you can choose to either upgrade parts or fully customize your ship in the shipbuilder mode.

Ship Building and Customization Guide

Invest Skill Points in Tech Skill Tree

Ship Weapon-Related Tech Skills

Skill Tier Points Needed Skills
- Ballistic Weapon Systems
Targeting Control Systems
4 Energy Weapon Systems
8 Missile Weapon Systems
Particle Beam Weapon Systems
12 Automated Weapon Systems
EM Weapon Systems

Several skills from the tech tree will improve the stats and functionality of your weapon systems.

List of All Tech Skills

Ship Builder Weapon Errors Explained

Missing Weapon Assignment

Ship is missing a weapon assignment

You have a spare weapon assignment group to be bound to a weapon. Open the Flight Check menu and press T for the weapons tab. Select a weapon group and bind a weapon to it.

Unassigned Weapon

Ship has weapons that must be assigned to a group

You have a weapon on your ship that is not assigned to a Weapon Assignment. Open the Flight Check menu and press T for the weapons tab. Select a weapon group you want to bind the weapon to.

Ship Building and Customization Guide

Where to Buy Ship Weapons

Ship Technicians and Showrooms

City Shops
Akila City ・Ship Technician
Cydonia ・Ship Technician
Deimos Staryard ・Nikau Henderson
Gagarin Landing
・Ship Technician
・Ship Technician
・HopeTech Showroom
Neon ・Ship Technician
・Stroud Eklund Showroom
・Taiyo Astroneering Showroom
New Atlantis ・Ship Technician
(Porrima II)
・Ship Technician
Red Mile ・Lon Anderssen
Stroud-Eklund Staryard ・Havershaw
The Clinic
・Ship Technician
The Den
(Wolf System)
・Ship Technician
The Eleos Retreat
(Ixyll System)
・Ship Technician
The Key ・Ship Services

Better ship parts are locked behind character levels. If a ship part is not appearing in any shops, this means you'll need to level up your character first. You can also check the individual page of the weapon down below to find which shops carry it.

List of All Ship Weapons

  1. Laser
  2. Ballistic
  3. Missile
  4. Particle
  5. EM

List of All Laser Ship Weapons

Weapon Range Fire Rate Hull DMG Shield DMG Max Pow
Dragon 221P MW Pulse Laser 1000 6.65 6 18 6
Dragon 221 MW Laser 1000 3.49 8 24 6
Dragon 231 IR Laser 1000 3.49 6 19 3
Flare 15MW IR Laser 1250 3.49 8 28 6
Dragon 251 UV Laser 1000 2.5 10 34 3
Dragon 241 Laser 1000 2.5 7 23 3
Reza 45 GHz MW Pulse Laser 800 6.65 3 11 4
Reza 45 GHz MW Laser 800 3.49 5 16 4
Flare-P 15MW IR Pulse Laser 1250 6.65 3 10 3
Dragon 241P Pulse Laser 1000 5 5 15 3
Scorch 60MW Laser 1250 2.5 8 25 4
Dragon 261 SX Laser 1000 1.5 13 43 3
Scorch-S 80MW Pulse Laser Turret 1500 3 8 25 4
Blaze 2GW SX Laser 1250 1.5 14 46 3
Scorch-P 60MW Pulse Laser 1250 2.5 10 32 4
Reza 600 THz Laser 500 2.5 9 31 4
Singe 4MW Laser 1250 3.49 7 22 4
Dragon 241P Pulse Laser Turret 1250 2.5 10 32 3
Dragon 261P SX Pulse Laser 1000 4 6 10 3
Singe-P 4MW Pulse Laser 1250 6.65 5 16 4
Dragon 251P UV Pulse Laser 1000 5 7 22 3
Scorch-P 60MW Pulse Laser Turret 1500 5 5 18 4
Torch 250MW UV Laser 1250 2.5 11 38 4
Torch-P 250MW UV Pulse Laser 1250 5 8 25 4
Blaze-P 2GW SX Pulse Laser Turret 1250 4 8 25 4
Dragon 261 SX Laser Turret 1000 1.5 18 59 3
Reza 30 THz IR Laser 800 6.65 3 11 4
Reza 30 THz IR Pulse Laser 800 3.49 8 26 4
Reza 10 PHz UV Laser 500 2.5 13 43 4
Reza 10 PHz UV Pulse Laser Turret 1000 5 9 30 4
Reza 10 PHz UV Pulse Laser 500 5 8 28 4
Reza 600 THz Pulse Laser 500 5 6 20 4
Blaze-P 2GW SX Pulse Laser 1250 4 7 24 3
Reza 300 PHz SX Laser 800 1.5 19 63 4
Reza 300 PHz SX Pulse Laser Turret 1000 4 11 38 4
Reza 300 PHz SX Pulse Laser 800 4 10 34 4
Dragon 231P IR Pulse Laser 1000 6.65 4 13 3
Vanguard Starseeker Pulse Laser 1000 6 8 21 4

List of All Ballistic Ship Weapons

Weapon Range Fire Rate Hull DMG Shield DMG Max Pow
Mauler 104L Autocannon 800 6.65 9.90 3.30 4
Mauler 104L Cannon 800 3.49 14.30 4.40 4
Dangan Pb Cannon 1000 3.49 16.5 5.5 3
Mauler 106T Cannon 800 2.5 25.3 7.7 4
KE-20 Cannon 800 3.49 18.70 5.50 3
Marauder 114ANC Railgun 800 1.5 47.29 14.30 4
Dangan PB RF Autocannon 1000 6.65 11 3.30 3
Jishaku Fe Railgun 1000 2.5 31.20 9.60 3
Mauler 106S Shot-Cannon 800 1.75 57.60 16.80 4
Jishaku Nd Railgun 1000 1.5 55.20 16.80 3
Jishaku Fe RF Rapid Railgun 1000 5 20.40 6 3
KE-20A Autocannon 800 6.65 14.40 4.80 3
KE-42 Cannon 1250 2.5 31 9 3
Jishaku Nd RF Rapid Railgun Turret 1000 4 28.80 8.40 3
Jishaku Nd RF Rapid Railgun 1000 4 26.40 8.40 3
MKE-4 Gauss Gun 1250 1.5 51 15 4
Dangan W Cannon 1000 3.49 22 7 3
Mauler 105U Cannon 800 3.49 24 7.20 4
Mauler 106T Autocannon Turret 1000 5 20.40 6 4
Marauder 114ANC Rapid Railgun 800 4 24 7.20 4
KE-31 Cannon 1250 4 29.70 8.80 2
Mauler 105U Autocannon 800 6.65 15.40 4.40 4
KE-42 Cannon Turret 1500 2.5 49.5 15.40 4
KE-42A Autocannon 1250 5 22 6.60 4
KE-49 Cannon 1250 2.5 47.29 14.30 4
KE-49A Autocannon 1250 5 33 9.90 4
Mauler 106T Autocannon 800 2.5 25.35 7.70 4
KE-31A Autocannon 1250 6.65 20.89 6.60 4
Mauler 107I Cannon 800 2.5 37.40 11 4
Mauler 107I Autocannon 800 5 27.5 8.80 4
Marauder 115N Railgun 800 1.5 62.70 18.70 4
Marauder 115N Railgun Turret 800 1.5 89.09 26.40 4
Marauder 115N Rapid Railgun 800 4 36.29 11 4
MKE-4A Auto Gauss Gun 1250 4 26.40 7.70 3
MKE-9 Gauss Gun 1250 1.5 68.20 20.89 4
MKE-9A Auto Gauss Gun 1250 4 40.70 12.10 4
PBO-300 Auto Alpha Turret 3000 4 22 22 3
Dangan W RF Autocannon 1000 6.65 18.70 5.5 3
Jishaku Fe RF Rapid Railgun Turret 1250 5 19.80 5.5 3
Jishaku AlNiCo Railgun 1000 2.5 42.90 13.20 3
Jishaku AlNiCo RF Rapid Railgun 1000 5 30.80 8.80 3
Vanguard Hellfire Autocannon 800 7.5 18 5 2

List of All Missile Ship Weapons

Weapon Range Fire Rate Hull DMG Shield DMG Max Pow
Atlatl 270A Missile Launcher 4000 1 47 47 3
CE-09 Missile Launcher 4000 1 72 72 6
Infiltrator SC-01 Missile Launcher 3750 1 40 41 3
Atlatl 270B Missile Launcher 4000 1 68 68 4
Atlatl 270C Missile Launcher 4000 1 149 149 4
Tsukisasu 13K Missile Launcher 4250 1 38 38 3
Atlatl 280C Missile Launcher 4000 1 264 264 4
CE-29 Missile Launcher 4000 1.25 58 58 3
CE-59 Missile Launcher 4000 1 153 153 3
Atlatl 290B Missile Launcher 4000 1 96 96 10
Hunter Mag-350 Missile Launcher 3750 1 55 55 3
Tsukisasu 25k Missile Launcher 4250 1 52 52 3
CE-49 Missile Launcher 4000 1 96 96 3
Atlatl 280A Missile Launcher 4000 1 82 82 3
CE-19 missile launcher 4000 1 77 77 3
Infiltrator SC-02 Missile Launcher 3750 1 65 65 3
CE-39 Missile Launcher 4000 1 104 104 3
Hunter Mag-450 Missile Launcher 3750 1 90 90 3
Devastator 1500 Missile Launcher 3750 1 68 68 3
Tsukisasu 19K Missile Launcher 4250 1 78 78 4
Tsukisasu 33k Missile Launcher 4250 1 96 96 4
Tsukisasu 40k Missile Launcher 4250 1 82 82 4
Tsukisasu 50k Missile Launcher 4250 1 136 136 4
Atlatl 280B Missile Launcher 4000 1 141 141 4
Vanguard Tempest CE-13 Missile Launcher 4000 1.5 33 30 6

List of All Particle Beam Ship Weapons

Weapon Range Fire Rate Hull DMG Shield DMG Max Pow
Disruptor 3300 Electron Beam 3500 3.49 24 24 6
Disruptor 3320 Neutron Beam 3500 2.5 20 20 3
PB-30 Electron Beam 3000 3.49 13 13 3
Disruptor 3300A Auto Electron Beam 3500 6.65 8 8 3
PBO-30 Auto Electron Beam 3000 6.65 9 9 3
Disruptor 3340 Alpha Beam 3500 1.5 38 38 3
Ravager 20MeV Electron Beam 3250 3.49 15 15 4
PB-100 Neutron Beam 3000 2.5 23 23 3
PBO-40 Auto Electron Beam 3000 6.65 14 14 4
Disruptor 3320A Auto Neutron Beam 3500 5 13 13 3
Disruptor 3340A Auto Alpha Turret 3500 4 19 19 3
Ravager 20MeV Auto Electron Beam 3250 6.65 11 11 4
PB-300 Alpha Beam 3000 1.5 41 41 3
PBO-100 Auto Neutron Beam 3000 5 14 14 3
Eradicator 75MeV Neutron Beam 3250 2.5 28 28 4
Disruptor 3310 Proton Beam 3500 3.49 18 18 3
Disruptor 3340A Auto Alpha Beam 3500 4 17 17 3
Disruptor 3310A Auto Proton Beam 3500 6.65 13 13 4
PB-50 Proton Beam 3000 3.49 21 21 4
PBO-50 Auto Proton Beam 3000 6.65 15 15 4
Disruptor 3320 Neutron Turret 3500 2.5 29 29 3
Disruptor 3330 Helion Beam 3500 2.5 30 30 4
Disruptor 3330A Auto Helion Beam 3500 5 19 19 4
PBO-100 Auto Neutron Turret 3000 5 16 16 3
PB-175 Helion Beam 3000 2.5 29 29 3
PBO-175 Auto Helion Beam 3000 6 19 19 3
PBO-300 Auto Alpha Beam 3000 4 19 19 3
Vaporizer 35MeV Proton Beam 3250 6.65 11 11 4
Vaporizer 35MeV Auto Proton Beam 3250 3.49 24 24 4
Eradicator 75MeV Auto Neutron Turret 3250 5 19 19 4
Eradicator 75MeV Auto Neutron Beam 3250 5 19 19 4
Obliterator 250MeV Alpha Beam 3250 1.5 55 55 4
Obliterator 250MeV Alpha Turret 3250 1.5 86 86 4
Obliterator 250MeV Auto Alpha Beam 3250 4 29 29 4
Exterminator 95MeV Helion Beam 3250 2.5 39 39 4
Exterminator 95MeV Auto Helion Beam 3250 5 26 26 4
Vanguard Obliterator Autoprojector 3000 6.65 11 11 2
Vanguard Ares Particle Cannon 3000 4 18 18 3

List of All EM Ship Weapons

Weapon Range Fire Rate Hull DMG Shield DMG EM DMG
EMP-80 Suppressor 800 1.5 36 5 24
Spark 750 Suppressor 1000 1.5 1 1 30
EMP-1000 Suppressor 800 0.8 1 1 54
EMP-500 Suppressor 800 1.5 1 1 45
Supaku 110GC Suppressor 800 1.5 1 1 36
EMP-200 Suppressor 800 1.5 36 5 42
Nullifier 1750 Suppressor 800 1.5 1 1 48
Firebolt 4000 Suppressor 800 1.25 1 1 78
Fulminator 8000 Suppressor 800 0.8 1 1 58
Supaku 250GC Suppressor 800 1.5 1 1 54
Tatsu 500EM Suppressor 800 0.8 1 1 87
Tatsu 501EM Suppressor 800 0.80 1 1 100
Supaku 600GC Suppressor 800 1.25 1 1 55

Starfield Related Guides

Ship Parts Partial

List of All Ship Parts

Ship Parts Guides

Ship Parts Guides
Best Ship Parts All Ship Part Level Unlocks

All Ship Parts

All Ship Part Types
Cowling Shield Generator
Docker Fuel Tanks
Grav Drive Weapons
Hab Engines
Cockpit Cargo Hold
Reactor Landing Bay
Landing Gears Equipment


5 Anonymousover 1 year

the Jishaku AlNiCo RF Rapid Railgun and KE-31 cannon both outperform KE-49A. "Best" is a pretty bad word for stuff this complex. It all depends on the equation though. Fire rate × damage, hellfire is best. Firerate × damage ÷ energy, K-31 is best. Who knows what's best for firerate × damage ÷ energy ÷ mass. Bottom line, anytime someone says what is "best", take it with a grain of salt

4 Anonymousover 1 year

Your best weapon calculations seem off. Please explain my oversight or error in following: The better ballistic weapon seems to be the Vanguard Hellfire Autocannon since it uses just 2 power, you can mount 6 of them dealing: 6 pieces * 7.5 dmg * 18 ROF = 810 damage per time unit at 12 power. Your suggested KE-49A Autocannon uses 4 power hence you can only use 3 which do: 3 * 5 * 30 = 450 damage per time unit in comparison.


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