Starfield Shattered Space

Should You Betray Delgado?

Starfield - Should You Betray Delgado
You will be prompted to betray Delgado during Eye of the Storm in Starfield. Learn if you should betray Delgado and whether to side with UC SysDef or the Crimson Fleet!

All Betray Delgado Choices and Consequences

Side With UC SysDef or Crimson Fleet?

Choice Consequences
Betray Delgado Siding with UC SysDef during Eye of the Storm.
(Companions will approve.)
Betray Commander Ikande Siding with the Crimson Fleet during Eye of the Storm.
(Companions will disapprove. )

At the end of the quest Eye of the Storm, you'll need to decide whether to grav jump to the UC Vigilance or grav jump to The Key after retrieving the Galbank credits from The Legacy.

Grav jumping to the UC Vigilance will cause you to betray Delgado and side with UC SysDef, while grav jumping to The Key will cause you to betray Commander Ikande and side with the Crimson Fleet. Once you make your choice, it's locked once you start the next quest Legacy's End.

Legacy's End Walkthrough

Should You Betray Delgado?

Siding with UC SysDef
(Betray Delgado)
Siding with Crimson Fleet
(Betray Ikande)
✓ 250,000 Credits
✓ SysDef Formal Uniform
✓ UC SysDef Mission Board
✓ Delgado's Outfit
✓ Tempest Rifle
✓ Companion Likes
Lose access to:
✗ Crimson Fleet Mission Board
✗ Merchants in the Key
✗ Mathis as crew member
✓ 250,000 Credits
✓ Crimson Fleet Mission Board
✓ Ikande's SysDef Officer Uniform
✓ Unfair Advantage Pistol
✓ Crimson Fleet won't attack you
✗ Companion Dislikes ✗ Possibly bug other quests Lose access to:
✗ UC SysDef Mission Board
✗ UC Vigilance

Recommended to Betray Delgado and Side with UC SysDef

Starfield - Betray Delgado

The rewards between for either choice are virtually identical, but siding with Crimson Fleet risks bugging your game, depending on your progress through the main story and other side quests. We recommend betraying Delgado and siding with the UC SysDef so you can avoid bugs and quest blocks when siding with the Crimson Fleet.

The Crimson Fleet pops up as antagonists in several main quests, side quests, and repeatable mission board quests. Allying with them can prevent progress since the Crimson Fleet won't attack you.

Siding with UC SysDef prevents you from encountering these bugs and will allow you to finish these quests without incurring a bounty with the Crimson Fleet that you'll need to pay.

Access to UC SysDef Rewards

Starfield - Deep Cover Speak to Commander Ikande in the Operations Center
Betraying Delgado will reward you with 250,000 Credits and the SysDef Formal Uniform and continued access to the UC SysDef Mission Board. Additionally, you'll also get Delgado's Outfit and his weapon, the Tempest, if you kill him.

Your 4 main companions will also approve of your decision.

Conversely, betraying Delgado will cause you to lose access to the Crimson Fleet's mission board, the merchants in The Key, as well as Mathis as a crew member if you decide to have Delgado keep him during Echoes of the Past.

Not Recommended to Betray Commander Ikande Instead

Starfield - Confront Commander Ikande

We don't recommend betraying Commander Ikande and siding with the Crimson Fleet. Siding with the Crimson Fleet means all Crimson Fleet pirates will be allied to you and attacking them will incur a bounty that you need to clear at The Key.

This poses problems progressing certain main quests, side quests, and mission board quests where they show up as antagonists as they can essentially block your progress since you need to kill Crimson Fleet members.

While it's possible to use Stealth and kill Crimson Fleet members without getting caught, certain missions that take place in space, such as the Rough Landings side quest, requires you to take out Crimson Fleet ships that you can't destroy undetected and will incur an expensive bounty with the Crimson Fleet.

Access to Crimson Fleet Rewards

Starfield - Speak with Delgado
Betraying Commander Ikande will reward you with 250,000 Credits and access to the Crimson Fleet Mission Board. Additionally, if you'll also get Ikande's SysDef Officer Uniform and his weapon, the Unfair Advantage, if you kill him.

Additionally, all Crimson Fleet encountered in the game will no longer attack you.

Conversely, betraying Commander Ikande will cause you to lose access to the UC SysDef mission board and the UC Vigilance. Although this will not give you notoriety across the United Colonies, your 4 main companions will disapprove of your decision.

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1 Anonymousover 1 year

If you’ve picked up the data shards throughout the quest line you can give them to Lt Toft for more rewards


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