Starfield Shattered Space

Payloads Skill Rank Up Guide

Payloads is an Advanced Tech skill that increases ship cargo capacity in Starfield. Read on to learn the effects of the Payloads skill, how to unlock and rank up the Payloads skill, and the backgrounds that know it.

Payloads How to Unlock and Overview

Payloads Skill Overview

Payloads Skill
Starfield - Payloads Skill Skill Tree:
Any pilot can haul cargo, but it takes special determination and training to maximize cargo space.

How to Unlock Payloads

Spend 4 Skill Points in the Tech Tree

As Payloads is a higher-tier Advanced skill, it is unlocked by spending a total of 4 skill points in the Tech skill tree before it can be learned.

How to Farm Skill Points Fast

Backgrounds with the Payloads Skill

There are no backgrounds that start with the Payloads skill.

List of All Backgrounds

How to Rank Up Payloads Skill

All Rank Challenges and Effects

Rank Challenge Effects
1 Spend a total of 4 Skill Points in the Tech tree. Ship cargo holds have 10% more capacity.
2 Make 10 grav jumps with 75% or more of maximum cargo capacity. Ship cargo holds have 20% more capacity.
3 Make 25 grav jumps with 75% or more of maximum cargo capacity. Ship cargo holds have 30% more capacity.
4 Make 50 grav jumps with 75% or more of maximum cargo capacity. Ship cargo holds have 50% more capacity.

Fill Your Cargo Hold with Equipment or Resources

Starfield - Fill Your Cargo Hold with Equipment or Resources
To meet the 75% cargo capacity on your Cargo Hold, store some heavy items on your ship such as Weapons or Armors.

If you have Outposts built to gather materials, you can instead transfer those materials to your Cargo Hold.

Advanced Outpost Guide

Remove Cargo Modules from Your Ship

Starfield - Remove Cargo Modules from Your Ship
If the only ship you have has too much cargo space, you can remove as much Cargo Modules to lower the cargo capacity instead.

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1 Starfield Enjoyerover 1 year

Payloads also benefits smuggling, since you get more shielded cargo space, and also the more total cargo space you have relative to the weight of contraband you are carrying, the better chance you have of evading scans.


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