Starfield Shattered Space

All Laser Mods

Here are all Laser Mods in Starfield. Check out a list of Laser sights, mod effects, and crafting materials!

All Laser Mods

List of Laser Mods

Mod Description Materials
Foregrip with Laser Sight Laser Sight attachment to help with target acquisition and increase Accuracy. Aluminum x1
Neon x1
Helium-3 x1
Foregrip with Recon Laser Sight Marks enemies while Aiming, and greatly increases Accuracy. Adhesive x2
Vanadium x3
Palladium x2
Zero Wire x2
Laser Sight Laser Sight attachment to help with target acquisition and increase Accuracy. Aluminum x1
Neon x1
Helium-3 x1
Recon Laser Sight Marks enemies while Aiming, and greatly increases Accuracy. Adhesive x2
Vanadium x3
Palladium x2
Zero Wire x2

What are Laser Mods?

Weapon Mods for Easier Targetting

A Laser Mod helps you aim better by marking your enemies. In addition to the Laser Sights, your weapon also gets increased accuracy!

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