Starfield Shattered Space

Best Faction to Join

Starfield - Best Faction to Join

The Best Faction to join in Starfield is the UC Vanguard. Learn more on why they are the best faction, how to join them, and whether or not you can join multiple factions!

Best Faction to Join

UC Vanguard

The UC Vanguard is the United Colonies volunteer fleet. As a space army, They help the United Colonies throughout different planets by fighting enemies on the frontlines. If you enlist as one, you will be guaranteed a UC citizenship.

Located Near the Lodge

The UC Vanguard is the first faction you can join early in the game, making it very convenient. Additionally, many of the main quests start and end at The Lodge in New Atlantis, which means you can frequently access the UC Vanguard vendors frequently.

Easy Access to Weapons and Weapon Mods

You will also have easier access to better weapons and weapon mods early on since the UC Vanguard vendors offer decent weapons. Having these weapons early in the game will help you level up and progress through the game much easier until you get your late game gear.

UC Vanguard Questline

How to Join UC Vanguard

Sign Up in New Atlantis

Starfield - Tuala

Players can find the office of the UC Vanguard at the MAST District in New Atlantis at the Alpha Centauri Star System. Talk to Tuala at the counter and he will ask if you want to join them. Finish the Supra Et Ultra mission and you will become a part of the faction!

Supra Et Ultra Mission Guide

Can You Join Multiple Factions?

You Can Join Multiple Factions

You can join multiple factions in a single playthrough in Starfield. It is also confirmed that faction questlines are independent of one another, so joining one faction will not lock you out of the other.

List of All Factions and Faction Questlines

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