Starfield Shattered Space

Two Tales Two Cities Bug Fixes and Walkthrough

Starfield - Two Tales Two Cities

Two Tales Two Cities is a side quest in Starfield. See how to unlock Two Tales Two Cities, rewards and how to complete it, as well as how to prevent the progression bug during the quest.

Two Tales Two Cities Rewards and Unlock Condition

How to Unlock and Rewards

Planet Started Jemison, Alpha Centauri
Location UC Security Office
Prerequisites Complete Search and Seizure
Quest Giver Sergeant Yumi
Rewards EXP: 200
Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits

Two Tales Two Cities Walkthrough and Objectives

Main Objectives

  1. Investigate the Incident at Embassy District
  2. Speak to Officer Markkanen
  3. Speak to Functionary Gershon
  4. Check the Computer for Evidence on the Vandal
  5. Speak to Officer Markkanen
  6. Arrest Functionary Gershon at UC Security

Investigate the Incident at Embassy District

Starfield - Investigate the Incident at Embassy District
After completing the sidequest Search and Seizure, speak to Sergeant Yumi to start this quest. He'll mention that there was a vandalism at the Embassy District that you'll need to investigate.

Head to the NAT and travel to the MAST District.

Note: if Sergeant Yumi doesn't give the quest, exit the UC Security Office and pass by some UC Security Officers and wait until their ambient dialogue mentions a new job from Sergeant Yumi.

Speak to Officer Markkanen

Starfield - Speak to Officer Markkanen

Head left as soon as you exit the NAT and arrive at the Embassy District to find Officer Markkanen speaking with a witness.

Talk to her and she'll mention that the witness' statement doesn't match with the initial report and will request that you speak to Functionary Gershon at the Cabinet Chambers / Interstellar Affairs.

Speak to the Witness

Starfield - Speak to the Witness
Speak to the Witness that Officer Markkanen was interrogating to learn more about what he saw.

He'll mention two important clues for the investigation: the vandal was wearing a flannel shirt, and that he was holding a physical copy of Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities.

Speak to Functionary Gershon

Starfield - Speak to Functionary Gershon
Take the elevator to the Cabinet Chambers / Interstellar Affairs and speak with Functonary Gershon. He'll tell you that he can't take questions at the moment but you're free to check his computer for a written statement of what he saw.

Check the Computer for Evidence on the Vandal

Starfield - Check the Computer for Evidence on the Vandal

Interact with Functionary Gershon's personal computer and click on the entry for Tahir Vala and then read the Witness Testimony to update the objective.

Gershon's witness testimony doesn't match with the witness from the NAT, so read the entry on The Well and A Tale of Two Cities. You'll discover that Gehrson has a particular obssession with A Tale of Two Cities, and mentions that he wishes UC Security can just arrest everyone living in The Well.

Gather More Evidence

Starfield - Gather More Evidence
Exit the computer and take the Space Trucker Flannel from the trash can on the left side of Gershon's table.

Additionally, you should also grab Gershon's physical copy of A Tale of Two Cities located on top of the storage cabinet to the right of Gershon's computer.

Speak to Officer Markkanen

Starfield - Speak to Officer Markkanen

Speak to Officer Markkanen to share your findings. Choose the No, it's someone else option and choose Functionary Gershon.

Since you already collected enough evidence against Gershon, choose the I've got proof option and she'll ask you to return to the UC Security Office to confront Functionary Gershon.

Arrest Functionary Gershon at UC Security

Starfield - Arrest Functionary Gershon at UC Security

Speak to Sergeant Yumi at the UC Security Office and accuse Functionary Gershon of being the vandal.

You'll need to persuade Yumi and you'll have a +2 persuasion option for finding the flannel shirt and a +4 persuasion option for finding his copy of A Tale of Two Cities.

Successfully persuading Yumi will cause him to arrest Gershon, and then reward you 200 EXP and 4800 Credits.

Note: Even with the evidence, you still need a relatively high Persuasion skill to successfully convince Sergeant Yumi.

How to Build Persuasion Meter

Present the Evidence

Starfield - Present the Evidence
If you fail to persuade Sergeant Yumi, you'll get a new objective to gather more evidence against Functionary Gershon.

Since you already have the flannel shirt and the book, simply speak to Sergeant Yumi again to mention that you found the two items in Gershon's cubicle and he will make the arrest.

Two Tales Two Cities Bug Fixes

Gather the Evidence to Prevent Progression Bug

Starfield - Gather More Evidence

There's currently a bug that may prevent you from progressing the quest when talking to Sergeant Yumi once you finish checking Gershon's computer. This happens when you fail the persuasion check to convince Yumi that Gershon is the vandal.

You can prevent this bug by gathering the evidence against Gershon, such as the Space Trucker Flannel Shirt and his physical copy of A Tale of Two Cities.

Grabbing these two clues will give you the option to properly present the evidence against him.

Starfield Related Guides

UC Vanguard Questline

Quest Rewards
1 Supra Et Ultra EXP: 275
2 Grunt Work EXP: 250
UC Vanguard Pilot Pack
UC Space Helmet
UC Spacesuit
3 Delivering Devils EXP: 250
4 Eyewitness EXP: 350
5 Friends Like These EXP: 350
・UC Citizen ID
The Well Apartment
6 The Devils You Know EXP: 150
7 War Relics EXP: 250
8 Hostile Intelligence EXP: 350
9 A Legacy Forged EXP: 350
Mercury Tower Penthouse

UC Vanguard Optional Quests

Quest Rewards
1 Preventive Action EXP: 125
2 Search and Seizure EXP: 200
3 Two Tales Two Cities EXP: 200
4 Vanguard: Bug Hunt EXP: 150
5 Apex Predator EXP: 150
6 Vanguard: Safer Skies EXP: 125


2 Anonymousover 1 year

This mission got mixed up with the Kindness of Strangers due to Tamil involvement. I can't progress the latter mission because of this. Bug?

1 Anonymousover 1 year

The functionary isn't at the spaceport when I'm arresting him. Yumi is just talking to nobody. I'm guessing there's supposed to be dialogue from the functionary that's also missing.


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