Starfield Shattered Space

All Unique Armor Locations

Starfield - Unique Armor Locations

Unique Armor are armor pieces with distinct look that you can only find in specific locations or earn from missions throughout the vast space of Starfield. Find out the locations of these unique armor pieces in this guide!

All Unique Armor

List of Rewarded Unique Armor

Unique Spacesuits

Rewarded Unique Armor
Spacesuits Helmets
Packs Apparels
Item How to Get

Constellation Spacesuit
Finish The Old Neighborhood mission
Type: Spacesuits
Phys: 78
Engy: 46
EM: 62

Experimental Nishina Spacesuit
Save Director Patel during Entangled Mission
Type: Spacesuits
Phys: 89
Engy: 121
EM: 105

Gran-Gran's Spacesuit
Receive from Mom with the Kid Stuff trait
Type: Spacesuits
Phys: 76
Engy: 60
EM: 68

Mantis Spacesuit
Finish the Mantis mission
Type: Spacesuits
Phys: 116
Engy: 84
EM: 100

Monster Costume
Complete the Tourists Go Home mission
Type: Spacesuits
Phys: 50
Engy: 50
EM: 50

Peacemaker Spacesuit
Finish "Peacemaker" Quest
Type: Spacesuits
Phys: 73
Engy: 77
EM: 81

Ranger Spacesuit
Complete The Hammer Falls mission
Type: Spacesuits
Phys: 96
Engy: 64
EM: 80

Starborn Spacesuit Astra
Equipped during the 1st New Game Plus
Type: Spacesuits
Phys: 149
Engy: 149
EM: 149

Starborn Spacesuit Avitus
Equipped during the 9th New Game Plus
Type: Spacesuits
Phys: 235
Engy: 235
EM: 235

Starborn Spacesuit Bellum
Equipped during the 7th New Game Plus
Type: Spacesuits
Phys: 214
Engy: 214
EM: 214

Starborn Spacesuit Gravitas
Equipped during the 6th New Game Plus
Type: Spacesuits
Phys: 203
Engy: 203
EM: 203

Starborn Spacesuit Locus
Equipped during the 3rd New Game Plus
Type: Spacesuits
Phys: 170
Engy: 170
EM: 170

Starborn Spacesuit Materia
Equipped during the 2nd New Game Plus
Type: Spacesuits
Phys: 159
Engy: 159
EM: 159

Starborn Spacesuit Solis
Equipped during the 5th New Game Plus
Type: Spacesuits
Phys: 192
Engy: 192
EM: 192

Starborn Spacesuit Tempus
Equipped during the 8th New Game Plus
Type: Spacesuits
Phys: 224
Engy: 224
EM: 224

Starborn Spacesuit Tenebris
Equipped during the 4th New Game Plus
Type: Spacesuits
Phys: 181
Engy: 181
EM: 181

Starborn Spacesuit Venator
Equipped during the 10th New Game Plus and onward
Type: Spacesuits
Phys: 246
Engy: 246
EM: 246

SY-920 Pilot Spacesuit
Can be unlocked during "The Best There Is" Faction Mission
Type: Spacesuits
Phys: 61
Engy: 45
EM: 53

UC Vanguard Spacesuit
Complete "Grunt Work" Faction Mission
Type: Spacesuits
Phys: 64
Engy: 68
EM: 72

Unique Helmets

Rewarded Unique Armor
Spacesuits Helmets
Packs Apparels
Item How to Get

Constellation Space Helmet
Finish The Old Neighborhood mission
Type: Helmets
Phys: 35
Engy: 27
EM: 31

Experimental Nishina Helmet
Save Director Patel during Entangled Mission
Type: Helmets
Phys: 47
Engy: 55
EM: 51

Gran-Gran's Space Helmet
Receive from Mom with the Kid Stuff trait
Type: Helmets
Phys: 26
Engy: 42
EM: 34

Mantis Space Helmet
Finish the Mantis mission
Type: Helmets
Phys: 54
Engy: 46
EM: 50

Peacemaker Space Helmet
Finish "Peacemaker" Quest
Type: Helmets
Phys: 32
Engy: 40
EM: 36

Ranger Space Helmet
Complete The Hammer Falls mission
Type: Helmets
Phys: 44
Engy: 36
EM: 40

SY-920 Pilot Space Helmet
Can be unlocked during "The Best There Is" Faction Mission
Type: Helmets
Phys: 18
Engy: 34
EM: 26

UC Vanguard Space Helmet
Complete "Grunt Work" Faction Mission
Type: Helmets
Phys: 34
Engy: 36
EM: 38

Unique Packs

Rewarded Unique Armor
Spacesuits Helmets
Packs Apparels
Item How to Get

Constellation Pack
Finish the One Small Step mission
Type: Packs
Phys: 39
Engy: 23
EM: 31

Mantis Pack
Finish the Mantis mission
Type: Packs
Phys: 47
Engy: 55
EM: 51

Peacemaker Pack
Finish "Peacemaker" Quest
Type: Packs
Phys: 52
Engy: 68
EM: 60

Ranger Power Pack
Complete The Hammer Falls mission
Type: Packs
Phys: 48
Engy: 32
EM: 40

UC Vanguard Pilot Pack
Complete "Grunt Work" Faction Mission
Type: Packs
Phys: 32
Engy: 34
EM: 36

Unique Apparels

Rewarded Unique Armor
Spacesuits Helmets
Packs Apparels
Item How to Get

Deputy Hat
By enlisting with the Freestar Rangers during the Deputized faction quest
Type: Apparel
Phys: 0
Engy: 0
EM: 0

Fitted Business Suit
Obtained at the start of "Sowing Discord" mission
Type: Apparel
Phys: 9
Engy: 19
EM: 14

Operative Helmet
Can be obtained during Sabotage Mission
Type: Apparel
Phys: 0
Engy: 0
EM: 0

Operative Suit
Can be obtained during Sabotage Mission
Type: Apparel
Phys: 19
Engy: 29
EM: 9

Ranger Deputy Uniform
Enlist with the Freestar Rangers in the Deputized quest
Type: Apparel
Phys: 5
Engy: 15
EM: 15

Ranger Duelwear
Complete The Hammer Falls mission
Type: Apparel
Phys: 5
Engy: 10
EM: 20

Striker Maskwear
Can be obtained by completing the mission “The Audition”
Type: Apparel
Phys: 5
Engy: 15
EM: 15
SysDef Formal Uniform Mission reward for "Legacy's End" mission if you side with UC SysDef
Type: Apparel
Phys: 5
Engy: 15
EM: 25

Xenofresh Clean Suit
Can be obtained during "The Fishy Business" Quest
Type: Apparel
Phys: 5
Engy: 15
EM: 25

List of Lootable Unique Armor

Unique Spacesuits

Lootable Unique Armor
Spacesuits Helmets
Packs Apparels
Item How to Get

Mark I Spacesuit
Loot from door in The Lodge in New Atlantis
Type: Spacesuits
Phys: 120
Engy: 136
EM: 128

Mercury Spacesuit
Can be found on a Mannequin at the NASA Launch Facility in Earth, Sol
Type: Spacesuits
Phys: 92
Engy: 100
EM: 25

UC Antixeno Spacesuit
Can be looted during "Hostile Intelligence" Faction Mission
Type: Spacesuits
Phys: 76
Engy: 92
EM: 84

Unique Helmets

Lootable Unique Armor
Spacesuits Helmets
Packs Apparels
Item How to Get

Mark I Space Helmet
Loot from door in The Lodge in New Atlantis
Type: Helmets
Phys: 66
Engy: 64
EM: 68
Mercury Space Helmet Can be found on a Mannequin at the NASA Launch Facility in Earth, Sol
Type: Helmets
Phys: 50
Engy: 52
EM: 54

UC AntiXeno Space Helmet
Can be looted during "Hostile Intelligence" Faction Mission
Type: Helmets
Phys: 44
Engy: 42
EM: 46

Unique Packs

Lootable Unique Armor
Spacesuits Helmets
Packs Apparels
Item How to Get

High School Backpack
Can be found in your room in Pioneer Tower, New Atlantis, Jemison. You can only get this apparel if you have the “Kid Stuff” trait.
Type: Packs
Phys: 28
Engy: 30
EM: 32

Mark I Pack
Loot from door in The Lodge in New Atlantis
Type: Packs
Phys: 66
Engy: 64
EM: 68
Mercury Pack Can be found on a mannequin at the NASA Launch Facility in Earth, Sol.
Type: Packs
Phys: 42
Engy: 58
EM: 50

SY-920 Pilot Pack
Can be obtained during the "Best There Is" Faction Mission
Type: Packs
Phys: 26
Engy: 42
EM: 34

UC Antixeno Power Pack
Can be looted during "Hostile Intelligence" Faction Mission
Type: Packs
Phys: 44
Engy: 42
EM: 46

Unique Apparels

Lootable Unique Armor
Spacesuits Helmets
Packs Apparels
Item How to Get

Andreja's Outfit
Can be obtained on "Companion's Belongings" Mission if Andreja dies in "High Price to Pay" Mission
Type: Apparel
Phys: 5
Engy: 20
EM: 10

Barrett's Outfit
Can be obtained on "Companion's Belongings" Mission if Barrett dies in "High Price to Pay" Mission
Type: Apparel
Phys: 5
Engy: 10
EM: 20
Delgado's Outfit Can be looted from Delgado's body by siding with UC SysDef during Legacy's End Mission
Type: Apparel
Phys: 20
Engy: 20
EM: 5

ECS Captain Uniform
Can be looted within the ECS Constant during "First Contact" Mission
Type: Apparel
Phys: 5
Engy: 10
EM: 20

ECS Security Uniform
Can be looted within the ECS Constant during "First Contact" Mission
Type: Apparel
Phys: 10
Engy: 5
EM: 15

ECS Uniform
Can be looted within the ECS Constant during "First Contact" Mission
Type: Apparel
Phys: 5
Engy: 15
EM: 10

Ikande's SysDef Officer Uniform
Kill Commander Ikande and loot his body during The Legacy's End Mission. You must be sided with Crimson Fleet.
Type: Apparel
Phys: 5
Engy: 15
EM: 25

Imogene Salzo's Suit
Kill Imogene Salzo during "Guilty Parties" mission
Type: Apparel
Phys: 5
Engy: 10
EM: 20

Paxton's Officer Hat
Loot from Paxton Hull's body during The Hammer's Fall mission
Type: Apparel
Phys: 0
Engy: 0
EM: 0
Sam Coe's Outfit Can be obtained on "Companion's Belongings" Mission if Sam Coe dies in "High Price to Pay" Mission
Type: Apparel
Phys: 5
Engy: 15
EM: 15
Sarah Morgan's Outfit Can be obtained on "Companion's Belongings" Mission if Sarah Morgan dies in "High Price to Pay" Mission
Type: Apparel
Phys: 15
Engy: 5
EM: 15

The Collector's Outfit
Kill Petrov and loot his body during "No Sudden Moves" Mission
Type: Apparel
Phys: 20
Engy: 20
EM: 5
Ularu's Suit Kill Ularu during "Guilty Parties" mission and loot her body
Type: Apparel
Phys: 5
Engy: 15
EM: 15

List of All Unique Armor From Shops

Unique Apparel

Item How to Get

Neon Dancer Headwear
Can be bought from Sieghart's Outfitters or Newill's Goods at Neon, Volii Alpha
Type: Apparel
Phys: 0
Engy: 0
EM: 0

Neon Dancer Outfit
Can be bought from Sieghart's Outfitters or Newill's Goods at Neon, Volii Alpha
Type: Apparel
Phys: 5
Engy: 15
EM: 10

What are Unique Armor?

Armor with Special Designs

Starfield - Mantis Armor Set

Unique armor are armor pieces that have distinct looks, ranging from head-turning to something weird-looking in a good way. They have pre-determined stats and effects, and you can get unique armor pieces by going to specific locations in the universe or by completing quests.

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All Armor Types

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