Starfield Shattered Space

Best Starborn Powers Tier List

Starfield - Best Starborn Powers
Starborn Powers are unlockable space magic that you can wield in Starfield and can be used in combat or exploration. Continue reading to learn the Starborn Powers Tier List, what are the best Starborn Powers, how they work, and how to use them in battle or exploring the game!

Best Starborn Powers Tier List

Starborn Powers
Best Powers for Combat Best Powers for Exploration

Starborn Powers Tier List for Combat

Tier Starborn Power Explanation
S Rank Icon S Tier Starfield - Reactive ShieldReactive Shield ・Increases your overall durability and can reflect projectiles
・Long duration offsets relatively high cost
A Rank Icon A Tier Starfield - Life ForcedLife Forced ・Restores your HP while also damaging the enemy
・Useful against enemies with high HP
B Rank Icon B Tier Starfield - Grav DashGrav Dash ・Increases your mobility and provides an attack buff
・Can be used aggressively or defensively
Starfield - Sense Star StuffSense Star Stuff ・Highlights enemies and allies in the surrounding area
・Great utility skill for Stealth builds
C Rank Icon C Tier Starfield - Gravity WaveGravity Wave ・Launches a cone of gravity that knocks or staggers opponents
・Great secondary skill for melee-oriented builds

Starborn Powers that are not included in the list are considered niche. They are only useful within a specific playstyle and they often require support to be effective.

List of Starborn Powers

Reactive Shield

Power Cost Temple Description

Reactive Shield
35 Tau Envelop yourself in a metastable shell of antimatter that reflects projectiles and increases your resistance to attacks.

Reactive Shield is one of the best combat-oriented Starborn Powers since all kinds of builds can benefit from the increased damage resistance and the ability to reflect projectiles back at the enemy.

Its high cost is offset by its long duration, allowing you to reapply Reactive Shield almost immediately after the first one runs out without expending too much power.

Life Forced

Power Cost Temple Description

Life Forced
25 Pi Drain the life force out of a living being and transfer it to yourself.

Life Forced is another powerful Starborn Ability that heals you while damaging an enemy and is a relatively low-cost skill at only 25 Power.

The true utility of this skill is that it helps you conserve your food and med packs, allowing you to save them for when you need burst healing after a fight.

Grav Dash

Power Cost Temple Description

Grav Dash
15 Zeta Manipulate gravity to propel yourself forward, and briefly increase any damage you inflict.

Grav Dash propels you forward with gravity, increasing your mobility while also giving you a slight damage increase on all of your attacks, and is one of the most cost-efficient powers at just 15 Power.

You can use this skill both aggressively as a gap closer, or defensively to give you space when groups of enemies are after you.

Sense Star Stuff

Power Cost Temple Description

Sense Star Stuff
15 Chi Channel the power to detect all life around you for a duration.

Sense Star Stuff is a utility skill that highlights enemies and allies in an area around you, allowing you to see their position through walls or obstacles.

Although any build benefits from seeing where enemies are, this power is especially useful for Stealth Builds and allows you to better track where enemies are so you can sneak past them or take them out.

Gravity Wave

Power Cost Temple Description

Gravity Wave
25 Beta Launches a gravity wave in a cone ahead of you that staggers and knocks down enemies.

Gravity Wave unleashes a cone of gravity in front of you that can knock down enemies or interrupt their attacks by staggering them.

This power is very useful for melee builds that need a range attack and a way to knock back enemies from a distance and is also useful as a defensive skill, allowing you to knock back a charging enemy.

Starborn Powers Tier List for Exploration

Tier Starborn Power Explanation
S Rank Icon S Tier Starfield - Personal AtmospherePersonal Atmosphere ・Allows you to run and jump without expending oxygen until the power lasts
・Can speed up traveling and exploring on foot
A Rank Icon A Tier Starfield - CreatorsCreators' Peace ・Pacifies enemies in your surrounding area
・Also disarms enemies for the duration of the power
B Rank Icon B Tier Starfield - PrecognitionPrecognition ・Allows you to predict future dialogue options and dialogue paths during conversations
C Rank Icon C Tier Starfield - Eternal HarvestEternal Harvest ・Allows you to regrow flora in an area around you that you can harvest again
Starfield - Elemental PullElemental Pull ・Allows you to harvest resources that you can't reach

Starborn Powers that are not included in the list are considered niche. They are only useful within a specific playstyle and they often require support to be effective.

List of Starborn Powers

Personal Atmosphere

Power Cost Temple Description

Personal Atmosphere
45 Alpha Create a small area of unlimited oxygen around you for a duration.

Personal Atmosphere infuses your character with unlimited oxygen, even in areas that lack oxygen, allowing you to run and jump freely without losing health.

With oxygen functioning as Stamina in the game, this power essentially gives you a burst of speed and allows you to quickly traverse the planet's surface as long as the duration lasts.

Creators' Peace

Power Cost Temple Description

Creators' Peace
25 Nu Pacifies all enemies in an area and disarms them for a duration.

Creators' Peace pacifies enemies around you, stopping their attacks and even disarming them for the duration of the power.

Although it only works in a relatively small space within your character, it's very useful if you accidentally harm a civilian in places like New Atlantis, allowing you to paying a fine or the wrath of the guards.


Power Cost Temple Description

35 Iota Look into the multiverse and visualize the future actions of actors, conversational and otherwise.

Precognition is a power mostly used during conversation with NPCs, allowing you to predict their dialogue and their responses when picking certain dialogue paths.

This power is very useful during missions that require you to Persuade, Intimidate, or Deceive, characters and can let you know if your dialogue option will be successful or not.

Eternal Harvest

Power Cost Temple Description

Eternal Harvest
25 Lambda Regrows flora that has been harvested in a large area around you.

Eternal Harvest allows you to regrow harvested flora within a large area around you, and is very useful during gathering runs since it essentially doubles the amount of plants you can gather in a planet.

Elemental Pull

Power Cost Temple Description

Elemental Pull
25 Psi Blasts inorganic resources in an area around you and pulls them towards you.

Elemental Pull causes your character to blast and pull inorganic resources towards you.

Compared to harvesting with a Cutter, using this skill allows you to gather resources faster and reach nodes that you otherwise can't reach.

Tier List Criteria

S Rank Icon S Tier These Starborn Powers greatly enhance your playthrough and gameplay experience with minimal downtime.
A Rank Icon A Tier Starborn Powers that offers significant advantage and benefits that can affect your playstyle.
B Rank Icon B Tier These Starborn Powers are less prominent than others. However, they can still be beneficial to use in certain situations.
C Rank Icon C Tier Starborn Powers in this tier are not very useful and are only viable in specific situations. Use them only when no other Starborn Powers are available at the moment.

How to Unlock Starborn Powers

Complete the Into the Unknown Quest

Starfield - Talk to Vladimir
Starborn Powers are first unlocked during the quest Into the Unknown. During the quest, you'll need to investigate an Anomaly, which then grants you the Anti-Gravity Field powers.

Once you complete the quest, the quest Power from Beyond unlocks which allows you to track other temples housing artifacts that will grant you more Starborn powers.

Into the Unknown

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