Starfield Shattered Space

List of All Companions and Followers

Starfield - List of Companions and Crew Members

This is a list of all companions and followers that you can recruit in Starfield. Read on for the full list of companions, their skills, whether or not they can be romanced, and how many companions are in the game.

How Many Companions and Followers Are There?

Over 20 Companions Total, with 4 Romanceable Companions

It has been confirmed that there are more than 20 companions and crew members with detailed backgrounds who can travel together with the player.

Four specific characters from Constellation, namely Sarah Morgan, Sam Coe, Barrett, and Andreja, are potential romantic partners with their own specific questlines.

List of All Companions and Crew Members in Starfield

Recruitable Companions and Followers

Character Overview
Starfield - Adoring FanAdoring Fan Romanceable: No
Weight Lifting ★★
Starfield - Alternate SelfAlternate Self Romanceable: No
Pain Tolerance ★★★
Starfield - Amelia EarhartAmelia Earhart Romanceable: No
Piloting ★★
Rifle Certification ★★
Starfield - AndrejaAndreja Romanceable: Yes
Stealth ★★★★
Particle Beams ★★★
Energy Weapon Systems ★★
Starfield - Andromeda KeplerAndromeda Kepler Romanceable: No
Outpost Engineering ★★
Aneutronic Fusion
Starfield - Autumn MacMillanAutumn MacMillan Romanceable: No
Pistol Certification ★★
Starfield - BarrettBarrett Romanceable: Yes
Starship Engineering ★★★★
Particle Beam Weapon Systems ★★★
Robotics ★★
Starfield - Betty HowserBetty Howser Romanceable: No
Demolitions ★★★
Missile Weapon Systems
Starfield - Dani GarciaDani Garcia Romanceable: No
Robotics ★★
Energy Weapon Systems
Starfield - Erick Von PriceErick Von Price Romanceable: No
Astrodynamics ★★
Starfield - EzekielEzekiel Romanceable: No
Energy Weapon Dissipation ★★
Shield Systems
Starfield - Gideon AkerGideon Aker Romanceable: No
Ballistic Weapon Systems ★★
Missile Weapon Systems ★★
Starfield - HellerHeller Romanceable: No
Outpost Engineering ★★★
Starfield - Jessamine GriffinJessamine Griffin Romanceable: No
Ballistic Weapon Systems ★★
Starfield - LinLin Romanceable: No
Outpost Management ★★★
Starfield - Lyle BrewerLyle Brewer Romanceable: No
Shotgun Certification ★★
Particle Beams
Starfield - Major Hadrian SanonMajor Hadrian Sanon Romanceable: No
Pain Tolerance ★★
Energy Weapon Dissipation
Starfield - Marika BorosMarika Boros Romanceable: No
Ballistics ★★
Shotgun Certification
Particle Beam Weapon Systems
Starfield - Mathis CastilloMathis Castillo Romanceable: No
Incapacitation ★★
Weight Lifting
Starfield - Mickey CaviarMickey Caviar Romanceable: No
Wellness ★★
Starfield - Moara OteroMoara Otero Romanceable: No
EM Weapon Systems ★★
Marksmanship ★★
Starfield - Omari HassanOmari Hassan Romanceable: No
Shield Systems ★★
Starship Engineering
Starfield - Rafael AguerroRafael Aguerro Romanceable: No
Starship Engineering ★★
Outpost Engineering
Outpost Management
Starfield - Rosie TannehillRosie Tannehill Romanceable: No
Wellness ★★★
Starfield - Sahima KaSahima Ka'dic Romanceable: No
EM Weapon Systems ★★
Aneutronic Fusion
Sniper Certification
Starfield - Sam CoeSam Coe Romanceable: Yes
Piloting ★★★★
Rifle Certification ★★★
Payloads ★★
Starfield - Sarah MorganSarah Morgan Romanceable: Yes
Astrodynamics ★★★★
Lasers ★★★
Leadership ★★
Starfield - Simeon BankowskiSimeon Bankowski Romanceable: No
Sniper Certification ★★
Starfield - Sophia GraceSophia Grace Romanceable: No
Stealth ★★★
Starfield - Tane SalaveaTane Salavea Romanceable: No
Stealth ★★
Pistol Certification
Starfield - VascoVasco Romanceable: No
Shield Systems ★★
Aneutronic Fusion
EM Weapon Systems

Non-Recruitable NPCs

Character Overview
Starfield - Matteo KhatriMatteo Khatri Romanceable: No
This character cannot be recruited.
Starfield - NoelNoel Romanceable: No
This character cannot be recruited.
Starfield - Vladimir SallVladimir Sall Romanceable: No
This character cannot be recruited.
Starfield - Walter StroudWalter Stroud Romanceable: No
This character cannot be recruited.

Best Companions and Crew Members

Best Overall
Starfield - Sarah MorganSarah Morgan Starfield - Sam CoeSam Coe
Best for Combat Best for Ship Assignment & Space Combat
Starfield - Marika BorosMarika Boros Starfield - BarrettBarrett
Best for Stealth & Looting Best for Outpost Assignment
Starfield - AndrejaAndreja Starfield - HellerHeller

Sarah Morgan and Sam Coe are the best companions to use in any situation, whilst the rest of your crew excel in their specific fields.

Best Companions and Crew Members

Can You Romance Companions in Starfield?

You Can Romance 4 Companions

All Romanceable Companions
Starfield - Sarah MorganSarah Morgan Starfield - Sam CoeSam Coe
Starfield - AndrejaAndreja Starfield - BarrettBarrett

Four members of Constellation are possible romance options. You can make them fall for you by performing actions they like, flirting with them, and completing certain quests.

All Romance Options

Do Companion Skill Rank Up?

Companions Skills Don't Rank Up

The ranks of each companion's skills are set and can't be ranked up, unlike your own. Companion Skills reflect their character while providing you with the benefits of the skills.

The particularly useful Companion Skills are the ones related to buffing your ship and the ones related to combat, as companions can assist you in battle.

List of All Skills

What Are Companions?

What Are Companions?

NPCs Who Travel With You

Starfield - Companions Go Along With You
On your journey throughout The Settled Systems, you can assign companions as crew who will go along with you on your ship and will always be there for you. Additionally, like in previous Bethesda games, you can open up your companions' inventory and have them carry items for you.

How to Change Companions and Crew

Companions Can Fight Alongside You

Starfield - Companions Fight Alongside You
You can bring along one companion on missions to have them support you in combat. They can help draw fire from the enemy and lessen their ranks.

Combat Tips and Mistakes to Avoid

Assign Them to Work on Your Ship or Outposts

Starfield - Assign Companions to Ship or Outposts
Companions and crew can be assigned to work on your ship or at various outposts across the galaxy. Doing this will enhance the efficiency of certain aspects of the ship and outposts, depending on their skills.

How to Build an Outpost

Crew Members cost only one-time payment

Additionally, there are also generic crew members that you can hire to maintain outposts and ships. They are separate from your selection of Companions and only come with a single skill.

These crew members only ask for a one-time payment, so you won't need to continuously pay them for operations.

Some Companions Are Romance Options

Starfield - Companions Are Romance Options
Some companions are possible romance options. You can enter into a relationship with these companions, and certain actions or decisions you do while playing the game may delight them, make them angry, or generally affect how they perceive you.

All Romance Options

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield Walkthrough and Guides Wiki

Starfield Walkthrough and Guides Wiki

Starfield Wiki
Starfield - Shattered Space DLCShattered Space DLC Starfield - REV-8REV-8
Starfield - Main QuestsMain Quests Starfield - Side QuestsSide Quests
Starfield - FactionsFactions Starfield - Best Weapons PartialBest Weapons
Armor and Gear Partial BannerArmor Starfield - WeaponsWeapons
Starfield - Tips and TricksTips and Tricks Console Commands Partial BannerConsole Commands
Starfield - Ship PartsShip Parts Starfield - Ship ManufacturersShip Manufacturers
Starfield - PlanetsPlanets Starfield - Star SystemsStar Systems
Starfield - Cities and Points of InterestCities and POIs Starfield - Choices and Consequences Partial BannerChoices
Starfield - SkillsSkills Starfield - TraitsTraits
Starfield - ResourcesResources and Materials Starfield - OutpostsOutposts
Starfield - List of Companions and Crew MembersCompanions Starfield - Builds Partial BannerBuilds
Ship DesignsShip Designs Starfield - List of All ShipsShips
Starfield - Starborn PowersStarborn Powers Starfield - CollectiblesCollectibles
Starfield - ShopsShops Starfield - ItemsItems
Starfield - HousesHouses Starfield - Mission BoardMission Board
Starfield - PuzzlesPuzzle Solutions Starfield - BackgroundsBackgrounds
Starfield - EnemiesEnemies Starfield - Research ProjectsResearch Projects
Starfield - List of All AchievementsAchievements Starfield - Bugs and ErrorsBugs
Starfield - Weapon ModsWeapon Mods Starfield - Armor ModsArmor Mods
Starfield - Fauna and Alien CreaturesFauna and Alien Creatures Starfield - Flora and PlantsFlora and Plants
Starfield - News and UpdatesNews and Updates -


1 Anonymousover 1 year

You're missing at least 3 more companions: Major Hadrian Sanon (recruitable after finishing the UC vanguard storyline), Mathis (recruitable after finishing the crimson fleet storyline and siding with him), and Amelia Earhart (a side quest on an endgame planet).


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