Starfield Shattered Space

List of All Resources, Components, and Materials

List of All Resources, Materials and Where to Find Them

Resources, components, and materials are used to craft items, mods, and structures in Starfield. Read on to see the list of all resources, components, and materials in the game and to learn how to get them and what they are for.

List of All Resources

List of All Resources
Aldumite (Ad) Alkanes (HnCn) Aluminum (Al)
Antimony (Sb) Argon (Ar) Benzene (C6H6)
Beryllium (Be) Caelumite (Ct) Caesium (Cs)
Carboxylic Acids (R-COOH) Chlorine (Cl) Chlorosilanes (SiH3Cl)
Cobalt (Co) Copper (Cu) Dysprosium (Dy)
Europium (Eu) Fluorine (F) Gold (Au)
Helium-3 (He-3) Indicite (Ie) Ionic Liquids(IL)
Iridium (Ir) Iron (Fe) Lead (Pb)
Lithium (Li) Mercury (Hg) Neodymium (Nd)
Neon (Ne) Nickel (Ni) Palladium (Pd)
Platinum (Pt) Plutonium (Pu) Rothicite (Rc)
Silver (Ag) Tantalum (Ta) Tasine (Tsn)
Tetrafluorides (xF4) Titanium (Ti) Tungsten (W)
Uranium (U) Vanadium (V) Veryl (Vr)
Vytinium (Vy) Water (H2O) Xenon (Xe)
Ytterbium (Yb)

Real elements and compounds from the periodic table are used as Starfield's Resources. They are the base item used for crafting anything, including items, mods, and materials.

Periodic Table Explained

List of All Materials

List of All Materials
Adaptive Frame Adhesive Amino Acids
Analgesic Antimicrobial Aromatic
Biosuppressant Chasmbass Oil Cosmetic
Fiber Gastronomic Delight Hallucinogen
High-Tensile Spidroin Hypercatalyst Immunostimulant
Lubricant Luxury Textile Membrane
Memory Substrate Metabolic Agent Neurologic
Nutrient Ornamental Material Pigment
Polymer Polytextile Quark-Degenerate Tissues
Sealant Sedative Solvent
Spice Stimulant Structural Material

Materials are items that can be acquired by looting, buying, or crafting them using resources. They are primarily used for crafting aid items and mods.

List of All Components

List of All Components
Aldumite Drilling Rig Austenitic Manifold Comm Relay
Control Rod Drilling Rig Indicite Wafer
Isocentered Magnet Isotopic Coolant Mag Pressure Tank
Microsecond Regulator Molecular Sieve Monopropellant
Nuclear Fuel Rod Paramagnon Conductor Positron Battery
Power Circuit Reactive Gauge Rothicite Magnet
Semimetal Wafer Sterile Nanotubes Substrate Molecule Sieve
Supercooled Magnet Tasine Superconductor Tau Grade Rheostat
Veryl-Treated Manifold Vytinium Fuel Rod Zero Wire
Zero-G Gimbal

Components are crafting items. Most of them can be crafted depending on skills such as Special Projects, but some of them can only either be looted during exploration or bought from a vendor.

They are often used for crafting mods and outpost building structures.

Where to Find Resources and Materials

Ways to Get Resources and Materials

Loot From Enemies and Chests

Loot From Enemies

Loot From Chests

You can acquire resources and materials by looting chests, containers, enemies, and in the overworld during exploration.

List of All Enemies

Mine From Planet Surfaces

Resources can be mined from a planet's surface using a cutter. Once mined, the resource will automatically be added to your inventory!

How to Mine Faster

Harvest from Flora and Faunas

Resources and materials can be harvested from plants and animals. By scanning encountered Flora and Faunas a certain number of times, you will be able to see what type of organic materials they can provide. Do note that Faunas have to be defeated first before you can harvest any materials from them!

How to Use the Hand Scanner

Go to a Planet with Flaura and Faunas

Starfield - Jemison

Before landing on a planet, make sure to check its description if actually has Flora and Faunas in it. If you enter one whose Flora and Faunas are marked as None, plants and animals will not spawn!

List of All Planets

Buy From Shops

Vendor Location Planet
Jemison Mercantile New Atlantis Jemison
UC Exchange Cydonia Mars
Jane's Goods Cydonia Mars

Resources and materials can also be bought from vendors in Starfield. Listed above are some shops that can you go to early in the game to buy from!

List of All Shops and Space Ports

Gather Using Outpost Modules

Starfield - Outpost Modules

An Outpost and its modules allow you to gather specific resources consistently. Most importantly, utilizing an outpost is a way to obtain resources passively. But, you need to spend some time to fully maximize its capabilities!

How to Farm Resources ▼

How to Farm Resources

Build an Outpost

Starfield - Outpost Beacon

Building an Outpost in planets will be the most consistent way of gathering resources if you need a lot of them. When building one on a planet, make sure that it contains the resources that you want to gather!

All Outpost Modules and How to Build

Build Extractors to Mine Resources

Extractors are used to mine and gather resources that can be found on a planet's surface passively. Once you build an extractor, it will begin producing resources. Do note that the extractor types available to you depend on the resources a planet or moon has!

All Outpost Extractors

Build a Greenhouse to Harvest Plants

Skill Description
Starfield -  Botany Skill
The scientific study of flora, while important on Earth, became even more essential as humanity began exploring alien worlds.

Building a Greenhouse allows you to grow certain Floras at your outposts. However, you need to have the Botany Skill unlocked to have this feature available in your outpost!

How to Craft a Greenhouse

Build an Animal Husbandry to Farm Animals

Skill Description
Starfield -  Zoology Skill
No one could have expected the number of new species encountered on alien worlds, or the Importance of those skilled in their behaviour and domestication.

Building an Animal Husbandry allows you to produce resources that can normally be harvested from Faunas. Do note that you need to have the Zoology Skill unlocked for it to be available in your outpost!

How to Craft an Animal Husbandry

What are Resources and Materials?

Crafting Ingredients

Resources and Materials are key items used for crafting, building, and other essential gameplay components. They are essential if you enjoy making your own weapon mods, armor mods, aid items, outpost building, and other craftable things.

Crafting Guide: How to Craft

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2 Anonymousabout 1 year

The link for Power Circuit on this page goes to Reactive Gauge.

1 Anonymousover 1 year

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