Starfield Shattered Space

Exhuming the Past Walkthrough

Exhuming the Past Walkthrough

This is an Exhuming the Past walkthrough for the Starfield DLC Shattered Space. Learn the Exhuming the Past code for completing the teleportation experiment here.

Exhuming the Past Walkthrough

Ma'leen Dam

1 Reach Ma'leen Dam
Starfield Exhuming the Past Access Dam Map View
Head to Ma'leen Dam. Once you get there, interact with the ID Card Reader to progress the quest.
2 Get the Dam Access Card
Starfield Exhuming the Past Access the Dam
Talk to the kid Comrak Abbas nearby, and you will be directed to the Abbas Seaweed Farm. Once there, talk to Kaviil Fahrzanas and ask him to give you the Dam Access Card. You will then be able to access the dam.
3 Explore the Dam

Go through the corridors of the Dam until you see a red pipe with an entrance to the right that can be easy to miss. Go through, and you will see a dilapidated bridge.

From there, head to the room with a computer in it by going up the stairs. Alternatively, you could use your Pack to get up quickly.
4 Destroy the Modulator and Drain the Water
Starfield Exhuming the Past Destroy Modulator
Interact with the computer. You will then have to follow the quest marker leading you to the modulator and destroy it. Go back to the computer to drain the water.
5 Open the Secure Access Door
Starfield Exhuming the Past Secure Access Door
Head back down to the new area revealed by the drained water. Go to the computer seen in the image above and open the Secure Access Door to progress the quest.
6 Defeat the Phantom
Starfield Exhuming the Past Defeat the Phantom
The Phantom you talk to will eventually turn hostile. After defeating her, head to the locked door that is marked as an objective. You need to open it via the computer and the Teleportation Experiment nearby.
7 Find a Way to Open the Door
Starfield Exhuming the Past Open the Door
After taking out the Phantom, the quest marker will lead you to a locked door that you will have to open by reading the files on the computer and completing the Teleportation Experiment.

Complete the Teleportation Experiment

Keycard Code is 3-3-5

Starfield Exhuming the Past Code

The Exhuming the Past code is 3-3-5 when completing the teleportation experiment. The original code for the Experiment Keycard is 2-2-5, but the Important Reminder: Power Usage document on the computer to your right mentions that the value must be increased by 100 to compensate for low power, which explains the final value.

8 Activate the Console
Starfield Exhuming the Past Vortex Interlock
Follow the quest marker to the next area, where you will have to fight two phantoms.

Afterward, access the computer seen in the image above and read all the research logs to get the next objective.

Activate the console seen in the image above to progress the quest.
9 Divert Power to the Interlock Console
Starfield Exhuming the Past Divert Power Interlock Console
Use a Drilling Rig to cut open the wall seen in the image above and get to the Interlock Console. You will be attacked by multiple phantoms.

Since there's basically no cover in that room, try using the narrow vent/hallway you entered to funnel in the phantoms and avoid them teleporting behind you.
10 Retrieve the Vortex Interlock
Starfield Exhuming the Past Retrieve Vortex Interlock
Interact with all the levers to retrieve the Vortex Interlock.

Remove the Remaining Interlock Or Exit

11 Make Your Choice
Starfield Exhuming the Past Second Interlock
You can choose to exit the dam immediately or remove the remaining Vortex Interlock before exiting.

If you choose to remove the remaining Interlock, you will have to open the security door near the unpowered Interlock Console and shoot the modulator to restore power. Afterward, interact with all the levers again and retrieve the second Vortex Interlock.

Removing the remaining Interlock will flood the town nearby and the inhabitants will be distraught, but it does not affect the end of the mission. It only gives unique dialogue.

Similarly, exiting the dam immediately does not affect the end of the quest.
12 Deliver the Interlock to Ekris
Starfield Exhuming the Past Talk to Ekris
Go back to Ekris and give him the Interlock.

Exhuming the Past Rewards

Rewards EXP: 350
Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits
Va'ruun Penumbra

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DLC Walkthroughs

# DLC Main Quest
1 What Remains
2 The Promised, Broken
3 Aligning the Houses
- House Dul'kehf House Veth'aal House Ka'dic
4-6 Exhuming the Past Conflict in Conviction Zealous Overreach
7 The Other Side
8 The Scaled Citadel


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