Starfield Shattered Space

List of All Location IDs (DLC Updated)

This is a list of all Location IDs. Read on for a full list of location IDs you can use with Starfield's console commands!

List of All Location IDs for Starfield

※ Search for a specific Location ID below.

Note: On mobile, swipe sideways to scroll horizontally. On desktop, hover your cursor over the table, hold Shift, and use the mouse wheel to scroll.
Location Location ID Console Command
COE Plaza Akila City CityAkilaCityCoePlaza01 coc CityAkilaCityCoePlaza01
Ship Technician Akila City CityAkilaSpaceport01 coc CityAkilaSpaceport01
Stoneroot Inn Akila City CityAkilaCityStonerootInn coc CityAkilaCityStonerootInn
The Rock Akila City CityAkilaTheRock01 coc CityAkilaTheRock01
Galbank New Atlantis CityNewAtlantisGalbankArchives coc CityNewAtlantisGalbankArchives
Jemison Mercantile New Atlantis CityNewAtlantisJemisonMercantileStoreRoom coc CityNewAtlantisJemisonMercantileStoreRoom
United Colonies Security and Safety (UCSEC) New Atlantis CityNewAtlantisUCSecurityOffice coc CityNewAtlantisUCSecurityOffice
The Viewport Tavern New Atlantis NAViewport coc NAViewport
Waterfall Promenade New Atlantis NAWaterFallDistrict01 coc NAWaterFallDistrict01
Centaurion Arsenal New Atlantis CityNewAtlantisStoreCentaurianArsenal coc CityNewAtlantisStoreCentaurianArsenal
CJ's New Atlantis CityNewAtlantisStoreCJs coc CityNewAtlantisStoreCJs
EIT Clothiers New Atlantis CityNewAtlantisStoreEITClothiers coc CityNewAtlantisStoreEITClothiers
Outland New Atlantis CityNewAtlantisStoreOutland coc CityNewAtlantisStoreOutland
Sanctum Universum Church New Atlantis CityNewAtlantisSanctumUniversum coc CityNewAtlantisSanctumUniversum
Freestar Collective Embassy New Atlantis NAEmbassyFreestarExt01 coc NAEmbassyFreestarExt01
House Va'ruun Embassy New Atlantis NAEmbassyVaruunExt01 coc NAEmbassyVaruunExt01
Infinity LTD Corporate Headquarters New Atlantis LC051InfinityHQ coc LC051InfinityHQ
Ship Technician New Atlantis NewAtlantisSpaceport coc NewAtlantisSpaceport
The Lodge New Atlantis CityNewAtlantisLodgeInt coc CityNewAtlantisLodgeInt
MAST New Atlantis NAMastStation01 coc NAMastStation01
Reliant Medical Neon CityNeonReliantMedical coc CityNeonReliantMedical
The Volii Hotel Neon CityNeonVoliiHotel coc CityNeonVoliiHotel
Enhance! (Neon) Neon CityNeonEnhance coc CityNeonEnhance
Neon Security HQ Neon CityNeonNeonSecurity coc CityNeonNeonSecurity
Astral Lounge Neon CityNeonTradeTowerAstralLounge coc CityNeonTradeTowerAstralLounge
The Emporium Neon CityNeonEmporium coc CityNeonEmporium
Stroud-Eklund Showroom Neon CityNeonTradeTowerStroudEklund coc CityNeonTradeTowerStroudEklund
Sieghart's Outfitters Neon CityNeonSieghartsOutfitters coc CityNeonSieghartsOutfitters
Legrande's Liquors Neon CityNeonLegrandesLiquors coc CityNeonLegrandesLiquors
Ryujin Industries Neon LC044RyujinIndustriesHQ coc LC044RyujinIndustriesHQ
Mining League Neon CityNeonMiningLeague coc CityNeonMiningLeague
Madame Sauvage's Place Ebbside - Neon CityNeonMadameSauvage coc CityNeonMadameSauvage
Euphorika Ebbside - Neon CityNeonEuphorika coc CityNeonEuphorika
Midtown Minerals Akila City CityAkilaCityMidtownMinerals coc CityAkilaCityMidtownMinerals
Galbank Akila City CityAkilaCityGalBank coc CityAkilaCityGalBank
Sanctum Universum Akila City CityAkilaCitySanctumUniversum coc CityAkilaCitySanctumUniversum
House of The Enlightened Akila City CityAkilaCityHouseoftheEnlightened coc CityAkilaCityHouseoftheEnlightened
Laredo Firearms Akila City CityAkilaLaredoArms coc CityAkilaLaredoArms
Akila City Consulate Akila City CityAkilaCityConsulate coc CityAkilaCityConsulate
Taiyo Astroneering Showroom Neon SettleTaiyoStore coc SettleTaiyoStore
TerraBrew Coffee Akila City CityAkilaCityTerrabrew coc CityAkilaCityTerrabrew
Trade Authority Akila City CityAkilaCityTradeAuthority coc CityAkilaCityTradeAuthority
Cartwright Manor Akila City CityAkilaCityCartwrightManor coc CityAkilaCityCartwrightManor
Coe Estate Akila City CityAkilaCityCoeEstate coc CityAkilaCityCoeEstate
Filburn Agricultural Systems Akila City CityAkilaCityFilburnAgricultural coc CityAkilaCityFilburnAgricultural
Akila Prison Akila City CityAkilaCityPrison coc CityAkilaCityPrison
Langston Manor Akila City CityAkilaCityLangstonManor coc CityAkilaCityLangstonManor
Lance Estate Akila City CityAkilaCityLanceEstate coc CityAkilaCityLanceEstate
Akila Guard Barracks Akila City CityAkilaCityBarracks coc CityAkilaCityBarracks
Xenofresh Ebbside - Neon LC168Xenofresh coc LC168Xenofresh
UC Distribution Center New Atlantis CityNewAtlantisStoreUCDistribution coc CityNewAtlantisStoreUCDistribution
Armistice Archives New Atlantis CityNewAtlantisArmisticeArchives coc CityNewAtlantisArmisticeArchives
Deimos Staryard Deimos Staryard ssSettleDeimosStaryard coc ssSettleDeimosStaryard
Red Mile Red Mile SettleRedMile01 coc SettleRedMile01
Vaʼruun Depository
Dazra City SFBGS001DazraVaruunDepository coc SFBGS001DazraVaruunDepository
Meat House
Dazra City SFBGS001DazraMeatHouse coc SFBGS001DazraMeatHouse
Alteration Clinic
Dazra City SFBGS001DazraAlternationClinic coc SFBGS001DazraAlternationClinic
Halls of Healing
Dazra City SFBGS001DazraHallsofHealingLobby coc SFBGS001DazraHallsofHealingLobby
Goods Exchange
Dazra City SFBGS001DazraGoodsExchange coc SFBGS001DazraGoodsExchange
Keep Armory
Dazra City SFBGS001DazraTheKeep coc SFBGS001DazraTheKeep
Dazra City
Dazra City DazraCityLandingPad01 coc DazraCityLandingPad01
Vacant House
Dazra City DazraCityExt06 coc DazraCityExt06
House Ka'dic
Dazra City SFBGS001DazraHouseKadicInt01 coc SFBGS001DazraHouseKadicInt01
Hajtal Household
Dazra City SFBGS001DazraHajtalHomeInt01 coc SFBGS001DazraHajtalHomeInt01

How to Use Location IDs

Use with Console Commands to Teleport Instantly

Command coc [location id]
Example coc CityNewAtlantisArmisticeArchives

Location IDs are used in the Console Command. This feature is only available on the PC, so you can't teleport to locations with this method if you're playing on the Xbox.

Here's how to open the Console Command and put in your chosen Location IDs:

  1. Press the tilde (~) key to open the console
  2. Type in the command and hit enter
  3. Exit the console with the tilde (~) key

Console Commands Guide

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Console Commands List and Guide

Console Commands List and Best Cheats

Console Command Guides

Item IDs and Codes
Item IDs Weapon IDs
Unique and Legendary Weapon IDs Weapon Modifier IDs
Armor and Weapon Quality Level IDs Mod IDs
Armor IDs Apparel IDs
Unique and Legendary Armor IDs Armor Modifier IDs
Perk IDs Aid IDs
Ammo IDs Food IDs
Resource and Material IDs Location IDs
Quest IDs Starborn Power IDs
Trait IDs Background IDs
Ship IDs Skill Magazine IDs
Faction IDs Enemy IDs
Shattered Space DLC IDs -
Console Commands
NoClip Command Increase Carry Weight Console Command


3 Anonymousover 1 year

when the hell is this gunna be updated with cydonia?

2 Anonymousover 1 year



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