Starfield Shattered Space

All UC Defense Manual Locations

UC Defense Manuals are collectible Skill Magazines you can find in Starfield. Read on to learn more about the UC Defense Manuals, their locations, their perks, and how to use them!

UC Defense Manual Locations

UC Defense Manual 01

Jump to a UC Defense Manual!
Manual 01 Manual 02
Manual 03 Manual 04
UC Defense Manual 01 Location
1-of-a-Kind Salvage UC Defense Manual 01
Location 1-of-a-Kind Salvage - Niira
How to Get
The UC Defense Manual 01 is on a shelf inside the 1-of-a-Kind Salvage on planet Niira in the Narion star system.

Once you've teleported to the 1-of-a-Kind Salvage, move forward and go inside the first airlock on your right that's guarded by turrets.

Once you're inside, the shelf with the UC Defense Manual 01 should be on the platform on the other side from where you're standing, right next to a big chest.

UC Defense Manual 02

Jump to a UC Defense Manual!
Manual 01 Manual 02
Manual 03 Manual 04
UC Defense Manual 02 Location
The Den UC Defense Manual 03
Location The Den - Chthonia
How to Get
After entering The Den, walk straight and take the right path overlooking the bar / lounge area. Enter the doorway, turn left, and then turn right to find a UC office.

Enter the UC office and turn right to find sleeping quarters. The manual can be found on the 2nd from the bottom shelf, in between the two beds.

UC Defense Manual 03

Jump to a UC Defense Manual!
Manual 01 Manual 02
Manual 03 Manual 04
UC Defense Manual 03 Location
Jane's Goods Room UC Defense Manual 03
Location Residential Area - Mars
How to Get
After entering Cydonia, walk down the corridor and look for an orange door marked stairs on your left. This should lead to the Residential Area.

Once inside, follow the stairway until you reach the community center. You'll know you're in the right place if you see some gym equipment as well as some ping-pong tables. From this room, enter the doorway on the left.

From here, go straight and turn right to locate a the UC Marine Barracks. Once inside, the UC Defense Manual 03 should be resting above a table to your left.

UC Defense Manual 04

Jump to a UC Defense Manual!
Manual 01 Manual 02
Manual 03 Manual 04
UC Defense Manual 04 Location
Abandoned Weapon Outpost Hangar UC Defense Manual 04
Location Abandoned Weapon Outpost - Random
How to Get
UC Defense Manual 04 is a randomly generated Skill Magazine that appears in Abandoned Weapons Outposts and Abandoned Weapon Stations.

These outposts have been observed to typically appear on Moons, but could possibly appear on some planets as well. Once you're able to locate one, keep an eye out for structures with a second floor. We found ours in Piazzi III-A in the Piazzi star system.

The Magazine should be behind a set of orange locked doors on the second floor of a structure within the outpost.

All Skill Magazine Locations

UC Defense Manual Perks

UC Defense Manual Bonus Effects

Number of Magazines Collected Bonus Effect
1 Magazine Slightly increases magazine size and weapon bash critical chance for all Allied Armaments guns.
2-5 Magazines Further increases magazine size and weapon bash critical chance for all Allied Armaments guns. (Stacking)

Collecting certain numbers of UC Defense Manuals will give you corresponding permanent buffs. These buffs focus on providing additional damage to all weapons made by the Allied Armaments.

Allied Armaments Weapons

The Allied Armaments Weapons that are affected by the buffs you will receive from collecting Gunslinger's Guides are as follows:

List of All Weapons and Stats Explained

How to Use Skill Magazines

Collect for Permanent Bonus Effects

Starfield - UC Defense Manual 02
Obtaining Skill Magazines will automatically give you permanent bonus effects based on the number of magazines you've collected in a certain category. Whether you decide to sell or drop the magazine after getting it will not affect the buffs you've received.

Effects Carry Over to New Game Plus

Starfield - New Game Plus Skill Magazine
Bonus effects from collecting Skill Magazines will remain in your New Game Plus playthrough. This will also allow you to gain new effects after obtaining similar magazines you've gathered in different universes.

After activating all bonus effects, the Skill Magazines will no longer have any bonus descriptions and are only good for selling.

Everything That Carries Over to New Game+

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