Starfield Shattered Space

All Outpost Miscellaneous Modules

Miscellaneous Modules are a type of module that you can place in an Outpost in Starfield. Read on to see a list of all Miscellaneous Modules, their types, and their functions!

Best Miscellaneous Modules Modules to Get

Self-Service Bounty Clearance For Outlaws

The most difficult thing about having a bounty on your head is trying to access major cities and settlements. Sometimes, there are multiple factions patrolling a planet's atmosphere, and if one of them have a bounty on you, that faction ship will turn hostile and start firing at you.

This results in your ship exploding, or you destroying that faction ship. If you destroy that faction's ship, then the other faction ships will also turn hostile against you, and the process starts over again.

Having a Self-Service Bounty Clearance on an uninhabited planet or moon allows you to avoid that viscious cycle.

Crew Stations for Outpost Productivity

The Crew Stations allow you to assign crew members to outposts that have them. These assigned crew members can increase the productivity of your outposts, exponentially increasing the amount of resources and credits you can earn.

Cargo Link - Inter-Systems for Outpost Resource Management

Cargo Link - Inter-Systems allow you to autonomously move the resources from one of your outposts to any of your other outposts across the universe. Having all of your resources readily available in one convenient location can save you plenty of time and effort.

All Outpost Miscellaneous Modules Explained

Outpost Management and Utility Modules

Miscellaneous modules grant the outpost various utility functions such as building ships, clearing your bounty, and stationing crew members.

These modules can also help with Outpost management, allowing you to create an Outpost for resource farming, and having all the resources transferred to your main outpost.

All Outpost Miscellaneous Module Types and Functions

Name Function Types
Scan Booster Increases the range of Scans. ・Scan Booster
・Scan Booster - Advanced
・Scan Booster - Military Grade
Cargo Links By building one in two separate Outposts, these allow you to transfer goods from the outgoing cargo link to the incoming cargo link. ・Cargo Link
・Cargo Links - Inter-System
Crew Station Allows you to assign Crew Members to your Outposts. ・Crew Station
Landing Pads Allows you to land directly in your Outpost, and the shipbuilder variant allows you to buy and modify ships. ・Landing Pad - Small
・Landing Pad with Ship Builder
Mission Boards Review Missions while at your Outpost. ・Mission Board
・Constellation Mission Board
Self-Service Bounty Clearance Remove any bounties placed on your character. ・Self-Service Bounty Clearance

List of All Outpost Miscellaneous Modules

All Known Outpost Miscellaneous Modules

Module Required Power Required Resources
Cargo Link None Aluminum x12
Iron x20
Beryllium x2
Zero Wire x2
Cargo Link - Inter-System 5 HE-3 Aluminum x12
Iron x20
Reactive Gauge x3
Comm Relay x1
Constellation Mission Board None Aluminum x4
Beryllium x2
Zero Wire x2
Crew Station None Aluminum x5
Iron x2
Nickel x3
Landing Pad - Small None Aluminum x8
Iron x20
Landing Pad with Shipbuilder None Iron x30
Beryllium x2
Adaptive Frame x18
Zero Wire x2
Mission Board None Aluminum x4
Aluminum x4
Beryllium x2
Beryllium x2
Zero Wire x2
Scan Booster 3 Power Aluminum x4
Copper x3
Beryllium x2
Scan Booster - Advanced 6 Power Aluminum x5
Isocentered Magnet x1
Zero Wire x3
Comm Relay x1
Scan Booster - Military Grade 12 Power Aluminum x6
Supercooled Magnet x1
Comm Relay x2
Paramagnon Conductor x1
Self-Service Bounty Clearance None Aluminum x4
Beryllium x2
Zero Wire x2

How to Get Outpost Miscellaneous Modules

Craft Them Using Resources

All modules have a required amount of resources to craft them. Once you've acquired these resources, you can store them in your inventory, with your companion, or on your ship and the game will still consider the crafting conditions met.

Take note that some modules also require power while others have a hard limit on how many of those modules you can craft.

Starfield Related Guides

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