Starfield Shattered Space

Best Cyberneticist Build

This is a guide on the best build for the Cyberneticist Background in Starfield. Find out the best Cyberneticist build, the best traits for Cyberneticist, its starting skills, and how to play as a Cyberneticist!

Best Cyberneticist Build

Best Skills for Cyberneticist

Starfield -  Armor Penetration Skill
Armor Penetration
Starfield -  Boost Pack Training Skill
Boost Pack Training
Starfield -  Chemistry Skill
Starfield -  Lasers Skill
Starfield -  Medicine Skill
Starfield -  Rifle Certification Skill
Rifle Certification
Starfield -  Robotics Skill
Starfield -  Security Skill
Starfield -  Wellness Skill

As a Cyberneticist, you're knowledgeable about the best of man and machine and how to make the most of them together. By default, you've learned Medicine to make healing more effective, so Chemistry could be useful to go with it to make chems. Wellness boosts your health, which should go well with better healing.

Cyberneticists are also skilled with Lasers, making energy weapons more effective. Having compatible skills like Armor Penetration and Rifle Certification ensures that you will have a significantly higher damage output. Robots are just playthings to you, so learning Robotics can ensure these are destroyed more easily.

Cyberneticists also start with Security, so you're able to pick more difficult locks out of the gate. You'll also want to invest in improving Tech Skills, such as Boost Pack Training to go well with your enhancements.

List of All Skills

Best Weapons for Cyberneticist

Weapon Type Damage Ammo Type
Starfield - Ember Ember Laser Pistol Engy 1.5KV LZR
Starfield - Orion Orion Laser Rifle Engy 3KV LZR
Starfield - Unmitigated Violence Unmitigated Violence Laser Rifle Engy 3KV LZR

Cyberneticists start with proficiency in Lasers, so it's natural to want to use Laser Weapons. You can take your pick between Laser Pistols and Rifles.

Best Weapons: Weapon Tier List

Best Armor for Cyberneticist

Because the Cyberneticist has skills that are suitable for combat, equipping armor that can resist all types of damage is advisable.

Best Armor Sets

Cyberneticist Best Traits

Best Traits for Cyberneticist

Starfield -  Empath
You are deeply connected to the feelings of others. Performing actions your companion likes will result in a temporary increase in combat effectiveness. But. performing actions they don't like will have the precise opposite effect.
Starfield -  Raised Enlightened
Raised Enlightened
You grew up as a member of the Enlightened. You gain access to a special chest full of items in the House of the Enlightened in New Atlantis, but lose access to the Sanctum Universum chest. (Can't be combined with any other religion trait.)
Starfield -  Spaced
Your body has become acclimated to space. Health and oxygen are increased when in space. but decreased when on the surface. (Can't be combined with Terra Firma.)

The Cyberneticist wants the best of man and machine in one, so the Empath trait is a good fit to boost your combat effectiveness when you understand your companions. Raised Enlightened can also be added to acquire items unique to this science-based religion. Spaced can complement the health boost of Wellness and can be managed with Medicine.

Best Traits

Cyberneticist Starting Skills and Overview

Cyberneticist Starting Skills

Starting Skills Description
Starfield -  Lasers Skill
Personal laser weapons are in widespread use across the Settled Systems, and specialized training can greatly increase their effectiveness.
Starfield -  Medicine Skill
Only through advancements in medical training and technology has humanity been able to withstand the galaxy's many dangers.
Starfield -  Security Skill
While the standardized digital locking mechanism is renowned for its security, any code can be broken with the proper training.

Cyberneticist Description

Cyberneticist Flavor Text
Robots? Mere toys. Neuroamps? Good for parlor tricks. The Colony War may have made implants and upgrades available to veterans, but you once saw a greater future. Humans and machines, as one.

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