Starfield Shattered Space

Where to Sell Contraband

Starfield - How to Smuggle Contraband

Contraband in Starfield can be smuggled into planets and cities possibly by adding special ship parts, starting a trading business, or bribery. Find out how to smuggle contraband and where to sell them in this guide.

Where to Sell Contraband

Trade Authority Vendors

Starfield - Trade Authority in Neon, Volii Alpha - Volii

You can sell contraband to Trade Authority Vendors without consequences. One of the early encounters with them is in The Well in New Atlantis. However, note that bringing contraband into UC Vanguard territory from outside will result in it being confiscated if you don't smuggle it successfully.

Go to The Well by heading to one of two elevators in the MAST District, one nearby the Transit Station, and one behind Jemison Mercantile. Once you're in The Well, find an establishment named Trade Authority and talk to Zoe Kaminski near the front desk.

All Trade Authority Locations

Sell to Marcel Duris at The Den

Starfield - The Den - Wolf Star System

The easiest way to sell contraband is to go to The Den's Trade Authority branch in the Wolf star system. Find Marcel Duris at the west side of The Den.

There are no factions that will scan you as you enter this star system, making it possible to sell contraband without needing to install special ship modules or spending skill points in Deception skill.

Wolf Star System Location, Planets, and Stats

Chati Chandra at the Red Mile

Starfield - Sati Chandra

Find the bartender of the Red Mile, Chati Chandra, and sell her the contrabands in your posession. The Red Mile is located in planet Porrima III of the Porrima star system.

There aren't any scanners in this star system, so it's safe to travel here if you're carrying your contraband.

Red Mile Location Guide

List of All Contraband

All Contraband Values

Item Estimated Base Value
Xenowarfare Tech 16,110 Credits
Stolen Artwork 15,600 Credits
Sentient AI Adapters 14,840 Credits
Harvested Organs 13,500 Credits
Mech Components 12,290 Credits
Black Market Antiquities 11,260 Credits
Va'ruun Heretic Writings 8,190 Credits
Aurora 760 Credits

You can also get a crate of a contraband as loot which is equivalent to five pieces of a certain type!

How to Smuggle Contraband

Smuggling Contraband Tips

Install Special Ship Modules

Smuggling contraband into planets like Jemison can be done by puchasing special ship modules to hide these illegal items. You can purchase a Scan Jammer and a Shielded Cargo Hold to decrease the chances of getting caught with a contraband once you have landed on a planet.

List of All Ship Parts

Purchased at The Key in Kryx Star System

The Key, located in the Kryx Star System, is the main hideout of the Crimson Fleet. To purchase goods for smuggling, you'll need to join the Crimson Fleet via their questline, starting during the Deep Cover quest.

How to Join Crimson Fleet Faction: Questline and Location

Add Skill Points to Deception Skill

Starfield - Deception Deception

You can use your skill points to upgrade your Deception skill. This skill decreases the chance of getting caught with a contraband in the ship by 10% and at 50% once you have fully upgraded it.

Deception Skill Rank Up Guide

How to Get Contraband

Farm at the Almagest Casino

Starfield - Contraband in the Casino

You can get random contraband from the Contraband Cache at the Almagest Casino. The Contraband Cache is located behind the Jackpot Backend terminal, so it's easy to miss.

To farm contrabands in the Almagest Casino, you have to sleep for at least 306 hours UT outside of it. A way to do this is to sleep on a planet like Pluto where one day is equivalent to around 150 hours UT.

If successful, the enemies in The Almagest Casino should spawn again, and the Contraband Cache's contents should also refresh!

How to Find the Casino Jackpot Combination

How to Reach Almagest Casino

The Almagest Casino is found in the Olympus Star System. Dock at the Almagest space station near the planet Nesoi to reach it. Inside, head to the second floor where you'll find the Jackpot Backend terminal.

Hijack Crimson Fleet Ships

Starfield - Contraband in a Ship

You can get some contraband by boarding pirate ships. The surefire way to encounter pirate ships is to accept Bounty Missions that require you to destroy a certain Crimson Fleet ship!

How to Hijack and Board Ships

How to Identify Contraband

Check If the Item Has a Yellow Icon

Starfield - Harvested Organs in the Inventory

Contraband has a yellow icon when you view them from your inventory.

Red and Yellow Item Icons Explained

Starfield Related Guides


List of All Items

List of All Items

List of All Item Types
Contraband Aid Food and Drink
Ammo - -


6 Anonymousover 1 year

Sold contraband at the bar in Red Mile to Sati Chandra

5 Repinskiover 1 year

Black Market Antiquities Mass: 3.50 Value: 11260 Harvested Organs Mass: 3.00 Value: 13500


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