Starfield Shattered Space

Best Cargo Holds and Cargo Holds Explained

Starfield - All Cargo Hold Parts

This guide explains the best cargo holds and shielded cargo holds in Starfield. Read on to learn what are cargo holds, how to access a ship's cargo hold, where to buy cargo holds, what are shielded cargo holds, as well as to see a list of all cargo holds.

Best Cargo Hold

Galleon S204 Cargo Hold

Module Value Mass Hull Cargo
Galleon S204 Cargo Hold 10450 312 5 1480

The Galleon S204 Cargo Hold is the best cargo hold we've encountered in the game so far as it provides the most storage space.

The cargo hold can be purchased from ship technicians in most cities in the game after reaching level 32.

All Ship Part Level Unlocks

Best Shielded Cargo Hold

10ST Hauler Shielded Cargo Hold

Module Value Shielded Capacity Location
10ST Hauler Shielded Cargo Hold 17860 320 Red Mile

The 10ST Hauler Shielded Cargo Hold is the best shielded cargo hold we've encountered in the game so far. With its large shielded cargo space, it will allow you to smuggle the most contraband to different systems.

The cargo hold can be purchased from Lon Anderssen in Red Mile at Planet Porrima III after reaching level 32.

How to Smuggle and Where to Sell Contraband

What are Cargo Holds?

Cargo Hold Stats Overview

Cargo Hold Stats Overview
Cargo Increases the amount of items the ship can store by the indicated amount.
Shielded Cargo Indicates the amount of contraband items the ship can hide and protect from scans.
Hull Increases your ship's health by the indicated number.

Stores Ship's Inventory

Cargo Hold modules act as your ship's storage. They store items for smuggling, delivery, and safekeeping.

Shielded Cargo Holds Help Smuggle Contraband

When entering some systems, your ship will be scanned for contraband. If you are carrying contraband, you may be arrested and the contraband may be confiscated. To be able to smuggle and move around contraband, your ship will need shielded cargo holds that protect contraband from scans.

Alternatively, Sell Contraband at The Den

Starfield - The Den - Wolf Star System

If you don't want to spend any credits to protect your contraband, you can sell them instead. The easiest way to sell contraband is to go to The Den's Trade Authority branch in the Wolf star system. Find Marcel Duris at the west side of The Den.

There are no factions that will scan you as you enter this star system, making it possible to bring contraband without needing to install special ship modules or spending skill points in Deception skill.

How to Smuggle and Where to Sell Contraband

How to Access Ship's Cargo Hold

Access the Cargo Hold Inside the Ship

Starfield - Ship Storage Location
You can access the ship's storage or cargo hold from a screen beside your cockpit as shown in the image above. You can also access your ship storage by being on your ship and pressing Q while on your inventory menu.

Store Items from the Cargo Hold Menu

Starfield - Ship Storage Access
Press R while looking at the Cargo Hold to access the Inventory Transfer Menu. From this menu, press Q to switch to your inventory. Highlight an item from your inventory and press E to store it into your Ship Storage.

Press the Q Key to Sell from the Ship

Starfield - Vendor Sell from Ship Storage
You can sell items from your ship storage directly to NPCs without having to carry your ship's inventory. When interacting with a vendor, use the Q button to toggle between Buy, Sell, and Sell from Frontier. Utilize this so you don't have to carry all your items and be over-encumbered to sell items.

How to Access Ship Storage

How to Upgrade Cargo Holds

Replace Modules with Better Versions

You can upgrade ship parts by replacing them at a spaceport. Interact with the local ship technician, and from there, you can purchase modules with higher stats. Equip them to your ship while replacing the old parts.

Ship Building and Customization Guide

Invest Skill Points in Payloads Skill

Skill Description
Starfield -  Payloads Skill
Any pilot can haul cargo, but it takes special determination and training to maximize cargo space.

Investing skill points in the Payloads skill from the Tech Skill Tree will increase the capacity of your ship's cargo holds.

List of All Skills and Skill Trees

Where to Buy Cargo Holds

Ship Technicians and Showrooms

City Shops
Akila City ・Ship Technician
Cydonia ・Ship Technician
Deimos Staryard ・Nikau Henderson
Gagarin Landing
・Ship Technician
・Ship Technician
・HopeTech Showroom
Neon ・Ship Technician
・Stroud Eklund Showroom
・Taiyo Astroneering Showroom
New Atlantis ・Ship Technician
(Porrima II)
・Ship Technician
Red Mile ・Lon Anderssen
Stroud-Eklund Staryard ・Havershaw
The Clinic
・Ship Technician
The Den
(Wolf System)
・Ship Technician
The Eleos Retreat
(Ixyll System)
・Ship Technician
The Key ・Ship Services

Better ship parts are locked behind character levels. If a ship part is not appearing in any shops, this means you'll need to level up your character first.

List of All Shops and Space Ports

List of All Cargo Holds

Cargo Hold Stats

Module Value Mass Hull Cargo
StorMax 20 Cargo Hold 750 44 5 210
100CM Ballast Cargo Hold 750 44 5 210
200CM Ballast Cargo Hold 997 5 5 245
Caravel V101 Cargo Hold 807 48 5 225
Caravel V102 Cargo Hold 1425 64 5 300
StorMax 30 Cargo Hold 712 44 5 210
StorMax 40 Cargo Hold 997 52 5 245
300CM Ballast Cargo Hold 320 68 5 320
da Gama 1000 Cargo Hold 807 48 5 225
StorMax 50 Cargo Hold 1567 68 5 320
Caravel V103 Cargo Hold 2137 84 5 395
da Gama 1020 Cargo Hold 1567 68 5 320
StorMax 60 Cargo Hold 2422 92 5 435
Caravel V104 Cargo Hold 3325 116 5 550
400CM Ballast Cargo Hold 2422 92 5 435
da Gama 1010 Cargo Hold 997 52 5 245
Galleon S201 Cargo Hold 4607 152 5 720
Polo 2000 Cargo Hold 2422 92 5 435
Galleon S202 Cargo Hold 6365 200 5 950
Polo 2010 Cargo Hold 3610 92 5 435
Galleon S203 Cargo Hold 8750 252 5 1200
10T Hauler Cargo Hold 3610 124 5 585
20T Hauler Cargo Hold 4940 160 5 760
30T Hauler Cargo Hold 6792 212 5 1000
Galleon S204 Cargo Hold 10450 312 5 1480
40T Hauler Cargo Hold 8835 268 5 1270
Polo 2020 Cargo Hold 4940 160 5 760
Polo 2030 Cargo Hold 6792 212 5 1000

List of All Shielded Cargo Holds

Shielded Cargo Location and Stats

Module Value Shielded Capacity Location
da Gama 1000 Shielded Cargo Hold 1425 160 Red Mile
100CM Ballast Shielded Cargo Hold 1425 160 Red Mile
200CM Ballast Shielded Cargo Hold 4512 190 Red Mile
Caravel V101 Shielded Cargo Hold 2470 170 Red Mile
Caravel V102 Shielded Cargo Hold 9595 240 Red Mile
10ST Hauler Shielded Cargo Hold 17860 320 Red Mile
da Gama 1010 Shielded Cargo Hold 4512 190 Red Mile

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