Starfield Shattered Space

Preventive Action Rewards and How to Unlock

Starfield - Preventive Action Rewards and How to Unlock
Preventive Action is a repeating and optional faction quest in Starfield. See how to unlock Preventive Action, rewards, and how to complete it.

Preventive Action Rewards and Unlock Condition

How to Unlock and Rewards

Planet Started Jemison, Alpha Centauri
Location Subsection Seven
Faction UC Vanguard
Prerequisites None
Quest Giver Vae Victus
Rewards EXP: 125
Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits

Talk to Vae Victis After Lying in A Legacy Forged

Starfield - Preventive Action - Talk to Vae Victis
You can get Preventive Action after lying to the Cabinet and Hadrian about Vae Victis' involvement about the Terrormorph attacks during A Legacy Forged. Talk to him back in his cell in Subsection Seven to start the quest.
Should You Turn In Vae Victis?

Preventive Action Walkthrough and Objectives

Main Objectives

  1. Collect the Details on the Target
  2. Eliminate the Target

1. Collect the Details on the Target

Starfield - Preventive Action - Collect Details
After talking to Vae Victis, collect the slate near his cell to find the details about your target. You don't have to read the slate and just follow the quest marker to progress.

2. Eliminate the Target

Starfield - Preventive Action - Eliminate Target
Eliminate the target on the planet mentioned in the slate. It should appear in the quest menu as well. The location of the target is random and vary from player to player.

(Optional) Return to Vae Victis and Obtain the Next Target

Starfield - Preventive Action - Return to Vae Victis
You can go back to Vae Victis and do this quest again. Since it will always pin you to abandoned or deserted outposts, it's a good way to explore areas and planets in the galaxy while earning a few XP, Credits, and rare equipment from your targets.

Starfield Related Guides

UC Vanguard Questline

Quest Rewards
1 Supra Et Ultra EXP: 275
2 Grunt Work EXP: 250
UC Vanguard Pilot Pack
UC Space Helmet
UC Spacesuit
3 Delivering Devils EXP: 250
4 Eyewitness EXP: 350
5 Friends Like These EXP: 350
・UC Citizen ID
The Well Apartment
6 The Devils You Know EXP: 150
7 War Relics EXP: 250
8 Hostile Intelligence EXP: 350
9 A Legacy Forged EXP: 350
Mercury Tower Penthouse

UC Vanguard Optional Quests

Quest Rewards
1 Preventive Action EXP: 125
2 Search and Seizure EXP: 200
3 Two Tales Two Cities EXP: 200
4 Vanguard: Bug Hunt EXP: 150
5 Apex Predator EXP: 150
6 Vanguard: Safer Skies EXP: 125


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