Starfield Shattered Space

Sarah Morgan Romance Guide: All Likes and Dislikes

Starfield - Sarah Morgan Companion Guide

Sarah Morgan is a crew member and possible romance option in Starfield. Read on to learn how to romance Sarah Morgan, her likes and dislikes, how to recruit and where to find Sarah Morgan, and her skills.

Sarah Morgan Romance Guide and Walkthrough

How to Romance Sarah Morgan
How to Unlock Romance Dialogue Options
Likes and Dislikes

Romanceable After In Memoriam Quest

Sarah Morgan becomes a romanceable companion once you finish her companion quest In Memoriam.

After completing her quest, speak with Sarah Morgan in the Lodge and choose the Romance dialogue to start romancing her.

All Romance Options

Sarah Morgan Romance Dialogue Options

Sarah Morgan Dialogue Response
"You've always been there when I needed your help. Why you continue to support me, I'll never understand." (Flirt) "It's because I love you, Sarah."
"Someone like that would be wonderful. Wait a second. What exactly are you saying?" (Romance) "I'm saying I love you, Sarah. Now and forever."

In Memoriam

Sarah Morgan's Dialogue
"You've always been there when I needed your help. Why you continue to support me, I'll never understand. "
Flirt " It's because I love you, Sarah. "

To start romancing Sarah Morgan, you need to increase her approval ot a significant level until she gives you the In Memoriam side quest. She'll share that she wans to head back to her survival camp in Cassiopeia to grant herself peace and closure from her memories.

Advance her dialogue and then choose the Flirt option to express your romantic interest in her.

In Memoriam Rewards

Romancing Sarah Morgan

Sarah Morgan's Dialogue
"Someone like that would be wonderful. Wait a second. What exactly are you saying? "
Friendship "No matter what happens, we'll aways be close friends."
Romance "I'm saying I love you, Sarah. Now and forever."

At the end of the In Memoriam quest, speak with Sarah Morgan in the Lodge where she will tell you that she's glad that you accompanied her in finding closure and reconciling her past.

Sarah will wonder if she's destined to push away everyone she meets. You are given two dialogue options, one for Friendship and Romance. Choose I'm saying I love you, Sarah. Now and forever to take Sarah as a romantic partner.

Once romanced, a Flirt dialogue option is always present when conversing with Sarah in the Lodge or as an active companion. Continue improving her affinity and you can eventually propose Marriage to her after getting the quest Commitment: Sarah Morgan.

Sarah Morgan Likes and Dislikes

Sarah Morgan Likes

Sarah will like you if you treat other characters fairly, avoiding any means of bloodshed if possible, this includes quest related choices. On the other hand, Sarah will respond negatively if you injure civillians, and will abandon you if you kill one.

  • Letting her speak to Jack in Cydonia about Moara's bar tab during The Old Neighborhood.
  • Donate 20000 credits to Taye's mom, Anna Imani in the residential area of Cydnonia.
  • Convincing Sona to live in The Lodge during her companion quest In Memoriam.
  • Choosing the Microbe option when asked how to deal with the Terrormorphs in A Legacy Forged.
  • Rejecting Ron Hope's bribe and agreeing to take him in during The Hammer Falls.
  • Siding with UCSysDef during Legacy's End.
  • Convincing the Ryujin Board Members to shelve the Internal Neuroamp during Executive Level.
  • Rejecting Maldonado's offer and siding with Bonifac during Missed the Mark.

Sarah Morgan Dislikes

  • Accepting Emilio Hadek's bribe during Out on a Limb.
  • Accepting Nyssa Marcano's request to retrieve her impounded shipment during Distilling Confidence.
  • Attacking NPCs with Starborn Powers.
  • Telling the Cabinet to open and access the Armstice Archives during Eyewitness.
  • Letting Sona stay in Cassiopeia I during her companion quest In Memoriam.
  • Choosing the Aceles option when asked how to deal with the Terrormorphs in A Legacy Forged.
  • Accepting Maldonado's offer and killing Bonifac during Missed the Mark.

How to Recruit Sarah Morgan

Complete The Old Neighborhood Quest

Starfield - Recruiting Sarah Morgan

Sarah Morgan can be recruited after completing The Old Neighborhood quest. After this mission, you can assign her as your companion or assign her to your ship or outpost.

The Old Neighborhood Walkthrough

Sarah Morgan Overview

Companion Profile

Sarah Morgan Overview
Starfield - Sarah Morgan Profile: Ex-solder and adventurer, now Constellation's leader
Faction: Constellation
Romance Option: Yes
How to Get: Complete The Old Neighborhood

Sarah Morgan Skills

All Companion Skills

Skill Rank
AstrodynamicsAstrodynamics ★★★★
LasersLasers ★★★
LeadershipLeadership ★★

Best Assignments for Sarah Morgan

Great as a Companion

As a leader, Sarah's skills suggest she's best suited to join you in exploration rather than be assigned as a crew member in a ship or outpost. Leadership also helps makes it easier to gain affinity with her. If assigned to a ship, she'll still help greatly by improving your ship's grav drive with Astrodynamics.

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2 Anonymousover 1 year

Hear Lin is best for outposts....ill be testing that in the near future

1 Anonymousover 1 year

You missed lin as a crew member


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