Starfield Shattered Space

Energy Weapon Systems Skill Rank Up Guide

Energy Weapon Systems is an Advanced Tech skill in Starfield that improves your ship's energy weapons. Read on to learn the effects of the Energy Weapon Systems skill, how to unlock and rank up the Energy Weapon Systems skill, and the backgrounds that know it.

Energy Weapon Systems How to Unlock and Overview

Energy Weapon Systems Skill Overview

Energy Weapon Systems Skill
Starfield - Energy Weapon Systems Skill Skill Tree:
In the 24th century, advancements in energy weapons technology have revolutionized combat, as much in space as on the ground.

How to Unlock Energy Weapon Systems

Spend 4 Skill Points in the Tech Tree

As Energy Weapon Systems is a higher-tier Advanced skill, it is unlocked by spending a total of 4 skill points in the Tech skill tree before it can be learned.

How to Farm Skill Points Fast

Backgrounds with the Energy Weapon Systems Skill

There are no backgrounds that start with the Energy Weapon Systems skill.

List of All Backgrounds

How to Rank Up Energy Weapon Systems Skill

All Rank Challenges and Effects

Rank Challenge Effects
1 Spend a total of 4 Skill Points in the Tech tree. Energy ship weapons have 10% increased damage and cost 15% less to use in Targeting Mode.
2 Deal 1000 damage to enemy ships with Energy weapons. Energy ship weapons have 20% increased damage and cost 30% less to use in Targeting Mode.
3 Deal 4000 damage to enemy ships with Energy weapons. Energy ship weapons have 30% increased damage and cost 45% less to use in Targeting Mode.
4 Deal 10000 damage to enemy ships with Energy weapons. Energy ship weapons recharge 30% faster.

Fight with the Energy Weapon Available in the Vanguard Pilot Simulation

Starfield - Fight the Digital Enemy Ships in the UC Piloting Simulator
The ship you pilot during the UC Vanguard Piloting Exam has an energy weapon you can use to complete the challenge. This exam is part of the UC Vanguard Faction Quest Supra Et Ultra. Dealing damage with one of your ship's weapons labeled in the HUD as "LAS" will progress the challenge.

When you start the simulation, remember to allocate your ship's energy to your weapons.

How to Complete the Vanguard Simulation

Install Energy Weapons to Your Ship

Starfield - Best Ship Weapon for Shield Damage
Energy Weapons excel at damaging shields. Install more damaging Energy Weapons to your ship to complete the challenge faster. The Flare 15MW IR Laser is a good choice early on for players that do not have higher ranks of Piloting or Starship Design.

Best Ship Weapons

All Laser Ship Weapons

Weapon Range Fire Rate Hull DMG Shield DMG Max Pow
Dragon 221P MW Pulse Laser 1000 6.65 6 18 6
Dragon 221 MW Laser 1000 3.49 8 24 6
Dragon 231 IR Laser 1000 3.49 6 19 3
Flare 15MW IR Laser 1250 3.49 8 28 6
Dragon 251 UV Laser 1000 2.5 10 34 3
Dragon 241 Laser 1000 2.5 7 23 3
Reza 45 GHz MW Pulse Laser 800 6.65 3 11 4
Reza 45 GHz MW Laser 800 3.49 5 16 4
Flare-P 15MW IR Pulse Laser 1250 6.65 3 10 3
Dragon 241P Pulse Laser 1000 5 5 15 3
Scorch 60MW Laser 1250 2.5 8 25 4
Dragon 261 SX Laser 1000 1.5 13 43 3
Scorch-S 80MW Pulse Laser Turret 1500 3 8 25 4
Blaze 2GW SX Laser 1250 1.5 14 46 3
Scorch-P 60MW Pulse Laser 1250 2.5 10 32 4
Reza 600 THz Laser 500 2.5 9 31 4
Singe 4MW Laser 1250 3.49 7 22 4
Dragon 241P Pulse Laser Turret 1250 2.5 10 32 3
Dragon 261P SX Pulse Laser 1000 4 6 10 3
Singe-P 4MW Pulse Laser 1250 6.65 5 16 4
Dragon 251P UV Pulse Laser 1000 5 7 22 3
Scorch-P 60MW Pulse Laser Turret 1500 5 5 18 4
Torch 250MW UV Laser 1250 2.5 11 38 4
Torch-P 250MW UV Pulse Laser 1250 5 8 25 4
Blaze-P 2GW SX Pulse Laser Turret 1250 4 8 25 4
Dragon 261 SX Laser Turret 1000 1.5 18 59 3
Reza 30 THz IR Laser 800 6.65 3 11 4
Reza 30 THz IR Pulse Laser 800 3.49 8 26 4
Reza 10 PHz UV Laser 500 2.5 13 43 4
Reza 10 PHz UV Pulse Laser Turret 1000 5 9 30 4
Reza 10 PHz UV Pulse Laser 500 5 8 28 4
Reza 600 THz Pulse Laser 500 5 6 20 4
Blaze-P 2GW SX Pulse Laser 1250 4 7 24 3
Reza 300 PHz SX Laser 800 1.5 19 63 4
Reza 300 PHz SX Pulse Laser Turret 1000 4 11 38 4
Reza 300 PHz SX Pulse Laser 800 4 10 34 4
Dragon 231P IR Pulse Laser 1000 6.65 4 13 3
Vanguard Starseeker Pulse Laser 1000 6 8 21 4

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