Starfield Shattered Space

Best Ronin Build

This is a guide on the best build for the Ronin Background in Starfield. Find out the best Ronin build, the best traits for Ronin, its starting skills, and how to play as a Ronin!

Best Ronin Build

Best Skills for Ronin

Starfield -  Boost Pack Training Skill
Boost Pack Training
Starfield -  Concealment Skill
Starfield -  Dueling Skill
Starfield -  Fitness Skill
Starfield -  Gymnastics Skill
Starfield -  Intimidation Skill
Starfield -  Isolation Skill
Starfield -  Martial Arts Skill
Martial Arts
Starfield -  Rejuvenation Skill
Starfield -  Scavenging Skill
Starfield -  Stealth Skill
Starfield -  Surveying Skill
Starfield -  Wellness Skill

The Ronin is a masterless warrior, wandering space searching for a new purpose. They have experience with blades through the Dueling and Martial Arts skills and can silently kill enemies with Stealth and Concealment. When there's no need for fighting, you can simply scare enemies away with Intimidation.

The Ronin still needs to keep in shape with Physical Skills like Wellness, Gymnastics, and Fitness.You also have Boost Pack Training for added mobility in all types of situation. For sustain, Rejuvenation partners well with your stealth skills as you can heal while you're hiding.

As a lone warrior, you will benefit a lot from the damage and toughness coming from Isolation. It's also wise to consider skills that will help outside of combat such as Scavenging and Surveying.

List of All Skills

Best Weapons for Ronin

Weapon Type Damage Ammo Type
Starfield - Tanto Tanto Melee Weapon Phys N/A
Starfield - Va Va'ruun Painblade Melee Weapon Phys N/A
Starfield - Wakizashi Wakizashi Melee Weapon Phys N/A

With the Ronin's skill in Dueling, melee weapons like knives and katanas with high physical damage will be your best choice of weapon.

Best Weapons: Weapon Tier List

Best Armor for Ronin

Since you'll be fighting up close most of the time, you'll want to invest in armor that can reduce all types of damage to survive.

Best Armor Sets

Ronin Best Traits

Best Traits for Ronin

Starfield -  Alien DNA
Alien DNA
You volunteered for a controversial experiment that combines alien and human DNA. As a result, you start with increased health and oxygen, but healing and food items aren't as effective.
Starfield -  Introvert
You really need your alone time. Exerting yourself uses less oxygen when adventuring alone, but more when adventuring with other human companions, (Can't be combined with Extrovert.)
Starfield -  Neon Street Rat
Neon Street Rat
You grew up on the mean streets of Neon. You gain access to special dialogue options, and better rewards from some missions on Neon. Crime bounty by other factions is greatly increased. (Can't be combined with any other faction allegiance trait.)

A Ronin with the Introvert trait works best alone since this reduces oxygen consumption. Picking Neon Street Rat or other faction traits can give you better rewards for completing their missions, although you'll need to deal with the bounty from different factions. Alien DNA will give you the advantage of having higher health and oxygen, which is a great advantage in combat.

Best Traits

Ronin Starting Skills and Overview

Ronin Starting Skills

Starting Skills Description
Starfield -  Stealth Skill
For a combatant who values discretion above all else, the ability to approach a target while undetected and kill with a silenced weapon is as terrifying as it is effective.
Starfield -  Dueling Skill
Considered by many to be a lost art, close attacks with a melee weapon can often be deadlier than ranged combat when carried out by a skilled practitioner.
Starfield -  Scavenging Skill
There are those who can find just about anything, and their success is usually dependent on knowing how, and where, to look.

Ronin Description

Ronin Flavor Text
Masterless and unbound, you wandered the Settled Systems as a blade for hire. To some, you were a simple mercenary. To others, a hero. And to a select few...a nightmare they could never wake from.

List of All Backgrounds and Starting Jobs

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Builds

List of All Builds

All Background Builds

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Unarmed Pacifist -


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