Starfield Shattered Space

List of All Collectibles

Starfield - List of All Collectibles
Collectibles in Starfield can earn you achievements or progress the story. Learn about the Artifacts and Quantum Essence collectibles, their locations, and how to check your collecting progress in this guide.

All Collectibles in Starfield

Skill Magazines

Starfield - Skill Magazine
Skill Magazines are lootable items that provide permanent bonuses to players once obtained. Each skill magazine is unique and is often tucked away in hard-to-reach places, making them tricky to acquire.

List of All Skill Magazines

Unlock Thirst for Knowledge Achievment

Achievement Unlock Condition
Thirst for Knowledge Read 20 Skill Magazines

Quantum Essence

Quantum Essence are consumable collectibles dropped by Starborn enemies. They grant increases Starborn Power regeneration for 1-minute upon consumption.

All Quantum Essence Locations

Unlock War of Angels Achievement

Achievement Unlock Condition
War of Angels Collect 20 Quantum Essence

List of All Achievements

Snow Globes

Starfield - Pick Up the New York Snow Globe

There are a total of 17 Snow Globes that you can find in Starfield. Picking one up gives you 100XP and obtaining all of them gives you the Old Earth Armor Set as a reward.

All Snow Globe Locations

How to Check Collectibles Progress

Open the Data Menu

Starfield - Collectibles Progress in the Data Menu
Skill Magazines can be tracked by checking your inventory and heading to the Notes section. All of your acquired Skill Magazines should appear there.

Quantum Essences are still being investigated by the Starfield team! Check back for more information on this topic!

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield Walkthrough and Guides Wiki

Starfield Walkthrough and Guides Wiki

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