Starfield Shattered Space

Drydock Blues Rewards and How to Unlock

Starfield - Drydock Blues Rewards and How to Unlock

Drydock Blues is a repeatable side quest in Starfield. See how to unlock Drydock Blues, rewards, and how to complete it.

Drydock Blues Rewards and Unlock Condition

How to Unlock and Rewards

Planet Started Various Planets
Location Deimos Staryard, Trident Luxury Lines Staryard, Stroud-Eklund Staryard, HopeTech Showroom, Taiyo Astroneering Showroom
Prerequisites None
Quest Giver Sales Computer
Rewards EXP: 50
Credits: 1500 - 15000

Players can start this quest by visiting any of the major ship manufacturers. When you go inside, interact with the sales computer or salesperson and look for the deilvery opportunities listed.

Drydock Blues Map Location

Drydock Blues Location

Staryard Sales Computer

There are five major ship manufacturers that will give you this quest, and all five are listed in the table below. Once you arrive there, you can either talk to a salesperson or find a sales computer to interact with.

List of Major Ship Manufacturers

Ship Manufacturer Location
Deimos Staryard Deimos, Sol System
Trident Luxury Lines Staryard Akila, Cheyenne
Stroud-Eklund Staryard Dalvik, Narion
HopeTech Showroom Polvo, Valo
Taiyo Astroneering Showroom Volii Alpha, Volii

Drydock Blues Walkthrough and Objectives

Main Objectives

  1. Speak to Person Mentioned
  2. Deliver Resources for Person Mentioned

1. Speak to the Person Mentioned

Starfield - Speak to Sandra Fullerton

Ship Manufacturer Person Mentioned for Delivery
Deimos Staryard Sandra Fullerton
Trident Luxury Lines Staryard Jia Chen
Stroud-Eklund Staryard Havershaw
HopeTech Showroom Inaya Rehman
Taiyo Astroneering Showroom Vern Sobakin

When you find out about the delivery opportunities on the sales computer, you will need to speak to the person mentioned in the quest. The person will vary depending on the staryard you visit, but they will usually be near the computer.

Once you talk to them, they will ask you to deliver 500, 2000, or 5000 of a certain resource. The resource is chosen randomly from a set list of resources. They will also pay you 2x more for the resource than selling it at the Trade Authority.

Potential Delivery Resources

List of All Possible Resources
Aluminum Argon Chlorine Copper
Iron Lead Nickel Uranium

2. Deliver Resources for the Person Mentioned

After you learn the details about what and how much resource you need to deliver, the best way to acquire them is by building an outpost since it gives the most amount consistently.

Find a Suitable Planet

Starfield - Scan the Planet

The first thing you will need to do is find a suitable planet that has the resource you need. You can check the Delivery Resource Listing above and click on the resource you need to go to learn which planets have the resource.

When you find one, make sure to scan the planet while you are in its orbit to know what spots have the resource. Then, select on that colored spot to create a custom landing area there.

Build an Outpost and Extractor

Starfield - Scan the Ground for Resource Vein

After landing, use your hand scanner to look for a resource vein on the ground. Once you find one, you can place down an outpost beacon and build the right outpost extractor on top of the resource vein.

It is also recommended for you to build as many extractors as you can, but make sure to also build outpost power modules to supply enough power.

Outpost Building Guide

Create Output Links

Starfield - Create Output Links

When you are done building your outpost extractors, you can start building as many storage containers as you can. Then, go to modify mode, indicated on the bottom right, and hover on your extractor. Next, create an output link to connect the extractor to your storage.

Skip Time and Collect Resources

Starfield - Sleep to Skip Time

Once you're finished with the output links, you can then create a bed or a chair nearby to skip time for 24 hours or more. When your storage containers are full, you can collect your resources and load them on your ship.

You can also create a landing pad nearby so that you do not have to walk far when transferring your resources to your ship.

How to Wait and Skip Time

Deliver to the Person Mentioned

Starfield - Deliver the Resources to Sandra Fullerton

After you have loaded the resources on your ship, you can return to the ship manufacturer and deliver them to the person mentioned. It's recommended for you to have a ship with a large cargo hold since you may receive a bonus if you deliver it in full.

Note that you do not need to deliver all 500 to 5000 resources at once to complete the quest. You can make multiple trips to and from the ship manufacturer to make the deliveries, and you will be paid each time depending how much resources you give.

Best Ship Cargo Holds

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Starfield - Side Quests
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Drydock Blues -

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